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GED102 / A12 / BMME 1


The Map of Mathematics

1.) Three things that I significantly learned from the video clip.
a. I learned that there are two distinct areas of mathematics which is the pure mathematics
which refers to the study of pure numbers and maths and the applied mathematics which
is the study of how to apply mathematics into the real world.
b. I learned that mathematics has a very long history wherein even the first of the
intellectual humans have learned it.
c. I have learned that mathematics does not only refer to numbers, but also to the things
in real life, such that almost everything could be mathematically explained.

2.) Three things that are still unclear to me.

a. How did the first humans got the idea of counting?
b. the development of mathematics throughout time.
c. Application of mathematics in real life.

3.) I used to think that mathematics only deals with things merely related to numbers,
however, after watching the video clip, I have realized that there is more to mathematics
than just numbers, mathematics has long been being used by the first intellectual humans
who have ever lived, and that mathematics has a very long history and covers almost
everything such as even science is often expressed mathematically. Moreover, I have
learned that mathematics has two distinct areas which is the pure mathematics which
studies purely numbers and the applied mathematics which studies the application of
mathematics for it to be used which helps develop the modern world.

4.) Three questions that I want to ask about the video clips.
a. Where did humans learned counting in the first place?
b. What is the significance of knowing that mathematics can be applied in real life?
c. Is it important to know the distinction between the two areas of mathematics?

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