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Nurse: clinic medical office. Rita spiking.

Patient: I am Diah. Can you help me? My stomach hurts

Nurse: okay, do you often get stomachaches?

Patient: These last two days have been painful. It hurts now after eating salad.

Nurse: How many hours does your stomach hurt?

Patient: usually not too long. And usually goes away by itself. The pain is felt in the needling

Nurse: Fine, Mrs. Diah Kusumawardhani, complained of abdominal pain like a prick, pain sometimes
appears sometimes not. Is that right, Diah?

 Patient: yes ma'am

Nurse: Fine, Mrs. Diah Kusumawardhani suffered from gastritis and felt painful symptoms such as being
stabbed with a needle. Mrs. Diah please calm down. This gastritis sometimes recurs suddenly, mrs. Diah
has mild gastritis. Mrs. Diah must routinely take medicine that has been given by the doctor to the
mother, do not eat carelessly. plenty of rest. Use tilts to the right and left to reduce pain.

Patient: ok mam. I will not eat carelessly, I will take medicine regularly. I will also try the resting
technique with right tilt and left tilt.

Nurse: Fine, Mrs. Diah. If something happens again, mrs. Diah can call me back to this number
Patient: thank you

Nurse: You're welcome

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