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Is on the bicycle blueprint 5 guaranteed money systems anyone can Implement by Andrew
Vendetta buy unsummoned. Chapter 1 introduction about the five methods costs involved and
earning potential of the vibe secret systems thank you for downloading my audiobook in this book
I am going to discuss in detail 5 secret methods that are guaranteed to make money online for
anyone the respective what you have previous direct marketing experience if you want to be a
full-time internet advise you to implement what is explained in this audiobook it is always a good
idea to have multiple income streams and not keep all your eggs in the same basket so if you have
the time go ahead and Implement all the methods explain here they are guaranteed to work if you
take action however if you have time constraints you could choose and Implement any one or
more methods from the list depending and how much money you want to make online the big
question is how much money would you have to spend today in Plymouth well this audiobook list
almost all of the required resources for implementing all of the five methods so you don't have to
spend money to make money here there are 8 software and themes aside from that you would
have to use but hey don't worry I have made almost all of them available to you by pointing the
website URLs from where you can download the Bates offer for absolutely free so you don't have
to spend anything to get started here however you might have to spend a little bit here and there
for outsourcing services and getting some necessary tools like the my name's hosting and website
to Tampa but that's going to be very little expenditure and you can pay from your profits as well so
what exactly are these five methods about well the first going to be about making money by
selling article writing services with a Twist you can get started right away and start making money
right from the first day absolutely no waiting time provided you have English writing skills yourself
however if you don't have writing skills yourself you can Outsource the process and make money
via arbitrate where you buy writing services for cheap and sell for profit so it doesn't matter
whether you have writing skills or you don't have writing skills you will be able to make money
using this system the second method that I would be talking about making money selling SEO
services are search engine optimization Services once again you did not need any kind of previous
Su experience and a lot of potential the Third i've been talking about is about making money using
cpcr Google AdSense if you have a Google AdSense account that's fantastic if you don't have
Google AdSense you can use any other CBC Network that you have access to i'm going to be
sharing with you a fantastic mother how to make decent money every month via Google AdSense
rcpc this method has a second part to it where you generate thousands per month selling
memberships once your AdSense or CPC website is a few months old you would start selling
membership services via that same website and make a few thousand dollars every month the 4th
matter that I will what is about making money with specific affiliate programs you would be using
a special software and a special method to make money through commissions this winter the
game takes up and once again has a huge earning potential last but not the least of V matter is
going to be a blackhead marketing method using a special software you get the software for
absolutely free and you get to make a lot of money selling a special kind of service on a specific
Marketplace this isn't illegal but he has to some extent but once again the potential is absolutely
huge so those are the five unconventional methods that you were going to learn here remember
that every method has a twisted and these are methods that you have not seen anywhere else
you can Implement all of them or pick ones you like but the only potential is tremendous for all of
them put together let's now answer the biggest question of all the witches how much money can
you really make using all of these five systems well all of them combined together can make you
anywhere between $12,000 and ruby month depending time you are willing to spend on each
system and want your existing skills that's are the good news is even if you implement any one of
these methods and Caleb you can make that same amount of money of all the methods combined
together the only thing that's needed from you is action if you take action anyone method is
sufficient to change your and here we are talking about 5 Surefire math so are you ready let's go
hit the road and make some cash chapter 2 making money as a writer or by selling writing services
and we are going to talk about making some cash as a writer will first discuss what writing skills
and then we'll get into what to do if you do not have any kind of writing skills so let's begin if you
have writing skills go to the website called I that is spelled as I for India operacja I for
India e4 England and are for Russia sign up on I putting in your email address
on PayPal details they don't have any approval process anyone can sign up and start making
money writing articles not right after signing up you won't be able to take up high paying projects
because you don't have any experience or ratings on the platform but you can take up the first to
your projects on I write a. Come there degrees of writers standard premium Elite and Elite plus
everyone starts out as a standard writer and gradually climb the ranks to become an l e plus rider
that's exactly what you would be doing as well standard writers get paid around $3 for a 500 word
article and $28 for nautical but hey you can easily become a Premium Rush weeks and finally in a
lead and then an n e plus Rider in around A month's time Elite plus writer i'm going to show you
how to climb up the ladder super fast right after signing up to the next level which is the premium
