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7 Effective Ways To Reduce Skin Aging

Aging gracefully with time is a beautiful transformation but aging with wrinkles is no for most of

the women in their mid-30s. There are many who look aged at a small age and a few who follow

the tips and tricks of anti-aging still end up looking beautiful. Here are some factors that cause skin

aging and a list of ideas to avoid and get rid of wrinkles.

Factors that get fine lines and wrinkles on your face:

If you have been thinking that aging is the only factor for wrinkles and fine lines to appear, burst this myth as
there are more reasons to it. Here is what causes you to look old.

Smoking - Smoking dehydrates skin and dry skin wrinkles quickly.

UV Rays - The ultraviolet rays of the sun break down the elastin and collagen fiber of the skin that is
responsible to hold your skin strong. This causes the firm skin to loosen up.

Alcohol - Alcohol removes the majority of water content from cells and tissues of the body and face and this
causes wrinkles.

Weight - Weight is a major cause of wrinkles. The thin ones have a scarcity of fat tissues in the face region and
the plump ones have thickened fat tissues which cause wrinkles and skin aging.

Anti-aging Prevention And Cure:

Exfoliate your skin twice a week - Skin exfoliation is the best remedy to remove off dead skins and give rise to
fresh and new skin layer. You can use a skin exfoliator machine or a naturally available scrub for this.

Drink water and avoid alcohol - Water is a universal cleanser and keeps you hydrated. It removes all the toxins
from your skin tissues and rejuvenates it from the inside.

Use a wrinkle removal equipment - You can remove wrinkles with a wrinkle remover or a skin tightening
machine. They work on the radiofrequency principles and do a partial reconstruction of the skin within an
hour painlessly.

Massage your face with olive oil - Olive oil is also called skin’s doctor. It has rich antioxidant properties and
also has the sumptuous amount of Vitamin A, D, K and E which is important for the skin. Premature aging can
be prevented with a good massage on the face using the olive oil.

Get a fat reduction and cellulite treatment done - Being too fat or too thin makes you look aged. For the
extremely thin ones, adding on weight would increase fat tissues in the cheek areas and wrinkles
automatically diminish. The ones who are overweight need to take up fat reduction treatments that help in
destroying fat cells and making the person look thin and young.

Sleep Well - Droopy eyes give you a face that looks tired and also adds on to fine lines around the eye area. A
good sleep makes your eyes look beautiful and your face looks young and glowing.

Watch What You Eat - Too much oil-based food and an unhealthy diet make you look aged. Make sure you
have a vitamin-rich diet with green leafy vegetables and fruits.

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