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To this end, we use the Finite Element Method, in short: FEM.

We will agree with you on a suitable

model, which we then examine in three dimensions, if desired and appropriate. Our engineers will
evaluate these 3D FEM calculations for you. In doing so, we document the results completely and
comprehensibly in a verifiable report.

To this end we have used the Finite Element Method software Sofistik. We produced a suitable model,
which we have examined very well and we evaluated the 3D calculations. In doing so, we believe that
we have well documented the results completely and comprehensibly in a verifiable report that you get
from us.

We are also able to share with you our FEM model, please be aware that I have used a combination of
SSD (Structural Sofistik Desktop) with Sofiplus-X for the 3D geometry and Teddy (.dat files) for the
creation of the cross-sections, CSM, the superpositions of loads, calculation of stresses, eigenvalues and
SLS reinforcement design. If you have questions along the process please feel free to contact us in order
to jointly agree on any sign of question that arise.

A priori of the final design of the frame corner monolithic connection, we have the intention to propose
some details related to the supporting of the girders, reinforcement, etc., in order to jointly agree on a
suitable constructible final design.

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