level there's a lot rules for standard Riders the easy way to do this is by using a dictation or
speech-to-text software dragon Naturally Speaking that's great because it is a busy writers best
friend you can easily get it on my daughter's if amazon Prime member the retail price
is around $99 however if you cannot afford Dragon Naturally Speaking there is a free and a very
nice option available you can go to the website called speechnotes Darcy and start using their free
program on Google Chrome whenever you have a topic that you want to write on from I
all you have to do is simply go to this free website called speechnotes. CA and start dictating into
the web or into Dragon Naturally Speaking if you have it now before you start using dictation
software you need to get yourself a decent microphone even a good quality headset microphone
will get the job done now since in the beginning you will be working just as a standard writer on
iwriter. Com to take up a lot not only do make decent money at the end of the day but also to get
a handful of five star ratings so you the next level which is the premium level faster text software
is going to help you get your articles written faster Be Your Dragon getting our speech notes. See
that these software have more accuracy when you speak into your microphone in a continuous
flow and not in short phrases so the idea here is to First think your sentences in your head and
then speak in a continuous flow I'll give you a nice little trick here since standard articles on
iwriter. Com very easy topics open up ezine articles. Com or any other article directory for and find
a couple of Articles related to your subject just rephrase those articles to create your own unique
article just make sure you can complete at least 10 to 15 Optical today in the stand-up category
each article won't take more than 10 to 12 minutes if you're using Speech-to-Text software careful
that you don't submit any copied stuff because I write her has in build copyscape Checker and they
will automatically reject copied articles to do around 10 to 12. Won't take more than a few days to
become a premium Rider keep riding and you will eventually become an elite plus writer in just a
matter of days as more and more customer reviews keep piling up if you stay but it wouldn't take
more than a month or maybe 45 days to become at least an daily driver so what is the only
potential here whatever kind of ride are you are Pandora Premium it's super easy to make at least
$50 every day that's a need $1,500 if you are really good with the speech to text you can very
easily make $100 a day especially when you become an idiot or other place right or because a
single 500 word article around $35 and the good news is there's more work than you can handle
alright let's now get into what do you do to make my setting articles if you don't have writing skills
yourself and that case you would be buying writing services from my sending the same
to private customers let me show you now first of all portfolio website that establishes you as a
writing company or a full-fledged one of your customers you can design a portfolio website
yourself or hire someone to do it for you or use the company that I used ready portfolios. These
guys designed my portfolio website for just $197 and they are simply the cheapest and also the
best portfolio Design Services I know of so get yourself report for your website first so you can
present yourself as a writing business and not some freelance writer looking for pocket money in
front of high-profile cars are going to be selling our writing services to high profile once you have a
portfolio websites do that, man online services that have a lot of competition example facelift
surgery clinics in Georgetown Texas or maybe tattoo parlors in Douglas Atlanta or swimming pool
repair services in Bakersfield California or maybe Stephan plumbing services or computer repair
services you get the idea right find services in towns and cities that common people these are high
demand services and you would find multiple services in the same vertical in the same town for
instance there will be multiple electronic repair companies livonia no because of the high demand
for these Services there's a lot of competition any of these service providers regularly
advertise on number one spots so what would you do you would make a nice big list
of some companies providing daily needed services in a specific area that are placing their ads in it is very easy to find them if you type in for instance swimming pool repair services
Bakersfield California you would see a couple of advertisements ranking on top of the Google
search page these are highlighted results on the top of the page and also sometimes appear on
the right-hand side of the page you are simply going to open these websites and find their contact
email are going to be our customers if the emails are listed on the website that's fantastic but if
you don't find that contact because some of the plants have contact farms and phone numbers
instead of a proper e-mail address you can simply copy the URL of the website and do a quick
search on the website called The Domain domaine female of the company
owner who use that email to register that company. Now in an Excel sheet make a list of a bunch
of companies that are advertising on clear contact emails once that is done and you
also have your portfolio website these are emailing this people telling them the following hey I
was looking for swimming pool installation services in Bakersfield California or whatever other key
was you were using on Google to find these companies and I found sizing on Google to rank for
those keywords you are wasting a lot of money on Advertising so you keep getting traffic in
business we have an easy and cost-effective solution why don't you let our company great some
quality content on your your website rank organically and get more traffic than Google
