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Taller a de análisis de datos 1

Gabriela Cáez

Un jugador de Car Crash estableció sus puntajes por tipo de

vehículo, 2 puertas, cuatro puertas y otros vehículos, para
verificar si el nivel afectaba los puntajes obtenido para
principiantes. Los resultados aparecen en la siguiente tabla.
Ordene los datos y establezca:

a. La descripción de los datos indicando los estadígrafos.

Diagrama de box-plot de cada nivel y curva normal con
asimetría y curtosis. Plantee las hipótesis

b. Normalidad y homocedasticidad.

c. Asumiendo normalidad determine si se cumple la

hipótesis nula y compare asumiendo normalidad y

Imagen CCO- Wikimedia Commons

Datos: Nathan Tintle, Beth Chance, George Cobb, Allan

Rossman, Soma Roy, Todd Swanson, and Jill VanderStoep. (2014) Introduction to Statistical Investigations.
doors head two 599 four 600 four 815
injury four 585 four 185 four 1467
four 435 two 1036 two 880
four 423 other 1568 four 1254 other 742
other 1603 two 994 other 1764 two 1134
other 1849 other 2613 other 1873 four 2034
two 343 two 551 four 580 four 1047
two 864 two 434 four 1269 two 583
two 733 four 903 four 1564 four 1105
two 585 other 1074 four 968 four 546
four 1328 two 1014 four 943 other 949
four 533 two 479 other 1052 four 405
four 770 two 651 two 758 four 710
four 772 two 970 four 992 four 1983
four 493 two 550 doors head four 1831
other 892 other 977 injury four 1701
other 1387 other 1270 four 663
other 3665 four 707 four 863 four 762
four 1200 four 735 four 471 four 873
two 834 four 480 four 846 other 903
two 772 doors head four 273 two 846
four 1026 injury two 920 two 819
other 985 other 1038 four 603
other 1074 four 721 four 779 other 761
four 786 two 541 two 921 four 1656
four 517 two 951 four 800 two 718
doors head four 1075 four 712 four 584
injury four 1030 four 743 four 918
two 417 four 940 four 1339
two 791 two 769 two 772 two 611
two 298 four 750 four 971 four 1007
four 1362 four 562 four 1024 two 1345
four 511 four 1068 four 960 two 1314
two 768 two 750 two 1320 four 1306
four 1354 two 787 two 952 four 871
other 685 two 1279 other 805 two 834
other 985 four 757 two 407 two 593
other 1169 two 716 two 1226 four 994
two 399 two 696 two 765 four 1238
two 1488 two 870 other 1051 four 790
four 503 four 1196 four 808 other 1184
four 1421 two 466 four 907 other 1520
four 745 two 996 other 1528 other 1342
four 877 four 1809 other 1465 other 1434
two 1005 four 424 four 345 other 1242
four 1138 two 642 two 1003 other 1244
other 1183 four 816 two 419 other 965
two 1801 other 466 two 618 two 430
two 1114 other 754 four 937 four 799
two 787 other 558 two 443 four 526
four 1182 two 297 two 744 two 681
other 1320 two 653 four 1042 four 629
four 519 four 457 four 884 other 597
two 1855 four 537 other 1067 four 328
two 597 four 589 other 723 four 539
four 637 four 868 four 1520 four 2192
four 618 other 1070 four 1952 four 1786
four 515 two 950 four 1796 four 157
four 710 other 1896 four 841 four 810
four 1144 two 418 other 2700 four 446
four 794 two 450 two 1229 other 501
two 426 other 587 four 630 two 601
two 535 two 822 four 492 two 897
other 1424 two 301 four 801 four 404
other 1838 two 438 four 859 other 595
two 739 two 496 two 531 four 873
two 559 two 418 other 500 two 1250
two 660 other 551 four 612 four 440
two 583 other 736 two 614 four 1018
four 1365 four 359 four 833 four 884
four 1101 four 609 four 410 two 547
four 485 four 258 four 626 four 675
four 752 four 470 four 425 two 1763
four 956 two 496 two 612 two 2017
other 374 two 1177 four 998 four 1133
other 1719 four 840 four 711 four 973
other 1452 four 1141 four 772 two 685
two 2482 two 981 two 488 two 397
four 1826 two 382 two 377 four 546
other 522 four 378 other 713 four 613
other 1358 four 539 two 525 four 544
four 682 four 601 two 664 other 699
four 2132 two 520 other 654 other 883
two 1698 two 533 four 736 other 808
two 2043 two 854 four 861 other 790
two 398 two 2140 four 604 two 379
four 729 two 1424 other 899
other 530 two 818 four 445

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