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I Think Sapna and Samit had lot of good years together at Toastmasters.

Instead of Roasting Samit she

was praising her.

Sapna we all know need no introduction she is a woman of many talents. Do not go by the looks,
appearance can be deceptive. It looks like Sapna is a very serious person, but she is the winner of
humorous speech contest.

Even in Roasting she was using lot of positive attributes of the speaker

You started your roasting by mentioning Samit from accidental toast master to Distinguished
toastmaster. One thinks she forgot to tell was Samit will take retirement from everything he will get
retire from his job, profession but I doubt he will ever take retirement form Toast Master forget about
retirement will he take a break I doubt

Samit will say Retirement is not the end it is the beginning, because he eats toastmaster breathes
toastmaster and Sleeps Toastmaster. Separating Samit form Toast Master from Samit will be like
separating soul from the body.

Sapna as I said is woman of many talents, even she is angry and shouts you will feel that she is

I agree with you Sapna great speaker. You can speak for an hour without a note and without a point. I
only find the trouble is with is speaking is that you do not know what to do with is hand. After listening
to her speak I would like to tell her – Hold them over your mouth

Sapna we all now that you are very hard working you work selflessly without any appreciation. But you
were not honest in your roasting. Samit evaluation is more like a consultant. He also works a consultant
is someone who can tell you more about something than you really care about to know.

Sapna while you were roasting you were class conscious. While you are roasting there is no class and
you should not be conscious of what other feels Like you have mastered humors speech you will master
the art Roasting

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