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Antonio Gonzalez was driving his car along the Marbella Avenue. Everybody in Spain
know this tourist place became famous, thanks to the tourism that started to get to know
the place in the years 1960 and 1970 established in this seaside Mediterranea City.
Marbella grew also very much when some years later Jesus Gil a corrupted entrepreneur
became major.

Antonio Gonzalez thought that perhaps this Marbella beautiful avenue has been built thank
to the money coming from the drugs dealers that had found in this city the ideal place to
commercialise their products . In this city there was a lot of money and people who like
parties and nightlife and alcohol.

Antonio thought also that it was late at night and there were few cars around. That was
something weird, because on a Saturday night this Avenue used to be quite full of cars and
people going in all direction but specially to the place where most of the discos and bars
were situated.


Antonio was 35 years old and he had just divorced because his wife Luisa, had left him due
to the fact that she had fallen in love with another man who used to work and have his law
office in Torremolinos. Tonight Antonio wanted to have a good time and forget his problems
dancing and drinking and talking with some of his friends.

As usual, Antonio, had his car radio on. He liked to tune his favourite channel. It was a
channel that used to put pop music. He loved music from Iron Made or Metallic. Today there
was no one in the car with him. He could hear the car radio playing a tune from Elton John at
a certain point the music stopped for the hourly news.

The announcer of the news spoke about a brutal murder which had just taken place a few
kilometers far from there in Puerto Banus. The killer still unknown, had barbarously killed the
staff of a supermarket Mercadona.


The radio announcer went on to say that both the national and local police and the Civil
Guard were investigating the case and that they feared that the killer could be hidden around
the motorway A5, not far from the place where the crime had been committed and warned
everyone to pay close attention .

Antonio was not someone to be easily frightened. He was perfectly aware that he was
driving his car near where the place the crime had been committed. At that moment Antonio
realised that the car was running out of petrol. It was then that he decided to stop in a
nearby petrol station. He parked his car near pump nr 11.

At the petrol station, the attendant was a strangely looking man, dressed in the uniform of
the company and wearing a cap with the inscription TOTAL in it. As soon as he realized that
a car was parked in pump 11 he went to service the new customer.

Juan Antonio Delgado Vallejo

Antonio, I could talk to the gas station's assistant, about a Lebanese thing, in one of the
responses Antonio observed that the person who was supplying the gas had his blood
stained suit and his hands completely skewered, dead of horror began to run when he
understood that the gas station attendant was the cause of the deaths in the supermarket,
because of his head all kinds of panic thoughts were around because he understood in
those moments that he could be caught by the murderer and cease to exist, which could not
end to watch the series that they liked, that life would end, that they would not feel the air at
night and the caresses of women. He kept running as much as he could and as fast as he
could without looking back. at that moment he felt a great stab because the murderer had
caught him and had him skewered with his knife, he felt like the air he breathed stopped
entering his lungs, he was Antonio near a bridge on the A5 motorway and the murderer had
to fall his corpse to the asphalt where he trained leaving a huge splash on the road.

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