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A Day in my life

I get up at 5 a.m., immediately I do some exercise, then I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth
while I shave my face. Then I go to the kitchen to prepare a delicious breakfast, finally at 6:30 am I
leave my house, take the bus and go to my work.

I work with very nice people, at the time of the break we have lunch and we talk a little, and once
in a while I smoke a cigarette. After that I do some things on my pc, check the email, later I check
some important documents but after I have a cup of coffee.

As soon as it gets dark, I prepare to go to my house, first I go to visit my relatives, then I will visit
my girlfriend and we go out to dinner. When I arrive at my house, I watch TV from 9pm to 11pm.
But before put on my pajama, I brush my teeth and finally I go to bed.

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