advertisements can ever send you our company has been providing content. To help them get
more business for several years now and we could not only save you some advertising money but
also help you with customer retention because fondant will keep your visitors engaged on your
side and help them make buying decisions this can really boost your bottom line reply back to this
email and we'll work out the best conference thank you your name and then your portfolio
website that's it that's going to be a shock message that you are going to be sending out to
everyone on the list you just created on your Excel sheet not remember this won't work without a
portfolio website and always use a Gmail address while mailing people to make sure you don't end
up in the spam box the question is how many emails should you send out well the bitter answer
here is unless someone writes back to you and wants to use your services you see these guys have
Deep Pockets and advertise on Google on a regular basis so single customer can be worth
thousands of dollars for you so don't stop emailing people until you hear back from a few of them
once you do hear back from a few of them simply go to iwriter. Com and services from there it's
Yvonne iwriter. Com can easily get a single page of 500 word content for just $3 you can sell for at
least $10 depending on how big the company is you can sell a single page of content for up to $50
once again think in terms of iwriter there are customers ordering articles from Ellie + Riders and
paying big money for articles on so those are the kind of prices you can charge 2 from your
customers the big question is where should your customers put the content they receive from you
because they have a service website which isn't too much into written content right well you tell
your customers to install a block within the website and your content is going to be blog posts on
that blog this blog would have a link on the homepage of the website and it would not only help
with rankings but also help educate and customers and help them make better buying choices not
how much money can you make using the system well if you just charge $10 per blog post and
keep a profit of around $7 per will provide a minimum of 20 post to every customer per month
you would be making $1,400 vermont the basic concept here is to customers into ordering bulk
content from you there's a reason for that a few pages of content is not going to change the fate
of a website and search engines regular content Disney your customers that have them hire you
on a monthly retainer program for part of the money they spend on advertising and that would be
a win-win situation I have customers have been with me for more than 18 months so yes monthly
retainer programs to work and they do help both of the parties they help you as a content
provider and they also healthy website owner okay so that was about how to make money selling
writing services but those who don't have writing skills but hey those are few with writing skills
can easily scale up your business this would make you a lot more money than I write a. Com
chapter 3 making money selling search engine optimization okay guys I would now be talking
about how to make money with search engine optimization you are going to be offering SEO
services to private customers and the best part is you do not need any kind of previous experience
this is very simple so let's get started let me explain the concept for so you and then I'm going to
be showing you how to do this you have to first identify an it you are going to work on just like the
article writing business here also you are going to Target customers who are into providing
everyday services to come and people once you have identified your industrial vertical you are
simply going to go to GoDaddy office domain names that have good quality backlinks attached to
them once you have a few to me lee related or industrial article you are simply going to grab those
domain names and 3:01 read customer websites there is absolutely no article writing involved
here there is no website designing involved and you don't have to do any kind of keyword
research let's not get into the fine details before I get into how you should be serving your
customers you need to understand that if you want to make money offer against your services to
customers the very first thing that you need to have is a service website that talks about and how
your search engine optimization Services can help your customers grow so once again just like the
writing business it is preferable that you have a portfolio website of your own and that portfolio
website should be able to impress customers once again my private company for the job is ready
portfolios and you can order and SEO Service website from them by going to the URL SEO report
for yourself come going to charge you one $97 flipside incontinent sandra or if you wish you could
actually get your website designed by a designer or maybe even designed the reply to yourself so
your portfolio left side is definitely the first step without it you are just another freelancer trying to
make some pocket money and your customer would know that keep that in mind once your
website is ready the next step is to identify a couple of Industry verticals that you would want to
work in you have to find another trees that are related to regular services for example swimming
pool installation and repair plumbing services electronics repair and services computer repair
services Home Security Services & office supplies services at retro those are just a few examples
be creative and find companies offering similar services in specific areas to find companies
working out of towns and cities in the United States the United Kingdom Canada and Australia for
some reason most of my premium Sao customers are from Australia so the next step is to go to bunnies in that industry that are not ranking on the first few pages on
example if you search for swimming pool installation and repair services in Atlanta I would go and
