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This FAQ is written towards perspective of a very novice goblin wanting to learn the
ropes. If you know some of this already, awesome, but some players haven't been
exposed to gold making, so I started from the beginning.

Most of my farming routes are in Vanilla, but the basics can be applied to any
expansion. I rarely flip items, so this FAQ is about going out into the world and farming.
I've mostly specialized in items that people feel nostalgia for and/or are looking to add to
their wardrobe collections. I've been selling mog since it debuted. At one time I was a
top seller on my realm, but over the ensuing years, it's become more of a hobby to pass
the time rather than an all consuming obsession.

Regardless of my own posting history, this is what I do...your mileage may vary.

This is by no definition a complete mog FAQ. If you see something I've missed, feel free
to speak up!


Selling transmog is the “profession” of providing players with alternate gear

appearances that are saved in their in-game wardrobe. These items are sold on the
auction house or in /trade with personalized ads that you create for the items. Transmog
can be difficult to learn, here's why:


* farming friendly, run your old favorite dungeons for gear you totally forgot existed
* relatively easy to start with little to no gold, via farming and flipping
* steady, passive income once your inventory has been established (+500 items or so)
* reposting only every 48 hours if you choose not to cancel/undercut...i.e. set it and
forget it.
* massive amounts of tutorials available on how to use auction addons for transmog
* as you build your inventory, you can complete your own transmog wardrobe with BoP
drops from places you farm


* can initially be time consuming as you farm or buy items on the AH to create an
patience that some people do not have. Solid profits can take months to build. If you're
not willing to take the time and learn, you're better off becoming a supplier for someone
else who sells transmog.
* you need to have a grasp on your server economy to know what will sell and what will
not sell in a timely fashion. Remember “timely” can mean months of relisting a single
item waiting for a buyer to come along.
* you need to maintain an extensive inventory, constantly adding items. Think of a
grocery store. If they only offered one item, who would go in there daily to buy it? You
want your listings to be varied and as unique as you can make them.
* competition can be fierce, especially among goblins just starting out in the market

If you're not daunted by the above, please let me show you how to get started!


The very, very first thing I would do if you are serious about farming mog is to
create/buy a guild bank. Preferably with all 7 purchasable tabs (yep, that 7​th​ tab is
purchasable by the GM of the guild for 10k gold from the guild vendor). You're going to
need the space to sort inventory and store duplicates. Obviously, if you only have 100
items, you're going to have plenty of leftover space, but we are playing the long game
here, so might as well prepare for the future as best we can from the beginning.

Secondly, I would designate one toon to be your “mog banker”. This character will stand
near an AH and a mailbox and handle all incoming inventory sent to them by the
characters that you are using to farm. I tend to make my banker the GM of the guild
space mentioned above, but it's not necessary.

Thirdly, I would designate another toon to be your “other banker”. This character AH's
all the crafting materials, enchants, vanity pets, food, and miscellaneous items you're
going to passively acquire while farming moggable items. I keep these two things
separate for accounting purposes....they have separate TSM profiles and ways of
handling posting and sorting of inventory.

Fill the bank character's bag slots with the biggest bags you can afford. I start with 16
slot bags, at least, and work my way up to bigger ones. They run less than 20g on my
realm and give you a fair amount of space to transport incoming inventory either to the
AH or the bank for storage.

You may have caught it above, but the toons that I farm with are NOT the toons I use to
sell mog. The reason for this is twofold. One, my banker needs to be near an AH and
not off gallivanting off to faraway places filling my prime bag space with greys and quest

Secondly, and more importantly, there is a layer of anonymity that you might like having
in the future. If you end up dedicating yourself to making good gold off the AH, whether
through mog or other means, you WILL have people send you hate mail/tells/harass
you in trade, etc. It's nice to just log off your banker and walk away...or, in my case, stir
up a bit of trouble in /trade without dragging my main's guildname through the mud.

So, now you have a guild bank and a pair of toons willing to sell your crap, um...errr
“valuable items”. Where are the best places to put them? All you need is an auction
house and a mailbox near each other. Bank nearby is extra nice. I have the personal
preference of Thunderbluff and the Dwarven District in Stormwind. TB is almost always
dead, so not very crowded, same with Dwarven District. Mailbox, AH, and Bank are all
within spitting distance of each other and you can stay mounted in TB between them all.
And as an added bonus, auctioneer killers don't typically harass me in either of those

Other places include: Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, and Dalaran or Shrine in Pandaria if
you're an engineer.

I avoid: Exodar, the bank and the AH are sooo far apart and you can't stay mounted to
access both, Trade District in SW- too crowded with people standing on the mailbox
showing off their mounts/weird glitchy visual effects (such as 300 Cooper's standing in
the AH the other day).


