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Raahul's Solar Weather Forecasting using Linear Algebra Proposal.

md 30/03/2020

Project: Solar Weather Forecasting using Linear

Summary of proposal
What excites me about this project? Why did I choose it?

Just reading the title of the project was enough for me. A desire to work on problems like this is what got
me into computer science and machine learning in the first place. To be able to work on problems in various
fields of science and understand them in a way which wasn't even possible a few decades ago. There's
tremendous potential for applying data-driven solutions to solar physics and I wish to do my part in it. I am
two months short of having a full year's worth of professional experience in machine learning and am well
acquainted with SunPy. This gives me confidence that I would be able to finish this project successfully and
on time.

Challenges with the project

1) Search Events Object

The first challenge with creating a Search Events Object would be matching the Active Regions in the
Sunspotter data set with the Active Regions in various Solar Data catalogues, like HEK and Helio. We
only need to worry about matching Sunspotter ARs to any catalogue that has NOAA AR numbers.
Once we have the NOAA AR numbers for the ARs, we can access various other catalogues easily.

Matching catalogues (joining tables) when the fields are not exactly with the same value (i.e.,
allowing to specify what counts as a match) would be the next task. For example, for any given
observation date, the HEK data for the ARs usually does not match exactly with the Sunspotter data.
This is made evident by the lack of proper overlap in the various full disk plots that I have made in
this notebook.

This matching of various ARs across Sunspotter data and the HEK will be done by first identifying
common fields and then to match the rows, the algorithm described in the Tool for OPerations on
Catalogues And Tables (TOPCAT) which is explained in the TOPCAT match algorithm reference will be

Next, we extend the hek2vso client and work towards better integrating it with FIDO. The idea is to
create a single interface for getting the metadata and the various types of files associated with an
observation. The long term idea is to get a unified interface where we can get data and meta-
information about any event from a given observation date. One of the outcomes would be, the user
being able to get event-specific information from HEK or other sources and use them in conjunction
with the downloaded HMI and AIA data as is being done in the SunPy Gallery example on using AIA
and HMI data together.

Another aspect of this Search Events Object would be a dictionary that would map names between
different catalogues so that the same features.attribute can be used on different catalogue searches
(e.g., a flare is translated as FL in HEK and as the different flare tables on HELIO). The object would be
made subscript-able to facilitate easy access.
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2 ) Data Preprocessing

For the forecasting, the biggest challenge would be the data preprocessing and making it ready to be fed
into the learning pipeline. For any machine learning project, the preprocessing plays a major role in the
ability of the learning algorithm to learn from the data set. In the Sunspotter data set, there is a significant
bias. The following is a list of the percentage of positive samples per class (not mutually exclusive):

Forecasting Parameter Percentage of Positive samples

No-flare 24.00%

C1flr12hr 11.37%

C1flr24hr 14.40%

C5flr12hr 8.12%

C5flr24hr 8.97%

M1flr12hr 7.22%

M1flr24hr 7.55%

M5flr12hr 7.56%

M5flr24hr 7.66%

For dealing with this problem, I propose using a method similar to the one described in the paper
Predicting Solar Flares Using a Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Xuebao Li, Yanfang Zheng, et al 2020.
For the sake of conciseness, the main ideas are:
It is pretty obvious that the number of M-level magnetogram samples is far less than that of
No-flare/C-level magnetogram samples, which is consistent with the fact most ARs do not yield
major flares in the period of any given 24 hr. This would result in a serious class-imbalance
issue, which is a major problem in the field of machine learning.
To deal with this, first ARs are categorized into three levels (i.e., No-flare, C, M). “Level = M”
indicates that an AR yields at least one M-level flare; “Level = C” indicates that an AR yields at
least one C-level flare but no M-level flares “Level = No-flare” indicates that an AR only yields
microflares (weaker than C1.0 flares).
We shall construct about 10 separate Cross-Validation data sets by the method of shuffle and
split Cross-Validation based on AR segregation (AR segregation is, to balance out the classes, I
will make sure that the ten Cross-validation splits that I make will have an almost equal
number of C, M and No flare producing ARs.). First, we randomly shuffle the AR numbers in
different levels of No-flare/C/M and then split the AR numbers at a ratio of around 80%:20%
which would correspond to training and testing data respectively.
The advantage of this method is that in each of the 10 data sets, not only do the samples in
the testing data set not overlap with those in the training data set but also the ARs in the
testing data set are disjoint from those in the training data set. We train and evaluate our
model on these 10 separate training and testing data sets. We adopt the loss function
calculated from the weighted cross-entropy loss.