start looking at companies that are ranking in organic Google rankings be on the 10th page in
Google search results there is no point in arguing banking on the first or second page or maybe
even the fifth page of Google because those guys do not need your search engine optimization
Services I would make a list of at least 20 different companies that are ranking be on the 10th page
on for the search query swimming pool repair services Atlanta that is a very competitive the end
customers are probably going to use that search query to find companies offering those services in
Atlanta those that are not ranking on pages from 1 through 10 definitely need SEO services and
that's where you come in so that is how you find customers in any category in any drug perfect
location once you have made a list of a few potential customers the next step is to contact them
use a basic Gmail account that looks like it is a part of your searching in service website and start
sending emails to those people for example if you are Service website is called you should
look like a once you have created your Gmail account simply install the Google Chrome
plug-in call Track for Gmail this is a Google extension that is going to help you track your emails
that you send out to your customers this extension is going to tell you whether your prospective
customers are opening your emails and how many times did oatmeal and read them which is
definitely a good indicator of how well your conversion rates are going to be so go to your Gmail
account and start sending out emails to these website owners telling them that your company can
bring in more traffic to their Business website through legitimate search engine optimization
Services mentioned in your email that you are going to bed really high quality backlinks for them
and your SEO services are going to bring in positive results for them in less than 3 months time
sign off by mentioning the name of your service website at the bottom of your email and then put
in your name of course there is going to be the problem of how to find customer emails from their
website because in many cases you would not see a proper e-mail address many websites would
have a contact form or maybe just a phone number if you cannot find a proper e-mail address but
simply go to the website call to Domaine type in the URL of the website and you would
be able to find a contact email that was used to register that domain name use that email for
sending out your business proposals many people are going to be interested in your services
because you are proposing to increase businesses for them that is something you simply cannot
ignore when you have a virus writing back to you you are going to negotiate prices with them
typically for a very small website consisting of round 5 to 6 pages I will charge a bare minimum of
$1,000 per hour it goes up if the website is big now those are just my prices you have to decide
your own prices just make sure you do not under Taj or overcharge is them a price that makes you
and them feel comfortable some customers are going to ask you about your search engine
optimization methods your little tell them that you have access to very high-quality to my name
maclin stats and you are going to be using those to my name's to redirect them to customer
website so the entire link juice from those high-quality the Mayans passes on to your customer
website and they get the surgeon in benefits tell them that your methods are going to bring in
results for them and less than 3 months and they would see an increase in traffic within just a few
weeks because these high quality backlinks are going to make their website rank for many long tail
keywords that they never rang for earlier so customers have to hire you for a beer minimum of 3
months to see the benefits of your services and sends SEO is an ongoing process it is advisable for
them to keep you on a monthly retainer program this is going to make sure that both your
customer and you are happy because the customer gets the benefits of optimization and you get a
monthly retainer price every month if you have just five customers that is going to bring in a bare
minimum or $5,000 for so that is how to finalize the deal the next question is how do you deliver
the search engine optimization Services once you have orders simply go to the website called
expired domains and create a free account there click on the tab that says Marketplace domains
click on the tab that says GoDaddy close apps then scroll down and click on the tab that says apply
filter on the right hand side of your screen you will see a box that says backlinks typing 100 there
and hit enter this is going to pull up a lot of different domain names that have at least 100
backlinks attached to them optionally you might also want to check the box that says demos entry
and the apply Fentress area demos list the domain names are very high-quality domains sEO value
when you have an order from a customer if you are simply go to buy a bare minimum of three
domain names from GoDaddy closeout with eat domain name costing less than $20 usually
around 8 to $10 and you are simply going to read out at all those three two different pages on the
customer website for example if a website has five different pages you could redirect one domain
name to the home page 1 to the about us page and finally want to be part of Spades if the website
is bigger than 5 Pages maybe 20 Pages or 30 bigger than that then obviously you are going to need
more domain names and in that case you're going to be charging more from your customers okay
so that's pretty much about how you would make money by selling search engine optimization
services to private customers now I am going to get into some FAQ I know some of you would
have a lot of questions so I'm going to answer the most important ones for safale how to do a 3:01
there are two different ways of doing this you can host it in my name and then redirected to me or
