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Methodology ( Power )

This subsystem provides power to the robot to function. The current and voltage drawn to be
analyzed during its operation . From those two parameters , the power consumption can calculated
by multiplying voltage with the current . The whole circuit requires two power sources to enable the
robot fully operational which are the Xiaomi 10400 mAh powerbank to power the Arduino
microcontroller circuit and the 11.1V Li-Po Rechargeable Lithium Battery is utilized to supply power
to the two brushed DC motors via the L298N motor drivers . As for analyzing the efficiency of the
robot , the B25 voltage sensor module is used to measure the voltage and the ACS712 current sensor
is used to measure the current . From obtaining the voltage and current drawn during operation ,
the power consumption can be calculated which is just the product of current and voltage . Both
sensors would be programmed in the Arduino IDE software. There are some risks that could affect
the performance of this subsystem to function . The main concern is that the components connected
may not give the accurate value for rated current and voltage . This could cause surplus voltage due
to overheating or the component not functioning due to insufficient voltage . So the rated voltage
and current must be checked with the components procured to prevent these risks .

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