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I’ll be modifying the code from the repository mentioned in the original paper to produce the 10 Cross-
Validation splits. These modifications would mostly be for making the preprocessing step into a SunPy
compliant class, which can be merged into the main repository.


In any data-driven problem, the challenge is to get the best possible performance with minimum resource
consumption. In addition to this, the decision making (for example, classification) done by the machine
learning algorithm should also be explainable. I, therefore, propose to use an Autoencoder to distil the
information in the images and use this encoding in further forecasting algorithms.

Autoencoder is an unsupervised artificial neural network that learns how to efficiently compress and
encode data then learns how to reconstruct the data back from the reduced encoded representation
to a representation that is as close to the original input as possible. Autoencoder, by design, reduces
data dimensions by learning how to ignore the noise in the data.

Here are some awesome resources on Autoencoders:

1. An introduction to different flavours of Autoencoders

2. What Regularized Auto-Encoders Learn from the Data Generating Distribution

In addition to being used with a neural network, this lower-dimensional encoding can also be fed to
simpler Machine Learning models. In my experience, the complexity and the representation of data
plays a very important role in any learning task. If with simpler models, we can get results
comparable to computationally heavy black box algorithms like neural networks, we should prefer
them as they are easier to debug and explain.

The reasons why I would prefer reducing the dimensionality of knowledge using Autoencoders over
creating more data by using algorithms like GANs to solve the class imbalance problem is:

There would be no way to verify the effect of the AR metadata on the final classification. If we mix
real observations with artificially produced data, we would still only have the observed metadata
(from sources like HEK) for the real data. This would restrict us to simply using images for our
We would only produce more image data. This restricts us to image only algorithms, as the data set
would remain imbalanced for all other algorithms.
GANs are amongst the most computationally expensive algorithms and are not always stable enough
to get diverse data production. There are various other problems like mode collapse, etc. which may
cause major problems, quite unrelated to our main task of flare forecasting.

3) Training Time and Resources

Different algorithms will consume a different amount of resources in terms of memory and training time. I
shall be running all the algorithms locally on my machine equipped with an NVIDIA 1050Ti GPU. If need be,
I’ll migrate to Google Colab.

4) Testing and Integration

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All the code written in this project shall be rigorously tested, following all of SunPy's testing standards and
other general good practices. For the machine learning model, I shall be following industry standards for
testing and debugging. I shall also take inspiration from popular blogs with some nice code references for
unit testing and logging.

I plan on implementing various algorithms in order of increasing model complexity. These models will map
various inputs to the following forecast parameters.

Forecast Parameter Description

c1flr12hr at least one C1.0 or greater flare within 12 hr after the observation.

c1flr24hr at least one C1.0 or greater flare within 24 hr after the observation.

c5flr12hr at least one C5.0 or greater flare within 12 hr after the observation.

c5flr24hr at least one C5.0 or greater flare within 24 hr after the observation.

m1flr12hr at least one M1.0 or greater flare within 12 hr after the observation.

m1flr24hr at least one M1.0 or greater flare within 24 hr after the observation.

m5flr12hr at least one M5.0 or greater flare within 12 hr after the observation.

m5flr24hr at least one M5.0 or greater flare within 24 hr after the observation.

The accuracy of the model in predicting these parameters would be its accuracy in forecasting the solar

This project will have the following deliverables:

A fully integrated Search Events Object, supported with rigorous testing. This will have all the
features as described above, and more which will be decided on further consultation with the
mentors during the community bonding period.

Multiple notebooks for the SunPy Examples gallery that highlight each algorithm implemented along
with an interpretation of the results.

The best performing trained model, properly documented and tested, along with instructions on
how to use it. This will be made inheriting a separate ML Algorithm abstract object so that more
machine learning related work can be easily integrated in the future.

A separate Data Preprocessing Object that will be used in this project and could be extended for
future ML work.

Instructions on how to retrain the model if necessary.


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Community Bonding Period

The basic layout for implementing the Search Events Object shall be designed at this time. I would
take into account the work done in the FIDO project and work towards implementing the Search
Events Object as per our requirement. The efforts on this project will also complement the FIDO
metadata project with tools and uses cases.