you can do it directly domain name registrar we just go daddy in this case in the first option you
could host it to my name on your Hosting account and then put up a couple of articles on that
domain name how to complete website and then finally redirect a domain name from your cpanel
you see since you are going to be using expired domain name from GoDaddy office redirecting
your domain name by hosting it first the battle any more eventually go to die off and that is the
reason why you should grab three or four different 3 month and keep redirecting them to a
customer these domains are going to lose their SEO value in a month or maybe 45 days so you
have to keep redirecting new domain names your customer websites on a regular basis every
month this is going to be an ongoing process because the domain names are eventually going to
lose their SEO value so there is no point in hosting the domain names and then doing the
redirection and easier way would be to Simply log into your GoDaddy account and from there click
on the domain names that he want to redirect and set up at 3:01 from there that is going to be
easier and more cost-effective for the beauty of this system is if your customer stops being you he
stopped getting the SUV benefits so he has to keep paying you a monthly retainer price for as long
as he wants to have me as your benefits never my experience most customers do not want to go
back to Google advertising closing is very expensive and the results are not always guaranteed so if
your customer has money and you do your job right he is going to keep you on a monthly rate in a
program the second question is how will your customers know that they are actually getting the
benefits of us hear from you your customer simply needs to create an account with Google
analytics and I said you are working on into Google Analytics start seeing the girls in traffic into his
Google analytics account the next question is is your search engine optimization service actually go
to help increase the rankings of your customer websites well you see the 3:01 maybe doing for
your customers are going to increase the Su value of your cousin websites and those websites are
going to start ranking for many long tail keywords that they were not ranking for earlier since
you're not doing any kind of keyword optimization the customer any specific keyword what his
overall search engine optimization score is going to improve and that is going to bring in more
traffic to him if your customers ask you about this simply tell them that you are going to be
improving their overall SEO score by improving their back in profile and their existing ranks for
specific keywords what definitely improving along with that they're also going to start ranking for
many long tail keywords that they were not ranking for earlier and these long tail keywords are
going to bring in Real by a traffic to them that is going to boost their bottom line the last question
will you be offering refunds actually no because you are going to be spending money and getting
domain names tell your customers that it is advisable for them to use your services for a bare
minimum of 3 months and then if they do not like the services they can stop using your services or
else they can continue using your services this matter has a so you just have to stay put and keep
looking for customers and trust me you will find a lot of different customers who are not ranking
on pages 1 through 10 on actually effective because the methods that you are going to
be using our 100% Panda and Penguin safe as far as payment collection is concerned you should
collect a bare minimum or 50% payment before starting work because you would be spending
some money to get those domain names so you need to have that money first and most important
of all do not take shortcuts when it comes to having your own portfolio website that's it in the
next hour we are going to be discussing about a Google AdSense method google AdSense rcpc
method to show you how to use Google AdSense or any other CPC Network and create a specific
type of website and then drive a ton of traffic to that website increase your click-through rates on
you're going to be creating a localized directory type website where you would be listing specific
types of businesses in a specific area let me give you an example here you can go to
cosmetic surgery clinics in Atlanta for example or maybe funeral homes or maybe even daycare
centers when looking for businesses on the people need an everyday lives you're
going to be creating a directory website that lists all the businesses in your chosen category in a
specific geographic location once you have decided on the industry that he want to create a
website on the next episode of Simply go and find the names of those businesses their website
and also their office addresses collect all that information and put that in an Excel sheet try to
create a comprehensive list and fit in as many businesses in that category as possible Inexpensive
area in your list the good part about this is you did not anaconda to yourself simply have to go to videos of the businesses and copy the same from their website this is all going to be
copied information because you cannot really realize someone's address right so don't worry it is
going to be at Sand safe I have done this myself and there is no problem in using such content on
your website that was a first step the next step is to create a website that would have all the
information you collected from depending on the kind of directory and the area that
he want to create your website on you have to get yourself a domain name sample Atlanta funeral host your domain name and put up WordPress on the website now you're going to
use a special trigger and for that you are going to need a very special WordPress theme we are
going to use the apps and theme available on AdSense hey don't worry you don't have to
