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Principles of consumer behavior in hospitality and tourism

1. Describe three real situations in a company which took into account / did not take into account
consumers’ characteristics. Requests and information:
a. At least two examples must be in the fields of tourism and hospitality
b. Describe the situations that you refer to
c. Describe the benefits and / or losses from considering / ignoring consumers
d. Show why it was /it would have been important to take consumers into account
e. Highlight the timeframe in which the consequences manifest themselves (in years)
f. Suggest realistic solutions thorough which:
i. the negative consequences could have been prevented
ii. the negative consequences that already happened can be reduced
g. Compare the benefits and losses (in all categories - economic, natural, social, thinking to
all timeframes)
h. Deadline for oral presentation: December 10, 2019
i. Score: max. 6 points (1 point /situation - written content, 1 point/situation - oral
presentation). Only personal contributions are graded for points c to g.

2. Read at least one of the books:

a. William McDonough, Michael Braungart: Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make
b. Daniel Goleman: Inteligenta ecologica
c. Kit Yarrow: Decoding the New Consumer Mind: How and Why We Shop and Buy
d. Pamela Danziger: Why People Buy Things They Don't Need: Understanding and
Predicting Consumer Behavior
e. Paco Underhill: Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping
f. Charles Duhigg: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
g. Another one that you choose, but only after teachers’ approval.
h. Make the summary of the book and answer t 4 questions asked by the teacher. (Do not
copy the summary)
i. Deadline for oral presentation: December 10, 2019
j. Score: max 2 pct (0,5 points/book - written content, 1,5 points/book - presentation)

3. Identify the factors that influence consumers behavior for 3 products/services. Requirements and
a. Describe the product/service
b. Name the factors that influence consumer behavor
c. Describe the way the factors influence it
d. Show how a the company can take advantage from knowing these influences
e. Show what the consumers should know about these factors and their influence in order to
void being misled and to benefit from the offers on the market
f. At least one of the products/services should be linked to hospitality and tourism
g. Deadline for oral presentation: December 17, 2019
h. Score: max 6 points (1 point/ product - written content, 1 point/product – oral
presentation). Only personal contributions are graded for points c, d, and e.

Compulsory requirements:
• Mention your name and surname.
• Mention the subject that you solve.
• Include citations in the text: name, year, pages.
• Include final references.
• Text formatting requirements: A4, TNR 12 or Arial 10, spacing 1 line, margins of 2.5 cm, doc or
docx format, unprotected.
• All tasks will be send together in one single Word document
• Compliy with the delivery deadline.
• Assignments must be sent to course coordinator by email.

The maximum grade without any presentation is 6.

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