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I skipped day 4, so I’d better start early today

5 things I’m grateful for:

1. MY FAMILY. We fight sometimes (especially my sis and me), but we

have a great relationship all together and they are the only ones who
would do anything for me, for worse or for better. As getting older, I
realize how wonderful and meaningful the word “family” means to me
2. MY BFF. It’s not us who always have time for each other, but after all, I
can feel her language of affection to me. She’s there, reminding me of
essential things and giving me a shoulder to cry on when ups and downs
3. MY DREAM. What I regretted in last years was I didn’t literally have
something to believe in, to passionate about, to be an advocate for. The
idea of having a dream appeared to me and kept me changing how I used
to live, no longer a compromise, but a firmness.
4. MY DOGS. That seems weird but my canine companions really have a
magically healing effect. I would rather spend hours and hours gazing into
my dogs’ eyes, because they produce a more reliable sense of wellbeing
than spending time in any synthetic human beings’ relationships

One day, I wake up and my parents said: “We lied to you during this whole
time. The fact is we own some international groups and you no longer have to
write these fictional things. Now, get your money and do what you want”

Getting up at the crack of dawn, a cup of tea I take the first. Undertaking some
morning workouts helps enhance my mood while I follow social distancing
measures - not allowed to go out and bask in the sunlight. I eat my breakfast
thanks to my mom and watch my fav movie. A nap after lunch keeps me
conscious during the afternoon to complete some of my personal tasks, some are
done in the evening. Before I go to bed, I will take such light exertions as
stretching or meditation to drag myself out of negative feelings. Facebook and
Instagram are also parts of my life, but I’m trying to restrict myself to 3 hours
per day. I miss my friends too, my day weighs down with sorrow idk why

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