buy it is available for free for my students to download the team you simply have to go to Med send slams let me spell it out for you m e d s e r adSense labs labs a d s e n s e l
a b s you will find a team available on that page just downloaded and uploaded on
your WordPress website this team is called the ultra clickteam and you have to activate the team
by clicking on it in your WordPress dashboard this team has a couple of different layouts available
and you can find those options in the layouts are team settings area that pops up after you click on
the ultra clickteam menu on your dashboard choose any layout you want you just have to click on
the radio buttons to activate a specific layout and then scroll down and hit the safety in this button
I personally prefer the layout that has the blue header and allows you to add a header image if you
choose that option you can upload a header image directly to you depending on the kind of
directory you are creating specifically the industry you were working on simply go to
how to teach your business category for example funeral homes or maybe plastic surgery clinics
when you go to the ultra clickteam options in your dashboard you will see there are two different
sub options available Website Layout and AdSense layout in the Website Layout you are obviously
going to choose the type of team that you are going to use for your website that will discuss just a
minute back the second option is the AdSense layout option now there are a couple of different
options in this area and you can play around with them but I'm going to talk about the trip that
you were going to use now in this area you will find one box that says 336 that is supposed to be
the box where you are supposed to enter your Google AdSense code of that specific site 336 we
are going to make a few changes here you are going to go to your Google AdSense account and
create an advertisement code of the size 300 by 600 North 336 by 280 a large skyscraper ad and
based box that says P 36 by 280 let me repeat that you are going to create an ad code of the size
300 by 600 and paste that go into 336 buy 280 box this is going to replace the usual rectangular or
Square type advertisement google AdSense websites with a vertical banner and we are going to
set the theme to use that vertical Banner one above the other one add code stacked above
another don't worry I'm going to show you how to do that as well after you have pasted the 300
by 600 code into the 336 you just have to scroll down and you would find the advertisement
layout section where there are a lot of different boxes with green ever tiesman areas highlighted
you have to check the first two boxes in the list and then scroll down and hit the safety in his back
this break is going to fill up more than 50% of your website with Google AdSense ads or any of the
CBC has that you have now the last two boxes that you checked are actually going to rotate these
advertisements and the advertisements are sometimes going to appear on the left hand side of
your rib cage and sometimes on the right hand side of your webpage and that is going to solve the
problem of advertisement blindness on your website which is very important the streak alone is
going to take your click-through rate put on your website they don't worry it's absolutely safe after
you have saved the accident scene just go create a page from your dashboard and put all the
information that you collected in your Excel sheet and create your directories tile listing when
creating an advertisement block from your absence panel just remember to select text ads only
because that is going to increase your CDR and take it to the next level to make your small
Snippets of content the business listings I mean give the same format as Google AdSense text
advertisements that is also the reason why you would be using text ads only on your website the
entire web page is going to look like a directory but 50% of it is going to be just advertisements
and with the advertisement rotation in i'm going to have the problem of advertisement blindness
this might not sound like a lot to you but he will see the difference when you implement this as far
as the sidebar of the website is concerned you can put in another vertical advertisement there if
you want or you can just leave it blank or maybe even put some link unit advertisements there
that's all you need to do now simply go and make this page as your homepage from your
WordPress reading settings and your website is complete you don't have to do anything to bring
traffic to your website since this is a directory website and since this is based on a specific
geographic location and not an entire country or the globe you would automatically find traffic
coming through how much time from personal experience this is very much capable of generating
more than $200 every day in AdSense clicks alone now to take it to the next level once your
website starts getting traffic from Google itself you can contact the list of business owners who
wear listed there for free and charge them a small monthly membership fee for the listings on
your website I personally do not charge more than $20 for my directory listings and if you have a
bare minimum of 50 businesses listed on your website that is an additional $1,000 for I know some
of you would be worried about the copied content. When they don't worry about that because
those are the names and addresses of businesses and there is no other way to list the information
other than copying it so that's absolutely fine with Google if you're really worried that Google
AdSense might come after you after you have created your website simply put a request in your
absence panel for a review of your website and they are going to give you a green go this matter
can make you more than seven to $8,000 every a few months after setup chapter 5 super easy
affiliate marketing in the section I'm going to show you a super easy affiliate marketing when is
