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(1)Introduction->React js a javascript liberary developed by facebook

engineers.At the heart of all React applications
are components. A component is a selfcontained module that renders some
output. We can write
interface elements like a button or an input field as a React component.
Components What isReact?
are composable. A component might include one or more other components in
its output.
Broadly speaking, to write React apps we write React components that
correspond to various
interface elements. We then organize thesecomponents inside higher-level
components whichdefine
the structure of our application.

(2)Project Specification->Middleware generally refers to software services that

"glue together" separate features in
existing software. For Redux, middleware provides a third-party extension point
dispatching an action and handing the action off to the reducer:[ Action ]
] [ Dispatcher ]Examples of middleware include logging, crash reporting, routing,
handling asynchronous requests, etc.
Let's take the case of handling asynchronous requests, like an HTTP call t
Middleware is a great spot to do this.

(3)Testing->When we talk about testing, we're talking about the process of

automating the process of setting up and
measuring our assumptions against assertions of functionality about our
application.When we talk about
front-end testing in React, we're referring to the process of making assertions
about what our React app
renders and how it responds to user interaction. We'll discuss three different
software testing
paradigms: unit testing, functional testing, and integration testing

(4)Implementation->Yesterday we examined the different types of tests that we

write in React. Today we'll see it in
action. We'll install thedependencies required to set up tests as well as write our
assertions.Let's get our application set up to be tested. Since we're going to be
using afew
different libraries, we'll need to install them before we can use them(obviously).
(5)Product Deployment->When talking about deployment, we have a lot of
different options:Hosting Deployment
environment configuration Continuous Integration (CI, for short) Cost cycles,
bandwidth costBundle sizeand more We'll look at the different hosting options we
have for
deploying our react app tomorrow and look at a few different methods we have
deploying ourapplication up. Today we're going to focus on getting our app ready

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