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Human beings in general are tenderly susceptible to the visceral and often jarring impact of nose-stalgia .

For a country that puts so much emphasis on beauty, it is not surprising that fragrance is on top of its
beauty list. In fact, the Philippines ranks as the third biggest market in Southeast Asia in terms of
fragrance consumption, according to an official of Firmenich, one of the world’s top fragrance and flavor
companies based in Geneva, Switzerland

Filipinos are generally self-conscious and tend to take personal hygiene seriously. This is because of the
society’s value of presentability when going to work or school as well as to combat the various smell.

Filipinos being mostly extrovert verbally, family oriented, keenly aware of external factors of how others
would perceive themselves, so, to keep up with this mindset, they would like to look good and smell
good.Being in a tropical country where humidity is high (30% - 80% from June to February), makes one

Filipinos in particular are an olfactory sort. We spend a lot of time and money making sure we smell
good, or at the very least, that we don’t smell bad. According to Eden Strategy Institute’s Emerging
Middle Class Survey, 4 out of 10 Filipinos cannot live without soap,shampoo and other personal hygiene
kit. Personal hygiene figures highly in the Filipinos’ list of priorities, along with mobile phones and
Internet access. According to the report, most of us would rather forego health insurance and job
security than lose our toiletries – in other words, it’s perfectly fine to be in the dirt, as long as our dirt
doesn’t stink. Our innate obsession with smelling good is hugely evident in Filipinos living in Middle
Eastern countries.

We chose this product because we, ourselves also is very particular of our smell and we want to know
the opinion of other people in this matter, of how this affects them and of how they also deal with their
smell in using perfume . We conducted the face-to-face interview of three people by ramdon.

Therefore, we realized that having limited respondents still have result in many commonalities in
answering about purchasing the Perfume for the reason of making them fresh and boosting their
confidence, and also because we Filipino are very particular of our smell. All of their decision of
purchasing a perfume is also influence by internal and external factor because they want to consider
both things in purchasing their ideal perfume.

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