potential and it is so easy to implement that literally even a 10 year old can so let's get started no
sense this is affiliate marketing you are going to be needing a video thought I sent when do we
taking a product from two different websites number one market do i'm
not going to tell you the exact products that you can start promoting but I'm going to tell you the
type of products that would be good for this method typically Medical Products work best for this
method not just any medical products you have to find products that are capable of solving
immediate and pressing problems of people for example products that can take care of joint pain
obesity hypertension kidney disorders and arthritis at cetera these types of diseases prevent
people from leaving normal lives I usually on the lookout for Immediate Solutions and that is
exactly where you coming so find a couple of products from what time do you
want to come up obviously you can take into consideration the commission pocket presence of
the products to but don't spend too much time looking for products now that you have a few
products that he wanted to promote and make the missions the next step is to go get a special
software that we are going to use for promoting the products what do you need to hear is a self-
hosted link that can make your affiliate links look like the links belong to your own website and
you actually own the product yourself if you have access to any good paid self hosted live you can
use that but if you don't have one I'm going to give you one for absolutely free as I promised
earlier upper for free by going to the website let me spell that out for you m e d s dot-
com cloak this is a $67 software but here it is going to be absolutely free for my
students this offer is going to help you to cloak your affiliate links from so they look
like these lyrics belong to your own web site and the products are actually owned by you you will
find the usage instructions for the software along with the software itself after you have
downloaded the software the next time that you are going to need is a domain name and a
Hosting account don't worry getting any websites but in order for this software to work it needs a
domain name and hosting since you are going to be promoting Medical Products it is a good idea
to go ahead and grab a domain name that looks like it belongs to a company that is into creating
and selling medical products after you have got your domain name and you have hosted the next
step is to install the software under your domain name and the instructions on how to do that is
available along with the software on the download Spades that is all the setup you need to do
after the setup has been done simply daycare affiliate links from I put them into
your software and let the software Create your own unique links once you have created your own
unique links you are ready to promote the product simply go to Viber. Are in the writing and
distributing press releases are anyone with good reviews and let them create press releases and
distribute them on the products that you were trying to promote you have to give the fiber guy
your software created of idiot lens also these lines are going to be included in your press releases
inside the press releases the writer is going to include your affiliate links and these press releases
are going to go out to a lot of different website and these press releases are going to start ranking
on if you are lucky your Presley's is my even find a place in Google News the problem
with press releases is they do not allow affiliate links and that is why you have to use the software
to make your affiliate links look like they belong to your own website and that the products are
actually owned by you and that is a very reason why you have to have it in my name after your
press releases have been distributed find your product San Diego to click on the link to buy the
products I known you coming since promoting a product about obesity people would easily find
your groceries and they would be able to click on your links and part is the product and her new
commissions and customers who are going to be reading your press releases would be looking at
the affiliate links but they would think that the product cuz this offer is going to mask or cloak your
affiliate links so you have to keep Distributing press releases for a lot of different products and this
is going to generate substantial income for you this matter is very much capable of making you
more than $1,000 100% autopilot get someone to write and distribute the press releases for you
that's it chapter 6 super easy blackhead method using a software in this matter. Mike had money
making method using a special software once again this is a very simple method and anyone can
do it let me explain the concept first you are going to be selling writing services on the
only difference being you would not be riding the Articles yourself you are going to be using a
special software called a Unicode software that is going to write articles automatically for you. This
is not a spinning software it is an Unicode software that uses special characters to write English
articles automatically so the first step is to go create an account on complete all the
details in your account and also add your PayPal address so you can get paid from 5. Com you have
created your account the next step is to set up a couple of gigs on you already have an
account on Fiverr you can use that or you can create a new account for selling article writing gigs
depended on not your account is knew you would be able to set up anywhere between 8 and 20
gigs on them should be article writing gigs I know some of you out there would be
having this question how to set up several different writing gigs within the same Viber account let
me help you with that you could set up 1 gig saying that you are going to be writing a 500 word
article on Viber and then in another gig but he would be writing a 350 bored article again in
