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VERSIÓN: 01 Código: ING6PABC Página 1 de 2

VERB To be (Reinforcement)

I. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the boxes above
(Completa los espacios en blanco a continuación para completar las oraciones. Usa las
palabras de los Cuadros de arriba)

1. I am from Canada and my classmate ________ from Venezuela.

2. A: ______ your brother a teacher? B: Yes, he ______

3. Sara and Jane _______ at the restaurant.

4. They _______ at work. Where _______ they?

5. A: _______ I late? B: No, you _______.

6. Paris ______ the capital city of France.

7. These cookies _______ really delicious !

8. Where ______ your classmates? B: _______ they in the cafetería?

9. ________ twelve years old. How old _______ you?

10. Their names _______ Susan and Jennifer.



VERSIÓN: 01 Código:ING6PABC Página 2 de 2

II. Complete the sentences. Use verb to be (am, is and are)

(Completa las oraciones usando el verbo To be )
1. My teacher …………………… a Peruvian.
2. We ………………… at school.
3. I …………… ten eleven years old.
4. Marco ……… my brother.
5. Susan and Sara ………. My sisters.

III. Write the sentences in Negative form:

(Escribe las oraciones en forma negativa)
1. We ´re from Peru.
2. I ´m French.
3. He´s my friend


4. They ´re doctors.


IV. Circle the correct option:

(Encierra la opción correcta)

1. Is / Are he African?

2. Are / Am I intelligent ?

3. Is / Are we late ?

4. Is / Are you a student?

5. Is / Are Shakira a treacher?

Queridas alumnas imprimir, pegar las hojas de ejercicios y resolver en su cuaderno de Inglés.

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