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Literature review will help to understand more about the study, it gives more information
about the study. The reviews are,
1. Pallavi P Kulkarni, (2013) A literature review on training and development and
development and quality of work life.

In this competitiveness world the training and development program plays a very
important role in the company. It leads to increase the effectiveness and efficiency
in the performance of the employees. It considers less physical skills and more
concerned with knowledge, skills, ability, attitudes and behaviour should be
addition to specific skills. Training and development program will help in
improving employee attitude and behaviour towards the job and also increase their
morale. It is useful in this manner.
In these employees are try to balance their personal life as well as professional or
work life in good manner and in helps to them to reduce the stress. It helps to
increase the employee morale and job satisfaction. It helps to increase the
productivity and commitments of employees towards the organisation.
It helps to improve the communication between the levels of the management.
Training and development plays a very important role in organisation. Training and
development helps to improve the employee’s performance at work place and leads
improve their knowledge, skills, ability and effectiveness. The need for training and
development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency. Computed
as follows,
Training and development need=standard performance-actual performance.

Training helps improve the overall performance of the organisation, and normal
training with in the organisations are, employee motivation, self-development, time
management, and work process etc.

2. Maimuna Muhammad Nda, et al (2013) the impact of employee training and

development on employee productivity.
Training and development program is more common in the human resource
department in the company, they should provide effective training and development
program help human resource management to achieve the short term as well as long
term objectives of the company. The company want get return on investment, they
should provide effective training and development program. Training and
development program leads to manage the employee force.
The key words are: employee training, employee development, employee
Employee training: it is provided by the organisation to its new and existing
employees to improve their skills, knowledge and ability to work. Its main purpose
is employee growth.
Employee development: it means gathering the new skills and knowledge for the
growth. To increase the employee capability the organisation, provide development
programs. To maintain employee and organisation success they will invest on the
employee development program.
Employee productivity: the employee should be productive to the organisation,
according to oxford dictionary 2007 is the efficiency with which things are being

Training and development is not only for productivity it also gives the satisfaction
to the employee in terms of the knowledge and skills. the employee should have
capacity to quick adoption of changes in the organisation. They should continuous
invest on the training and development program for new as well as existing
employees for the employee’s success and also for company success. Training and
development program impact on employee productivity so the company should
design the proper and good training and development program to their employees.

3. Khawaja Jehanzeb, et al (2013) training and development program and its benefits to
employee and organisation.

It is a conceptual study on the employees training and development program and its
benefits. In this we study training and development program and its benefits. It
inspects the training and development program and positive outcome for employees
and organisation. Training and development program helps to understand the
organisation success and failure of the organisation.
Career competencies: Employee training and development gives a more benefits to
the employee. Employees learn the soft technical skills to perform the job in
organisation. employee training and development program help workers to improve
their skills and knowledge for future requirement, lead to job satisfaction.
Employee satisfaction: Company invest on the employees training and development
and its helps to employees to identify their organisation was spend money for their
future development. When employees feel their putting their skills and ability in the
organisation. when employee feel the jib satisfied with their jobs and believes that
their job should important and has a purpose for their job.
Employee performance: Training and development program effect on employee’s
behaviour and skills enhance the employee’s performance. It is an analysis of 1152
sample size from 165 resources. Training had commonly positive result on job
related performance. Training and development is positively effect on employee

In this study we can analysis that training and development program leads to
important benefits for individual and the organisation. we implement different level
of the training and development program to understand the benefits of training and
development program. It is also important for organisations to timely evaluate the
success of employee training and development program.

4. Abdus Sattar Niazi, (2011) training and development strategy and its role in
organisational performance.

The training and development program will help organisation to get innovative and
strategic ideas for developing new products. Organisation learning helps to develop
strategy on planning, designing, implementation and evaluating the training program.
Training and development program ensure that employees value addition can
effectively perform their job, gain competitive advantage and self-growth.
Training and development: training and development refers to the process of the
getting the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to perform the specific job. The
training and development benefits for both employer and employees in the
organisation. training is considered as wide range of learning the skills, ability and
attitude to the employees.
Need of developing the employees: training and development helps to increase skills,
knowledge and ability to perform the particular job and it helps to continuously
growth and success of the business.
Training and development process help to meet current and future demands.
Need for the development contribution to increase productivity and quality of work.
It helps to organization to achieve the objectives of the organization. Development
strategy decrease absenteeism, staff turnover and motivate the employees.

Training and development strategy help to increase the level of employee

performance and also increase the organizational performance. It helps to meet
objectives of the organisation.