another gig you could mention that you will be riding medical related articles even internet
marketing related articles you just have to be creative and think of different ways to post different
gigs that are related to article writing on set up as many gigs as you can you just have to
be as creative as possible when it comes to setting up different gigs the whole idea behind so
many different gigs this to increase your exposure on the platform you just have to make sure that
your prices are lower than the average prices on Viber this is to make sure that people get
attracted to your service as an order from you do not worry because you are going to be using the
software to write the articles for and using the software you would be able to write a 500-word
article a couple of seconds once you have set up a couple of different gigs on it's a go
get some reviews for your services you know if you have good reviews it is easier to sell on have a VPN you can set up other different accounts on present for reviewing your
services if you don't have a VPN you can simply ask your friends to leave positive reviews on your
gigs try to get some reviews because Dad is going to cut out on the waiting time and help you get
started super fast know if you cannot at all get reviews that is still okay because you have a lot of
different Gigs available on the platform and you will get noticed it today or tomorrow and orders
will start flowing in so that was about setting up your account let's not get into how to
use the software this offer is called the garage Pro and it is available on red board for your dad, if
you if you would see the software available for $67 but it is going to be free for my students and I
have managed to get this stupid phone writes for the software so to download I have to go to Med let me spell it out for you and e d s e r f d w a r e there was
absolutely no installation required and you will find the usage instructions on the download page
after you have the software you can easily write any kind of article in just a few seconds by
pushing a few buttons the software is capable of processing 1.5 ml this means you can write
several 500-word articles please refer to the instructions on the software download page and that
is going to give you some tips on how to use the software more efficiently and save a lot of time
i'm not going to give you a couple of important facts about this software because that is going to
change the way you deliver your orders to your customers to use this software you basically have
to paste an article from the internet into the software and it is going to turn that article into a copy
escape proof article so you can basically copy any without having to worry about copyright issues
this offer basically rewrites your copied articles and then renders them into English characters
making the Articles 100% copyscape proof and Google proof these articles can be used for blog
post search engine optimization articles are website Pages they cannot however be used for
directory posing because directories are not comfortable with using Unicode characters normal
articles from the web look exactly the same the only difference being those created by the
software when pasted in an air mass worksheet have green and red wavy lines other side words
because of the introduction of Unicode characters so you cannot send out completed articles
them in Emma's WarChiefs because they would have red and green wavy lines and confuse your
customer obviously you are not going to tell your customers that you are using the software to
write the Articles so while sending out orders to your customers you have to paste those are and
then send them out if a customer asks you simply tell them that since you work with so many
different. It goes out simply Save disk space because image worksheets take up more space in your
computer that's how I do it your customer would not notice any difference in any case he simply
has to take those articles from the note pads you sent to him and paste them onto his website as
simple as that so all the work that you have to do is find the articles that match the needs of the
customer on the web and then you are just going to copy that stuff from the web and paste it into
the software and have it create a completely fresh article for you obviously you can come by in a
couple of different resources for example you could go to several different website and copy
different Snippets of text from each website and then create a completely new article into the
software this offer gives you a lot of different options. Sometimes some take your articles and
paste them in an MS word cheat and save it in their computer for later use some of those
customers might come back and leave a negative review on your gig but you don't have to worry
about that if you have too many negative reviews simply create a new Viber account and start
using it because inside your PayPal you have the option of adding a lot of different email addresses
so each of those emails can be you separate Viber accounts this method is so easy and lucrative
that you can easily make a few thousand dollars once you have a couple of good reviews on your
gigs the good part is you do not chapter 7 confusion so those were the five different you know
what all you have to do is take action if you ask me I would recommend that you start using all of
the methods that have been described here because it is not a very good idea to pin your hopes
on to just anyone methylone the biggest secret to making money online is to be able to soak up
ideas and Implement them without being lazy but I have seen many internet marketing gurus
advise people that it is very much possible to make money by being lazy and that is simply not
going to happen if you don't take action nothing is going that is just basic common sense take
Massive Action and you are going to succeed I have my best wishes with you the end enjoy this

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