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The Little Tom

The little Tom had to work very hard that day,

In fact it was cold and everyone wanted their house warm,
They all set the fire on in their fireplaces.
The first chimney they had to sweep was far away,
the path was long, so they had to walk a lot.

His little hands were getting frozen

and to heat them up a little bit,
He had to blew on them all the time.
He was still sleepy, and he had nothing to eat,
but he had to do his duty,
As the angel told him, in his dream.

He worked all the day, and with every chimney he swept

more dirty he became and more black soot he got on his poor clothes.

But it didn't matter to him: in fact he cleaned every chimney so well that they looked
like mirrors, and they could reflect your image. One in particularly was so bright, the sir
gave him a piece of bread to show his gratitude.

When finally it was time to go home,

he was tired and hungry, for the hard work.
But when he met a homeless,
who was asking for some food,
He didn’t hesitate, sharing his goods.

The elderly man “ You are a kind boy”– he said – “you deserve this prize!
Take this match; when you'll light it up, express a desire!”

As soon as the Little Tom could do

He lighted it up and whispered:
“Please God, make my dream come true”

Answer the questions:

1) Do you think little Tom's dream will come true?
2)Who can the elderly man possibly be?
3)Do you think that doing your duty, it is possible to change your condition?

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