This is all personal preference. What you're looking for is an instant AOE that can nuke
anything standing near you, repeatedly, only slowing down to loot. Whirlwind on
warriors, Swipe on Druids, Arcane Explosion on mages, Fan of Knives on rogues, you
get the picture. You can enter an instance 10 times in an hour, so you're aiming to go as
fast as you can to be the most efficient. Kill EVERYTHING that moves. Loot
EVERYTHING that drops. You're going to sort it all out later. Those greys you leave
behind on mobs? They're worth gold. The cloth? Worth gold. The BoP's? Worth gold.
Money left behind is money you're not going to have to build your empire. Plus, some of
the tiny, seemingly useless mobs in a dungeon can have great loot drops (I'm looking at
you, maggots in AQ20).

Because all of these toons are going to mail the BoE items and materials to the
respective bankers, it really doesn't matter if you farm solely with one character or swap
it around as needed. The loot is all going to end up in the same place. Funneled directly
to your banker.

I find it super useful to empty my bags down to nothing except my hearthstone. I can
easily clear most Vanilla dungeons with bag space to spare, leaving nothing behind.

Nifty bonuses to have: Jeeves, Mammoth or other vendor mount, WotLK squire, skinner
for dungeons with possibility of picking up some skins to sell as well (Sunken Temple),
miner for ores in mineshaft dungeons (Uldaman and the Krauls come to mind), herbalist
(Zangarmarsh dungeons, especially Underbog, Wailing Caverns, Maraudon), a rogue or
blacksmith with keys to pick locked chests in SFK and Gnomer.

As you farm, you're going to cultivate your own style and learn what you need to have
on hand for a successful time.

INVENTORY. ​In fact, you're going to slowly gain gold just by farming and selling the
BoP's and greys. It's a win-win for getting started and maybe dipping your toes into
flipping once you have enough gold, if that is what you wish.


Sometimes the easiest way to start farming is to hunt for a piece of mog gear that you
think is really cool. For example, you want the Wolf Rider's set for your toon. So you go
to WoWhead, search for that item, scroll down and see where the top drops come
from....Oh, it says ogres in Dire Maul. Bam. Go to DM and start killing ogres. Easy as
that. You get half a dozen or more green BoE's while you're there, plus some cloth? you have a starting inventory!

Here's a list of common places you'll find me farming:

* Pirates in Tanaris, east along the coastline. People farm there a lot for rep, so it might
be crowded. The pirates drop footlockers that can have a key in them that opens a
chest on the far ship at the dock. It's a guaranteed green, although of questionable

* The ogre cave in southern Thousand Needles, Saltstone drops like hotcakes for me

* Since cross-realm-zones debuted, I have moved most of my farming into instances. I

farm AQ20 on multiple toons and since the reset is every 3 days, I can do it a couple
times a week. I suggest taking a skinner in there, since you can skin the bugs and
rugged leather sells for 50g+ a stack on my server.

Murder the yellow named maggots and beetles too. They have mostly greys on their
loot tables, but there are some nifty things they can drop. Bosses in here drop 10g each
spell books, so make sure to have room in your bags to loot bosses too. You can mount
while inside, so a vendor mount/squire is nice to have as well.

* I also regularly do ZF, UBRS/LBRS, Dire Maul, and Stratholme. The cloth I get sells
well, and the green drop is fair. ZF has some neat BoP swords that combine into a
single 2h sword.....nice perk for your own wardrobe if you farm it with a warrior. Dire
Maul has a little night elf outpost just to the south with a mailbox and vendors if needed.
* I clear KZ up to Chess every week on at least one toon. I make bags out of the
netherweave and sell the greens. I'd do beyond Chess, but haven't bothered to learn
the strat. There's also a couple vanity pets that drop in here that sell well, so it's good if
you get those for some extra profit.

* In southern Stonetalon Mountains, there's an area of two factions fighting. It's almost a
constant respawn inasmuch that when I make a full loop around, by the time I get back
to the beginning they have started to re-pop. It's just north of the word Malaka'jin on
your world map. Greens are plentiful, and the wool/silk cloth sells for a fair price. There's
a few mines in the vicinity too, so you can accumulate a few stacks of copper and tin
while farming.

* Same sort of deal in New Thaalanar in Feralas. Just murder the constant respawning
mobs until your bags are full. Rinse and repeat. Bonelink, Saltstone, and Ancient pieces
drop here.

I suggest bringing an engineer to these places and a Traveler's Mammoth. Use the
engineer to drop a mailbox each time you're full and a mammoth to sell off the greys.

Bored with those places?

* Shadowfang Keep- A bit inconvenient because the nearest mailbox is a million miles
away (if you are ally). Bandit, Bard's, etc. drops here.

* AQ40 for vanity pets and good green plate gear

* Sunken Temple and Wailing Caverns- Okay greens, bring a skinner for all the

* Mags, Gruul's, Black Temple, TK- random rewards, low drop of greens, but makes up
for it with other good boss drops/possible mount in TK. Excellent places to farm your
own mog sets since BC sets are almost universally awesome and if you sell mog, you
gotta look the part. ;)

You can farm mog in any location. Almost all mobs have at least one BoE on their loot
table, some have dozens. These are just places to start farming Vanilla/BC, but they are
no means an exhaustive list. Do you have a character that hasn't done all the dungeon
achievements, missing SM and SH? Take that one to Scarlet Monastery and Shattered
Halls. No matter where you go, you have the potential to make gold....there are no
“wrong” places as you're gathering inventory.

