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Once upon time in beautiful frosty land with the

intertwined trees and the magnificent creatures living up

there in that magical land, from the lady bug who lives on
eating the leaves of plants to the wild lion who walk in forest
like king no one dare getting close to him the animals it is the
law of nature who rules this land with the circle of life that
gives and takes from any one today is maybe it is your day
tomorrow maybe not but this is the guide what nature life
stood on and let it continue. every-one was happy and trying
to enjoy every moment of it the lions babies playing with
each-others they seem like they are playing catch and run to
the bees friend group they are collecting flowers nectar and
singing together a beautiful rhymes and melodies following
their bees leader they are having such fun and good time, in
that sunny day up in high the branch of kapok tree there was
flycatcher bird mom who had recently gives birth of her
babies three little beautiful flycatchers babies the mom was
so happy with her partner sitting next to her who has been
very supportive for her, together they build their own nest
their home to receive the new comers the babies and now
they are sharing that big smile covering their faces and a
shining look full of hope and the most important thing is love
what they have to their new born babies what beautiful
moment for the flycatcher birds family the mom and the dad
flycatcher birds it looks like they would give anything to feed
and protect their babies it is like the whole time would stop
and take picture of that magical moments the daddy bird
looked in to mommy bird and said don’t worry honey we will
do it together because we are here for each other’s we will
take care of our babies we will feed and protect them and
show them learn how to spread their wings so they can fly
and feel the freedom of life and after that they can see what
god has given them this blessing grace the ability to fly and
have their family around theme after that they will learn how
to live and maybe someday they will be responsible for their
own family with their partners having little birds together and
we will be grandma and grandpa birds and grow old together
until the last moment of our lives.
The mom bird nods her head with strong confidant and
relief and she said yes honey we will do we will give our best
for our babies and for us to the last moment together we will
share life with its sweeteners and bitterness times so our
children can learn something about loving and taking care
who understand them and feel happy with because good
feelings like love are not enough you have to prove that you
love them by taking care and support them and be there for
them in their happiest and sadness moments and there is no
happiness in this life without having someone who you love
and take care of each-others the mom bird finished her
talking with gentle voice that takes away to endless world of
sweeteners I love you honey you are the best father bird. The
mother bird and the father bird looked and smile to each-
others until the father said me too I love you and I agree with
everything that you said and also you are the best bird
mother that bird father can have next the mommy bird get
close next to her the babies birds so she can worm them up
because they don’t have feather yet the daddy bird put his
arms up his family and promised his self that his family
would be the last thing that he thinks about the parents birds
named their babies Teddy, Hugo and the female was Dolores
there in the nest in the top of tree where emotions are strong
and feelings are high of the mommy and the daddy birds
start singing exploring their joy with soft voice and kind words
oh what bright image and what good license we can take and
learn from this family.

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