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 Cooperate

In times like this, we need to cooperate with each other so that we can fight the
pandemic in a short period of time. Because the situation right now is getting more
serious. With you just staying at home, you are helping to fight the virus by not
being infected and spreading it to other people. The more we cooperate the faster
this thing will end.

 Heal
When talking about healing, it is not just about being sick. What I am talking
about is this is the time for you to also heal your soul. By taking care of yourself
more and doing things that can bring you a piece of mind. This is also the time for
you to be with your family. You can also try and discover new things about
yourself that you didn’t know before.

 Reflect
This is the perfect time for you to reflect on things. What are the things that you
accomplished last year? The things that you want to change within you. Or think
about the goals you want in your life in the future. Reflecting can help you clear
your mind and it can make you ready to face more challenges in life.

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