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Examen de Traducción e Interpretación Oficial

Versión 05 de diciembre de 2015

Examen oral inglés - español Tema 2

Democratic Party debate Nov. 15 2008

Brown: Senator Clinton, recently in an interview on CNN, you said of the last debate that you
weren't at your best that day.

You stumbled on an important question involving illegal immigration. But your opponents are
saying that that's really part of a larger pattern with you, that you often avoid taking firm
positions on controversial issues. And one of your opponents on this stage calls this "the
politics of parsing." How do you respond to that?

Hillary Clinton: Well, Campbell, I am happy to be here tonight. And this pantsuit, it's
asbestos tonight.

So I am aware that some people say that, but I think that the American people know where
I've stood for 35 years. I've been fighting for issues affecting women and children, workers
and families.

I've been fighting for universal health care.

And I know that people are looking at this campaign and evaluating us, and I've put forth very
specific policies about what I will do as president.

Because this has to be a big election. This is going to be one of the most important elections
we've ever had in our country's history. And it is important that we have a candidate who is
tested and a president who is ready to lead from day one.

And I'm perfectly comfortable leaving these assessments up to the American people to make
their judgments among us.

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