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THE ANSWER OF ENGLISH TEST FOR ONLINE GRADUATE PROGRAMS 1, Why does Coleman think that traditional qualities, such as intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision are not enough for a good leader? Explain and elaborate your answer in about 5 sentences. Because,all of the traditional qualities are useless if leader doesn’t have Emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) looks simple but that’s the key for success Having emotional intelligence makes people drive himself well. That’s also the answer why ordinary people could be soared , and also why smart people could be failed. Emotional Intelligence can’t be learned at university only, it must be learn from experiences, from social interaction, and every challenges that people have in work and daily life, 2, According to Coleman, someone who is intelligent and highly-skilled can be a failure at the job, Why is this? Find your example from the article and elaborate. Answer: Because emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership. Without it, a person can have the best training in the world, an incisive, analytical mind, and an endless supply of smart ideas, but he still won't make a great leader. Vary situations need vary leadership style also, emotional intelligence drive leaders to adapt with changes, Every leaders who can adapt with changes have good results 3. What is meant by emotional intelligence, and how one demonstrates emotional intelligence? Answer: Emotional intelligence is ability to recognize, understand, manage our emotions and influence emotions of others. Someone with this intelligence always think before act, know himself well, have good motivation, empathy, and able to interact with others. SS The Answer of English Test for Online Graduate Programs 4, What do you think about emotional intelligence for leadership? Do you have an example in your job or in your life? Explain and elaborate. Answer: Every Leader should have emotional intelligence, leader who can drive himself can lead others wisely. For example, President Joko Widodo always have time for family although he often face stresfull situation and needs to make decision as soon as possible. Having time with family relieve stress. Happy Leaders have positive energy and always make better decision than angry leaders, [certify that this paper is my own work Signature La (Marcel Prathama Mulyantara) "The Answer of English Test for Online Graduate Programs

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