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Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Fail

Article Formatting: Sequencing is extremely Sequencing is very clear Sequencing is somewhat Sequencing not clear or Sequencing makes no
Using clear and clear and logical with and logical and clear and logical and has logical and has clear or logical sense and
logical sequencing appropriate and effective demonstrates an demonstrated a minimal demonstrated a vague has not demonstrated an
demonstration of an appropriate understanding of understanding of possible understanding of correct
understanding of understanding of correct appropriate article article formatting article formatting
Newspaper Article article formatting formatting with some
structure issues
Demonstrates Demonstrates an excellent Demonstrates a very good Demonstrates reasonable Very minimal Shows no understanding
understanding of and in depth understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the of the content with no
content knowledge understanding of content content with appropriate content with some content demonstrated relevant incorporation of
knowledge with thorough incorporation of key incorporation of key with vague incorporation key ideas, events and
incorporation of key events, ideas and people events, ideas and people of some key ideas, events people
events , ideas and people and people
Appropriate use Appropriate and effective Demonstrates appropriate Somewhat demonstrates Demonstrates poor use Does not demonstrate
supporting historical use of supporting use of supporting appropriate use of of little to no supporting the use of any supporting
sources such as historical sources historical sources at a high supporting historical historical sources historical sources
images and quotes demonstrated at a very level sources at a satisfactory
high level level
Correct use of Excellent, effective and Very good and correct use Sufficient and somewhat Poor use of historical Little to no use of any
historical correct use of historical of historical language and correct use of historical language and historical language and
language/terminology language and terminology terminology language and terminology terminology terminology
and information demonstrated throughout demonstrated throughout demonstrated throughout demonstrated demonstrated in the
the whole article a majority of the article a majority of the article throughout the whole article
Evidence of Excellent research of Appropriate research of Reasonable research of Very little research of Hardly any research of
appropriate research Appropriate and reputable sources is some reputable sources is appropriate and any appropriate or
from reputable reputable sources is evident at a high level evident reputable sources is reputable sources has
sources strongly evident evident been made evident
Use of correct Strong use of correct Good use of the correct Use of relatively correct Use of correct spelling, Little to no use of correct
spelling, punctuation spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, punctuation, grammar spelling, punctuation,
and grammar and grammar and structure grammar and structure grammar and structure and structure hardly grammar and structure
structure consistently demonstrated regularly demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated

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