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(An Experimental Research to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1
Banyudono in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)

A. Abstract
1. Aim : To know whether the use of video media is effective or not for teaching

procedure text writing to the eleventh grade student of SMAN 1

Banyudono in Academic Year of 2015/2016.

2. Method : This research used quantitative research used quantitative approach with

quasi experimental method.

3. Result : The result of the research show that; the student who were taught using

video has higher score in procedure text writing than the student who


taught using text book.

4. Discussion : The research showed the mean of students post-test experimental class is

77,01 and for control class is 73,50. It shows that there was significant

difference and the result of T-test showed that T-score is higher (2.173)

than T-table (2.007).

B. Introduction

1. Background : Writing is one of the skills that should be mastered by the students,

because it can convey their ideas through their minds into the written

form. Most of student have difficulties in writing skills.

2. Gap : The student difficulties in gathering and organizing their ideas in

writing sentence.

3. How to fill the gap: The researcher used a media to teach and deliver the material of

procedure text.

4. Aim of the Research: To know whether there is an effectiveness of using video in

teaching procedure text writing.

5. Literature Review: There are twelve kind of writing text that discussed on senior


school. Those are Recount, Report , Discussion , Explanation ,

Exposition (analytical), Exposition (hortatory), News item,

Anecdote , Narrative, Procedure, Description, Review (Kathy,

1997: 3). In 2 nd semester of 11th grade student learn about

procedure text. Procedure text gives information about how

something is accomplished through sequence of actions or steps.

C. Methodology

1. Research Method : This research is used quantitative approach and experimental

2. Research Design : The research design used quasi-experimental method, and

there is two group in this research , the first is experimental

group that taught using video and the second is control group

that using text books. And used cluster random sampling.

3. Participant : The population of this research is all of the eleventh grade

student of SMAN 1 Banyudono in the academic year of

2015/2016. The total population is six classes. They are two

science classes and four social classes each of class consist


30 until 33 students. The total number students is 192. And

used cluster random sampling After getting two classes, the

researcher determines randomly which class will be used as

the experimental group and which class will be used as the

control one. In this research the experimental class is XI A2

(Science 2) and the control class is XI S4 (Social 4).

4. Instrument : The researcher used Writing test to students.

5. Data collection : After divided the groups. The researcher gave the test to

students in the same material but the media was different.

6. Data analysis : In analyzing the data, the researcher used T-Test to find the

effectivenes of the technique. The data was calculated in

detail, mean, median, mode and the standard deviation to find

out the student writing ability.

D. Discussion

1. Finding

- This is the data from experimental group that taught by using video in learning

procedure text.

From the data the lowest score is 65, while the highest score is 85. The mean is 77.1, the

mode is 80.5, the median is 78.62 and the standard deviation is 6,13.

- This is the data from Control Group that taught by using text books in learning

procedure text.

From the data the lowest score is 64, while the highest score is 83. The mean is

73.5, the mode is 73.9, the median is 73.82, and the standard deviation is 4.44.

- Hypothesis Test
Based on the independent sample T-test above, the value of T-test is

known that T-test (2.173) is higher than Ttable (2.007). It means that there is

significant difference in teaching procedure text writing for the students taught by

using video. It shows that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

2. Discussion

The result of the hypothesis test shows that there is effectiveness of using video

in teaching procedure text writing. It can be proved from the result of T value (2.173)

which is higher than T-table (2.007). The students‘ score from the experimental class

were different from those who were in the control class. The lowest score in the

experimental class is 65, while in the control class is 64. Then, the highest score in the

experimental class is 85, while in the control class is 83. The mean score of the both

classes are also different. The result of analysis shows that the mean score of the

students who were taught using video (77.1) is higher than those who are taught using

textbook (73.5). It means that the students who were taught using video have better

achievement than those who were taught using textbook.

E. Conlusion

After conducting the research, the researcher found out the results. After

analyzing the data, the researcher gets the result of the analysis. The result showed that

t score is 2.173 and t table is 2.007 with the level significance of 0.05. It can be seen

that T-score is higher than t table. It means there is significant difference in teaching

procedure text writing between the students who were taught by video and those were

taught by textbook.

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