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Since the beginning every civilization has been fighting a war against the system, but that

war cannot be fighted with guns, because the state owns the monopoly of the armed forces.

It has been difficult to find the right way to fight but the art (music, paintings, etc..) had
always been on the civilization side as a form of free expression telling the whole truth to the

That's the reason why i say that graffiti is a passive way of revolution, giving to the artist the
space to draw and paint whatever they want to tell.

in Chile lately, we have been fighting against inequality, if you walk on the streets of the
center in any city you can find different forms of expression written or drawn on the street
walls, there are many phrases that are repeated again and again and in many cases those
are war hymns that everybody protesting screams out loud. 

this is one example of why the graffiti is an art form that permits to the people to
communicate with each other even if we live on a distracting world, and it give to us the
weapons that we don't have to fight against and undefeated enemy that is the corrupted

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