5. Abeba Mitiku Asfaw, et al (2015) the impact of training and development on

employee performance and effectiveness.

It is focus on impact of training and development on the employee performance and

effectiveness. Training and development program will provide employees to
participate in activities and participation in planning, need or skills evaluation. They
use the Likert’s scale for 100 respondents 94 questionnaire with response of 94%
for analysis.
This study to determine the impact of training and development on employee
performance. The data should be collected with the help of the management.
It is survey form of research, the main target is technical officers, administrative
staff, archives, logistics staff. Total 100 questionnaires, analysis the data through the
The administration office has highly involved in the providing of the training and
development. More of the employees are responded they should involve in the
training and development program.
In this study we get the results as positive outcome from the office about the
training and development. It improves the training needs and evaluate with
objectives of the organisation.

6. Amir Elnaga, et al (2013) the effect of training on employee performance.

Employees are the main assets of any company; the accomplishment or disaster of
the firm depends on its employees. In every company top management should now
that the training and development program should be important and they are
investing on the training and development program. The employees should be
developed through the training and dev4lopment program. Training and development
program helps to improve the employee effectiveness and performance of the job.
To get to know the meaning and importance of the training.
To know the employee performance significance.
To show the relationship between the training and employee performance.
To provide employee performance guideline assessing.
Training helps to improve their skills, knowledge, ability to meet the standard
performance in the job. Training help to improve the employee performance as well
as the improve the organisation and help to gaining the competitive advantage.
This research with the help of the existing reports, studies, periodicals and books
related to the topic.

The main aim of the training and development is to value added to the employee
performance. It focuses on the performance of the employees and play a important
role in organisation and helps to build competencies of new as well as existing
employees performance. Training and development program is a key factor to
evaluate the performance of the employees. It also help to fill the gap between the
performance and the employees within the organisation. training and development
program helps to improve the employee performance and capability with increasing
of the organisational productivity.
7. Herman Aguinis, et al (2009) benefits of training and development for individuals
and teams, organisation and society.

It is focused on benefits of training and development for individual and teams,

organisation and society. They adopt multidisciplinary and multilevel training and
development in the organisation it can produce important benefits for each of these
stakeholders. It maximises the benefits of training and development program.
Benefits of training for individuals and teams: we can get a document for the positive
impact or result on the training and development program on individuals and teams.
It can help to understand the performance level of the organisation.
Benefits of training for organisation: the 5% of training and development program
financial beneficial to the organisation. training and development program leads to
increase the productivity of the organisation and it helps to organisation to get the
impact and result of the employee’s performance.
Benefits of training for society: training and development program helps to increase
the national economic performance. It improves the quality of labour force it is one
of the contribution to the national economy.
Its main objective is to know the benefits of the training and development program
for individuals and team as well as organisation and society. The individual benefits
effect on teams or groups benefits and this effect on the organisational and society

Training and development program is important benefits to the individuals and teams
as well as organisation and society. It also acts as the economic prosperity of the
nation. We adopt multilevel, multidisciplinary and global level training after
understanding the benefits of the training and development program. So, training and
development training program will helpful to all for individuals, teams, organisation
and society.

8. P. Shakila, (2014) report on training and development.

This report provides systematic information about the training and development. In
this report they use of formative evaluation and it analysis the relationship between
characteristics and formative evolution. The training and development will help to
the evaluate the employees by their performance and also go thought the performance
appraisal to motivate to the employees. The performance appraisal done between the
manager and employees within the organisation to know the performance level of the

It also helps to improve the skills and ability of the employee to perform the job
within the organization. It also measures the performance of the crews as high
aptitude individual’s excelled, low aptitude individuals did poorly and middle
aptitude groups feel in and intermediate range of all measures.

In this report says that the effective training and development will give a clear-cut
information about the job and organisation. the training and development is directly
related to requirements of the job and small proportion were involved with general
personnel development. They will evaluate the performance of the employees
through the training and development and it also helps in the performance appraisal
to motivate the employees.

9. Gilad chen, et al (2007), training and development of human resources at work.

According to this study training and developments helps the employees to meet the
bench mark within the organisation, human resource manager should work more on
training and development for employees. It’s says that the human resource manager
can easily get the interest areas of employees and then can easily take the measures.
They also develop theoretical model to evaluate the performance of the employees
and it clearly supported to provides justifying the relationship between the constructs.
It also adopted effectively theories from other fields, in an effort to better articulate
and explain learning phenomena in work setting.
The most training and development theories and research as been conducted at the
individual level of the analysis and it also research on team level training and
It results in criteria against which scientific progress in the training and development.
It is basically saying that theoretical training and development will helps to
understand the thinks in details and gives more information about the work place as
well as about the job. Human resource manager should invest more time as well as
money on the training and development of the employees. They more concentrate on
the employee training and development on work and little bite on employee’s
personnel development.

