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I recently saw the movie “La quinta ola”.

I saw the movie because I read the book a few

years ago, I expected a great history because the book is awesome. The movie was
directed by J. Blakeson and written by Susannah Grant. It was starred by Chloë Grace
Moretz, Nick Robinson, and Liev Schreiber and premiered in January 2016. Until the book
was written by Rick Yancey.
The story takes place in our world which has been affected by a super huge disaster was
done by aliens, this disaster had four parts called “Olas”. Cassiope starred by Chloë Grace
Moretz is an adolescent and her family was affected by the “Olas”. The story was told by
Casiopea. Her family was her father and her little brother “Sam”. A day the army arrived to
the Casiopea camp’s, they were searching children, because the children couldn’t infect
and the adults were infected by the aliens. The army takes the children and the adults
were murdered by the army. Casiopea was safe and she realized that the army was the
aliens. She starts a trip to find her brother. She falls in love whith man saves her life, the
man name’s is Evan Walker and he was an alien. Casiopea and Evan Walker join in the Sam
search’s. In the way they meet many surprises and rivals and they mission will be found
Sam and destroy the alien’s navy.
I didn’t like the movie because it skips many parts of the book story’s, also the movie
changes the murder parts, the movie isn’t interesting, the story lost attractive and it does’t
meet my expectations. The only thing I liked was the special effects used. Those were

Hi Eduard

I haven't see this movie, but whit those critics, I don`t believe that I see, because I saw the first
part and I like the movie, the effects were fine and the story was fine. But the second part doesn’t
convince me.

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