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We have a class BadEmployee which deals with multiple functionalities

(responsabilities). Adding new methods will modify the class without a good

public class BadEmployee {

private String status;

private String name;
private int hours;

public BadEmployee(String status, String name, int hours) {

this.status = status; = name;
this.hours = hours;

public int calculatePay() {

switch (this.status) {
case "A":
return 1;
case "B":
return 2;
return 0;

public String reportHours() {

return String.format("%s worked %d hours.\n",, this.hours);

public String toString() {
return "I am a employee";

Let’s refactor, so that the responsibility of the class GoodEmplyee is to define an employee, and the
other functionalities are delegated to dedicated services.
public class GoodEmployee {

String status;
String name;
int hours;

public GoodEmployee(String status, String name, int hours) {

this.status = status; = name;
this.hours = hours;

public class EmployeePaymentService {

private EmployeeAdditionalPaymentService eAPS;

public EmployeePaymentService(EmployeeAdditionalPaymentService
employeeAdditionalPaymentService) {
this.eAPS = employeeAdditionalPaymentService;

public int calculatePay(GoodEmployee employee) {

switch (employee.status) {
case "A":
return 1;
case "B":
return 2;
return 0;

public class EmployeeTimetrackingService {

public String reportHours(GoodEmployee employee) {

return String.format("%s worked %d hours.\n",,

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