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Do you really LOVE?

LOVE is not won by offering expensive things and spoiling someone. Love is shown by helping
someone, understanding them and putting them on the top of the list when it comes to priorities.
Where is LOVE coming from? Do you really LOVE your soulmate? Well, LOVE means Listening,
Overlook, Value and Encourage. If you do this with the person that you love, you can say that you
truly love them. Love is something we feel everyday. It can be love that we give to our parents,
friends, brothers, sisters or pets. This love can’t be expressed by one thing in particular, it is a mix of
events that happen in our life with the ones we love and care about. Love is not about giving your
soulmate an expensive gift thinking that now he/she will know definitely that I love her so much, it is
not about going in expensive vacations to show that you love her/him and that you want to treat
her/him the best. Showing someone that you love them is about waking up and thinking about them
before checking your phone, is about putting them on the top of your priorities list, is about being for
them when they need you.

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