I shall spend this time exploring the data set, discussing possible modifications to the architectures
and hyperparameter tuning with my mentors, and continuing my contributions to SunPy.

I also plan on familiarising myself with the SMART algorithm and its outputs from the ground up
using the IDL implementation. This will help me understand the various parameters and their

Since Google has provided an extra week this year for community bonding, I shall use this time to
recreate the ELO rating in python and compare it with other ratings (e.g., Glicko's, Bradley-Terry's).

Glicko is an implementation I found on GitHub that I can fork and use according to our data set.

Coding Period Begins

Week 1

As per the official timeline mentioned, this week will be spent visualising different types of data, the
magnetograms, univariate, multivariate analysis of the SMART detection properties concerning both
flare generation and the ELO complexity score. I shall be making all the plots in multiple notebooks
for the SunPy examples gallery.

The statistical analysis of the ELO complexity score and its variation concerning with the production
of flares will be analyzed. It is believed that the more complex an active region, the more likely it is to
produce flares. The work done this week will help test this belief.

Further, I would begin working on the Search Events Object as has been described above.

Week 2

Having already tinkered with the data set, I have created a few basic plotting functions and a few
helper functions to query the HEK database using HEKClient Here are a few random examples. The
red squares have been plotted using the Sunspotter data and the blue rectangles have been plotted
from the queried HEK data. All functions are in the above-mentioned link. The red squares have been
overplotted on purpose as the Sunspotter data set lacks the information about the shape of the
bounding boxes.

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This week shall be used to complete most of the Search Events Object. Following this, I wish to give
testing at least four to five days to make it completely merge ready.

Week 3

Having completed all the previous tasks, we are now ready to tackle the forecasting problem head-
on. The third week shall be used in completing the data preprocessing as described in the previous
section. This shall take the first half of the third week.

Next, I will implement various models to map the complexity scores directly to the flare
observations. We shall not be considering the images as of yet.

These models shall serve as benchmarks for comparing against deep learning models.

All of the following will be implemented using Scikit-Learn and other ML libraries:

Random Forest

These are all standard models. This is the part where I experiment with different linear algebra
models mentioned in the problem statement. I do not expect the best result from any of them but
they will help in determining the next course of action we take as we apply deep learning methods in
the later weeks.

If need be, other ratings (e.g., Glicko's, Bradley-Terry's) will be used and the predictions on them will
be compared against the ELO trained model predictions.

All the implementations will be accompanied by an analysis blog post on the nature of the algorithm,
an analysis of the results and possible deductions about the performance metrics.

Week 4

This will be a buffer week to ensure :

The Search Events Object is implemented, fully documented and well tested.
We have all the Exploratory Data analysis plots for SunPy Examples Gallery.
The basic Machine Learning model is up and running.

Phase 1 Evaluation

Week 5

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Week 5 shall be used to reimplement the best performing algorithm implemented during week 3 and
4, but this time taking into account the SMART properties along with the ELO complexity score.

The results obtained here will likely be less accurate taking into account the increase in the input

To combat this, Dimensionality Reduction algorithms like Principal Component Analysis shall
be used to find out the most important combination of features.

The best performing algorithm shall be trained and tested on this reduced data set. It is expected to
give a boost in the prediction accuracy.

Week 6 - Week 7

At this point, we move into the domain of Deep Learning.

For week 6, I shall be implementing a Deep Convolution Neural Network based on the paper,
Deep Learning-Based Solar Flare Forecasting Model. I. Results for Line-of-
sight Magnetograms Huang et al.

We begin using the images of the Active Regions obtained from sunspotter and map them to the
flare observation labels.

The reason for implementing a paper is that I get something that is relatively known to work. I can
build on top of it, rather than start from scratch.

With 210692 images, the network may take a long time to train and we will need to train again every
time we tweak the hyperparameters of the network, so I am allotting two weeks for this initial
network implementation.

This shall be implemented using either the PyTorch or TensorFlow2.0 libraries, which shall be decided after
discussing with the mentors.

Week 8

Whereas all the SMART parameters can be treated as sensor inputs, the complexity score represents
more of a belief or a confidence parameter.

The complexity score, when scaled to a range of [0,1] can be considered a probability score for the
Active Region to produce a flare.

For week 8, I shall be implementing the best performing implementation of the CNN from the
previous weeks, with a major augmentation. I shall be multiplying the output of the biggest hidden
layer with scaled ELO score corresponding to the input image. This shall give the network
information about the complexity and will allow the network to train accordingly.

