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Grade 4 Math Lesson

Day 3: Comparing Fractions with Different Numerators and Different Denominators Word

Standards Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by
creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such
as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same
whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the
conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.

Content ● I can solve word problems by comparing two fractions with different numerators and
Objectives different denominators.
● I can justify my answers to word problems using visual models.

Language ● I can justify my answers to word problems by writing sentences using ‘because’.

Opening 1. Teacher instructs students to open to a new page in their math notebooks and write the date
at the top (an established classroom procedure). Students take turns reading objectives aloud.
2. Teacher projects slides. The first slide shows two images of children eating ice cream. The
first photo has a girl eating an ice cream with one scoop of ice cream and two cones. The
second photo has a boy eating an ice cream with eleven scoops of ice cream and one cone.
Both children have silly expressions.
Teacher says, “So, I have two copies of the same photo. There’s a kid. They’re enjoying
ice cream. I see nothing different about these photos”.
Students may be confused or incredulous. They may verbalize or show with body language
that they disagree with the teacher.
Teacher says, “Hmmm, you don’t believe me. Tell me one thing that’s different about these
photos. I see the same thing. I see kids eating ice cream”.
Students may offer physical differences about the children (gender, skin color, clothing, etc).
Students may offer that the boy has more ice cream and the girl has more cones.
3. Teacher says, “Okay, now that you’ve opened my eyes to the fact that these photos are in
fact quite different, I’m actually noticing this is actually really related to what we’ve been
doing in math. There’s two people who have something that’s the same and we’re comparing
what’s different by quantity, or how much or many. Actually, I think we could even write an
equation about this picture. In your math notebook, see if you can write an equation to match
this picture”.
4. Teacher provides about two minutes for students to think and write. Teacher says, “Okay,
in a minute, but not yet, I’d like you to turn and talk to your table groups. I want you to share
your equations with one another. Remember, one person talks at a time, while the rest of the
group listens, ok go”. Students turn and talk to table group members.
5. Teacher gets class’s attention again. Teacher asks, “Raise a hand if everyone at your table
had the same equation. Okay, now raise a hand if some people had different equations”.
Teacher gauges student reactions.
Teacher asks students to share equations and writes equations on board. Some possible
equations are: 11x1=11, 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=11, 2x1=2 (If there is not a lot of
variety in equations provided by students, teacher can write equations of her own on the
board to prompt discussion).
6.Teacher says, “I’d like to hear from some students. Raise your hand if you can explain to
me why you think one of the equations matches the picture. It doesn’t have to be the equation
you wrote”.
Students may say that “11x1” matches the picture because the boy has 11 times as much ice
cream as the girl. Students may say that “1+1…” matches the picture because if you add
1+1…eleven times you get eleven scoops of ice cream. Students may say that “2X1=2”
matches the picture because the girl has twice as many cones as the boy.
The teacher will engage in conversation with the students, prompting them to say more if
they give short responses.

Development Teacher explains that we can justify when we do word problems of any kind, including
Teacher explains that we will be working in teams. Explains that we may disagree with team
members, which is why it is important to be able to justify our ideas clearly. If we have a
disagreement with a team member, we need to explain our ideas clearly to help others
understand our perspective.

Students work in teams to solve one word problem. They must present their solution as if
they are the “teachers”. They will be presenting their solution to the class.

Closing Each group presents their word problem and solution. Other students will listen and ask

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