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An interactive story


Julie Tucker-Leaton
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hear the story. At
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two additional
Once upon a
time, there was a
secret, great
ninja school.
The school was run by a
wise and knowledgeable
ninja master and was
powered by the Great,
Magical McGuffin.
All of the student
ninjas were tall,
strong and
except one.
The littlest ninja was
shorter, younger, and
weaker than all of the
other ninjas.
One day, the master ninja
gave the littlest ninja a gift…
a puppy who the littlest ninja
named Batdog.
Batdog was a very special
puppy. Batdog and the littlest
ninja played together everyday.
One day, and evil Von
Stuben came to the
school and stole the
Great McGuffin.
All of the larger ninjas
were too afraid to go
after Von Stuben and
get the McGuffin back.
The littlest ninja and
Batdog left the school
and flew to Von
Stuben’s home, Paris.
At the Eiffel tower, the
littlest ninja and
Batdog met a turtle
who told them that
Von Stuben had a
secret lair in the
Pacific ocean near
Costa Rica.
While swimming in the ocean, the
littlest ninja and Batdog met a shark.
The shark told them that Von Stuben
took the Great McGuffin to the Morro
fort in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
At El Morro, the littlest
ninja and Bat dog met a
dancing cow who told them
where to find Von Stuben.
The littlest ninja and Batdog
went down a long
and dark tunnel.
At the bottom of the
tunnel, Batdog hid
while the littlest
Ninja fought Von
Just when Von Stuben was
about to defeat the littlest
ninja, Batdog leaped out
from hiding and bit her on
the ankle.
The littlest Ninja found
the Great McGuffin
and flew back to the
When Batdog and the
littlest ninja returned,
all of the bigger ninjas
cheered for the two
unlikely heroes.
The littlest ninja
learned an important
lesson. Even the
littlest of people can
achieve great things
when they have a good
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Littlest Ninja clean up his the places that the Littlest Ninja Littlest Ninja trading cards.
bedroom. Note: You must have Traveled to.
Flash in order to play.

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