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Homework no.

Elon Musk Most Important Invention

-what is it?
-what are the main ideas?
-power of thoughts
-mind and internet
Main idea 1-what are the goals-help people, interface, symbiosis
Main idea 2- the BMI system
Main idea 3-future goals

Neuralink Corporation is an American neurotechnology company founded by Elon

Musk, developing implantable brain–machine interfaces . The main idea of the
company is to control machines with just the power of thoughts.
Neurons are the main focus because represent information in the rate statistics and
precise timing of spike. With neurotransmitters synapses create a network. The point
is to improve technology of neuroelectronic links which would create connections
between our minds and the internet. Such systems would potentially allow our brains
to interact with data in real time, just like we do with our own knowledge, thoughts
and memories.
Neuralink has three stated goals: Treating brain disorders and helping people who had
accidents and have brain and spinal injuries, creating a brain-machine interface, and
building toward a potential symbiosis with artificial intelligence.
Neuralink made a BMI system that consists of three main components: ultra-thin
threads, a sort of robotic sewing machine, and sensors. With this Neuralink BMI
system a monkey is now able to control a computer.
Elon Musk hopes that the company will start experiments with human subjects in
2020. The plan is to implant four such sensors in a human subject, three in the motor
cortex and one in the somatosensory cortex. Their goal is also to be able to control the
system through an app.

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