Comparing the results with the un-augmented network, we shall have further evidence whether the
ELO complexity score correlates to the flare production or not.

This shall be implemented using either the PyTorch or TensorFlow2.0 libraries, which shall be decided after
discussing with the mentors.

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Phase 2 Evaluation

Week 9 - Week 10

Here I plan on implementing an original idea for a multichannel neural network, which would have
the ability to take both the Sunspotter SMART detection values along with the corresponding
images. I plan on making these different types of inputs compatible by first training an AutoEncoder
network on the Active Region images to learn an effective lower-dimensional encoding for the
images. This shall be concatenated and re-normalised with the processed SMART detection values
and the complexity score to make the final feed-forward neural network that will learn the mapping.

Autoencoder will be like a Neural Network version of SMART which when given a particular image
of an AR, will characterise it with some properties. It will give us a vector of distilled information
from each image, but unlike SMART, it is a black box. We will not know what the values in that vector

I shall also retrain the best performing non-Deep Learning model from previous weeks to see if we
can get comparable results from less computationally taxing algorithms.

This shall be a rather unchartered territory and I will give a full two weeks to implement this.

Week 11 - Week 12

The last two weeks of the project shall be used to summarise the results of all the various
experiments based on the different algorithms.
After selecting the best performing model, its performance shall be tested on SDO/HMI data.
An extensive notebook shall be written detailing the use of the model and possible ways to tweak
the hyperparameters.
If time permits, as a side quest, I shall implement a neural network that directly maps the Active
Region images with the ELO complexity rating. This shall help in automating the complexity
prediction for magnetograms in the future.

Week 13

The final week shall be used to add final touches to the deliverables.

Final Evaluation

Personal Info
Time zone: UTC+05:30
GitHub handle: Raahul-Singh


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University: Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City

Major: Computer Science
Current Year: 2nd year

Open Source background and Programming experience

Programming Languages: Python, C++, C, Java(Basic knowledge)

Contributions to SunPy:
As of writing this proposal, I have 8 merged and 5 WIP PRs on SunPy repo.
Some prominent ones are :
Significant reducuction of the download time for the data set used in this project
through the HelioViewer API.
Rectangle coordinate parser to support multiple ways of specifying rectangular regions
of interest.
Integrating parfive==1.1rc2 with SunPy.
Implementing Limb Darkening correction.
Informing user when and what coordinate information may be missing when making a

I have opened 7 issues on the SunPy repository and have a cumulative of 25 contributions to SunPy

Contributions to other repos:

Adds support for passing User Agent headers and Proxies
And other contributions to EinstienPy and ChiantiPy.
I will be contributing to SunPy throughout the selection process and beyond.

Work Experience

1) Global Remote Mentoring (IBM GRM) Intern

IBM India

Duration : Four months

Worked on multimodal data sets containing stereo RGB and Lidar data for autonomous driving.
Studied about camera parameters and the linear algebra behind switching from one perspective to

2) Data Science Intern

Masho, an e-commerce startup from Bangalore, India

Duration : Four months

Implemented Image to Image Similarity model using Siamese Networks for the Recommendation
System, giving a robust recommendation.

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3) Machine Learning Intern

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India

Duration : Three months

Made a model for understanding the behavior of various parameters like Sugar content, Acidity,
Firmness, Ethyl Alcohol concentration and their visualization for Post-Harvest Apple data.
Made a predictor model for charting the evolution of these parameters over a period of six months
from harvest.

I think I have enough experience with python development to produce high quality, testable code.

You and GSoC

Have you participated previously in GSoC? When? Under which project?

No, This is my first time participating in GSoC.

Are you also applying to other projects?

No, I am fully focused on this project.


I don't have any other internship or work during this summer and have no plans for any vacations either.
I can work full time on the project and can give ~35-40 hours per week and more if required.


Yes, I am eligible to receive payments from Google.

References and useful papers

Deep Learning-Based Solar Flare Forecasting Model. I. Results for Line-of-

sight Magnetograms Huang et al.

Solar flare prediction using advanced feature extraction, machine learning

and feature selection Ahmed OW, Qahwaji RSR, Colak T, Higgins PA, Gallagher PTand
Bloomfield DS (2013) Solar physics. 283(1): 157-175

Predicting Solar Flares Using a Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network

Xuebao Li, Yanfang Zheng, et al 2020

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