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“How to get back lost customers and win their trust”

Every business needs their customers support to run successfully in the market and grow along with.
And for every businessman it is far easier and cheaper to retain existing customers rather than catering
to a new roaster all together. But let’s be practical about the fact that in this era of competitions, it is
not a feasible option at all times to hold on to your existing customers or get back the lost ones. There
might be multiple reasons for the same:

 Better prices for the same product available with the competitors
 More benefits associated with buying from a new seller
 Better services available therein
 Acknowledging a customer’s existence or contribution to a business’s growth
 Win-Win situation with other competitors

And the list can go on and on. But the catch is to identify and work on the parameters which would help
a business get back its lost customers and win their trust back. Luckily there are many techniques and
methodologies to bring back customers these days. Let’s mention a few:

 Running campaigns like “You Matter” for the lost customers. Offering them special discounts
and remembering them on their birthdays/ anniversaries or special occasions do help
 Conducting a survey and understanding the factors which lead a customer to either switch the
seller or switch on to different products
 Keeping the customers engaged and making them feel they are important to the business and
its growth
 Ensuring best quality of before and after sales customer service. It is bad to only focus on selling
a product and never really connecting with your customers again.

Well, with the increasing competition and the changing trends, every business is required to be updated
about what’s happening around and accordingly formulating strategies that would help them stand out
from the rest. It is said “Loyal Customers are the biggest asset for any business today”. Losing out on one
loyal customer would also mean losing out on an important part of your growth.

It is thereby advisable to do market research and implement the business plans accordingly. It indeed
takes nothing to make your customers happy but it does take back a lot if you don’t.

With companies figuring out on how to grow, it would always be advisable to focus on retaining the
existing customers and embedding trust in them.

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