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imitate the generosity of the imam asy syafi'i

Imam Ash-Shafi'i rahimahullah has the full name Muhammad bin Idris ash-Shafi'i al-Muththalibi (died
204 AH). He is a salaf person who is pious, adib (civilized), zahid (zuhud), a muhaddits, faqih, and
'abid (expert of worship). Zuhud and his generosity are very famous. His student, Rabbi 'told me that
one day Imam Shafi'i passed by, he suddenly fell, then Ghulam (a boy) jumped to take it, then wiped
it with his sleeve, then handed it to Imam Shafi'i, then Imam Shafi'i gave him 7 dinars and gold coins,
which could be worth 28 grams. (Siyar A'lam an-Nubala ', adz-Dzahabi, 10/37)

Another incident, Imam Rabbi 'recounts his own experience by saying: "I married, then Imam Ash-
Shafi'i asked me:" Your wife, what gift do you give? " first dinar, "then he immediately gave me 24
dinars to fulfill it." "(ibid)

Subhan Allah! 24 dinars is equivalent to 96 grams of gold. Such is the generosity and lightness of
Imam Shafi'i's hand in helping others, even though he is not a rich person.

Another story in Egypt, Muhammad bin 'Abdul Hakam said:

‫ يأتي المنزل فإني ال أتغدى حتى يجيء‬:‫ قولوا إلى محمد إذ جاء‬:‫ و أال قال‬,‫كان الشفعي أسخى الناس بما يجد وكان يمر بنا فإن وجدني‬

"Imam Shafi'i is the most generous man with what he has. He always passes my place if I see me. If
not, then he advised: "Tell Muhammad, if he comes to go home because I will not eat lunch until he
comes!" "(Ibid)

This is the high priest Ash-Shafi'i, the priest whose assembly was attended by 300 religious scholars
(mu'ammam), pioneers in the science of hadith, the science of ushul fiqh, and the science of
mukhtalaf al-hadith.

He is generous because of his strong faith in the afterlife (heaven and hell) and is very strong in his
faith that the world is a place of charity and wealth that is useless in the afterlife if not practiced fi
Let us refer to the string of expressions of faith and the principle of Imam Shafi'i regarding property:

"O people who feel the world, I've also tasted it

It has been sent to me delicious and the punishment

So I don't get anything other than deception and evil

As a mirage that appears above the desert from a distance

Apparently, he was nothing but a decomposed carcass

It was surrounded by dogs, whose lust only tore him

So it is fortunate for a soul who loves space in his house

The doors are tightly closed and the hijab fabric is stretched out

If you are not generous

While things continue to apply to you

Really your hands are able to give and not give

Then what is expected of you if you have been stripped

And bitten by the world with its fangs as real as possible?

And the days of asking for what he has given you

And usually, those days ask for the debt back. "

"I see qana'ah (receiving God's gift) that is wealth

So I hung on the tails

So this person doesn't see me on the door

And that one didn't see me dissolve at him

So I became rich without dirham

I walked past people like a king. "

"Verily God has smart, clever servants

They leave the world treasure and worry about slander

They contemplate it, and after knowing

that he is not a place to live for the living

So they make it as a choppy sea, and make it good deeds as the ark. "

Such is the principle and view of Imam Shafi'i towards property and the world. May Allah 'Azza wa
Jalla bless Imam Imam Shafi'i and make us as his followers in this goodness. Aamiin.

Rewritten from the article 'Salaf Reflection' of al-Umm Magazine 02 / Th edition. 11 pages 8-10 by
Agus H. Bashori, Lc., M. Ag. with a little change.

Lungit F. Fauzia article

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