Now that you've got a bag full of BoE items to sell, you'll need to send them to your
banker. Once there, you can take the time to sort through them, vendoring or d/e'ing the
items that aren't worth selling to you. Set a threshold. If an item doesn't sell for less than
X amount of gold, trash it accordingly.

Now, to be honest, I only kind follow my own advice on this part. When I hit about 1000
mog pieces I sort through them with a fine toothed comb. Anything I have a bunch of
duplicates of, or is slow selling and cheap, I pull out of my active inventory. Ideally, I
want my inventory to be around 600 items (the number used to be 2.5k to 3k active
auctions...I told you I was semi-retired, lol).

There are several things you can do with these lesser valued items.....mail them to your
own toons to complete your wardrobe, d/e/ them, vendor them, or do as I did, set up a
“free” guild bank for my friends where they can browse through the tabs and take items
to complete their own wardrobes.

**A quick note on deposit costs**

The more recent the expansion, the more expensive the deposit costs for your items.
Keep that in mind as you get towards Cata items. The greens began to have
significantly higher vendor costs, which is directly related to how much the AH deposit
will be each time you post it.

Mog is NOT a game of fast money. It takes patience and plenty of time. You're waiting
for someone to want what you're selling. The items are cosmetic, not consumables like
flasks and gems and crafting mats. Sometimes you have demand for an item,
sometimes you don't.


Please learn one of the popular auction house addons. I've used TSM since the
beginning of my mog journey. The fact that it can be complex is well known, so you may
want to consider setting up one of the lighter addons, but that's totally up to you. In the
long run, those addons will make your life more efficient so you're spending less time at
the AH and more time acquiring inventory. They all have vast quantities of tutorials on
youtube, plus their own support forums.

I've used, with much success, Silver Dragon (every rare found is a guaranteed item
drop, so if you see a rare, kill it), Bagnon (I love seeing my inventory in a single panel,
Diablo-style) and LootAppraiser. This last one is a riot when farming...the little DING
DING when you find an expensive item is amazing! There's also settings to have
contests between players on who can make the most gold in a certain dungeon.

I have nothing but praise for the addon Sell Junk. One click grey selling (sells 12 items
per click, so if you sell something you want, you can buyback). Use it. Love it.

Mog-it and CanIMogIt are also nice to have to help you add to your own collections, but
more importantly, it helps you familiarize yourself with the different pieces that are
dropping in each dungeon. If you have a hunter ask you in trade if you have a golden
set of legs you’ll be able to say “hey, have you seen the Masterwork set?” and you
might get a sale or two out of it.


I use a combination of The Undermine Journal, personal taste, experience on what

people like to wear, and rarity (i.e. how long it took me to farm something) to categorize
my items. That I use TSM is no secret and I set up my sales groups in broad strokes. I
do not wish to micromanage my prices on most gear, so the categories are more
inclusive than others I have seen. For example, my groups in TSM4 are: Cheap (up to
300g), 300-1000g, 1000-4000k, 4k-10k, 10k-50k, 50k+.

I post 2 items maximum, 48 hour posting (players play at different times and I want
maximum exposure to night owls and noon players and everyone in-between), no
posting if under minimum, and if above maximum, I post at maximum price. My bid price
sits somewhere between 60-80% of buyout, depending on whether I'm trying to move
gear or not. I do NOT cancel auctions, it's a waste of gold in my opinion. If someone
undercuts me and their auction sells, mine is still the next one in line.

Now here is where I differ from most goblins, these groups are NOT what an item
may sell for, but ​what I'm willing to accept for them​.​ I can sit on a “good” item for
months and have it not sell, but drop the price and sell it immediately. I am totally okay if
someone wants to flip my items and try for that extra 1000g on it....I've just walked away
with gold in hand. I'm okay being a supplier. There's nothing wrong with being a supplier
to another goblin if I'm satisfied with the gold I made. ​After all, I’m not flipping, I'm
farming....those items cost me nothing but my time.

The exception to this is VERY expensive items. I have an entire bank tab of things that
are worth 100k+. I post these items by hand. No addon mistakes that way.


Just because an item is simple or ugly, do not assume it is worthless. Wardrobe

completionists need the ugly items just as much as they need the shiny ones. Look
each item up on The Undermine Journal and decide for yourself if it's worth keeping as
an active auction.

Say you get into this farming thing but decide that auctioning the items is not for you,
you can have the option of selling your inventory to a bigger mog seller. I have often
bought mog items from farmers to increase my own inventory...and have bought out my
competition plenty of times. Suppliers are just as valuable, but expect to make less gold
per item because the mog seller also needs to make a profit. But if you're good with the
prices they are offering, then by all means, go for it!


Dungeon specific drops to look for (currently typing this up)

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