10. Stephen choo, et al (2007), using training and development to affect job satisfaction
within Franching.

It is related to the significant lack of academic research on employees training in

franchise systems. In this they focus on training for franchises as part of over all the
activities. It is investigating the influence of training and development on an
employee’s job satisfaction.
They collect data from 135 staff at Australia’s largest bakery retail franchise. They
prepare questionnaire in that 16 items evaluate the organisation training and
development program and 6 items evaluate the job satisfaction.
The training and development program depends on the evaluation of training quality,
learning experience and course design work environment, job responsibilities and
company values is more influenced in employee satisfaction.

In this study they will says that employees job satisfaction is more important so, the
training and development program will help the employees to gain the detailed
information about the job. When the employee gets detailed information about job
and they will offer good compensation benefits to employees to provide the job
satisfaction. In the job satisfaction the training and development program plays a
very important role. Proper training and development program provides the job
satisfaction to employees.

11. Marguerite foxon [1989] evaluation of training and development programs

In this report analysis that the evaluation of training and development programs will
helps in evaluate the performance of the employees. They evaluate the problems
faced by the employees in training and development programs. it is overviewed by
quantitative measurement techniques and lacking both the budget and the as well as
the required expertise for comprehensive evaluations. It can be assumed that they
can’t understand what the term evaluation encompasses.
The management invest their time as well as money on the training and development
program of employees. After involvement of employee training and development
program then management should evaluate the employees periodically, like evaluate
the training in weekly, monthly, half yearly and yearly. The management will take
the overall responsibilities of evaluation of training and development program.

This study is result on the evaluation of the training and development and study
above the problems faced by the employees. It helps to evaluate the training and
development programs by weekly, monthly, half yearly. The management will take
the feedback after conducting the training and development program. They adopt
new strategies to evaluate the training and development program. Information is
received through questionnaires surveys and structured interviews and field test.

12. Syed mubasher Hussain nagvi, et al (2013) employees training and organizational

Training and development is the most important part in the organisation it is the most
influence part in success of the organisation. training and development is a
systematic development of skills, knowledge and behaviours required by employees
on confirmed task or job . The training will betake place in numerous ways, on the
job or off the job and in the organisation or outside organisation. The training and
development program to improve the standard of effectiveness and efficiency in the
performance of employees.
To find the relationship between training and performance of the employee.
To know the relationship between training and organisation performance.
To determine the relationship between employee performance and organisation
They collect the information through some interview and with well-structured

This result in the relationship between the employee training and organisation
performance, employee training and employee performance, and organisation
performances and employee performance mediate between employee training and
organisation performance. It relate to the importance of positive relationship to the
training and work performance the management should give proper training, that
could help to increase the employees as well as organisation performance should
have a related.

13. R Divyaranjani, et al (2013) evaluating training and development program on

organizational performance.
Training and development program is one of the important role in organisation to
achieve the objectives goals by the work force. training and development program
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of both employees and organisation it helps
to enhance the capabilities of the employees good training and development program
have better performance because an increase in skills, knowledge and competencies.
Training and development help to increase technical ability and they understand the
organisation rules, policies and regulations.
Training and development program evaluate the employee’s performance. It is
process of collecting data to determine if training is effective.

Training and development program enhance that the casual relation between training
and employee performance. It helps to increase employee performance. Training
helps to organization to achieve the organisational objective and goals. it also helps
to increase the competency training leads to effective and producing desired result.
Training and development program was conducted to acquires the skills, ability and
knowledge about the particular job and organisation the proper evaluation take place
based on the training. in organisation training and development program is help
gaining the new knowledge and skills and also it helps to employees to fulfil the
future objectives. training and development program helps employees to personal

14. Winfred Arthur al (2003) effectiveness of training in organisations.

In this analysis the effectiveness of training in organisation here they will report on
the organisation how they provide effective training within the organisation. it also
maintains employee’s skills and knowledge and it helps to increases productivity of
the organisation
The authors used the meta -analysis to find the relationship between specified
training and evaluation. the result of this analysis suggests a medium to large effect
size for organisation training they take 100 employees to analysis the impact of
effectiveness of training in organisation the meta-analysis give the overall conclusion
of the study.
This study results to find the relationship between the training design and
organisation training it also depend upon the type of the sample weighted. it reported
the size between organisation development interventions and attitudes and also
relationship between feedback and performance of the employees the organisation
evaluate that the training can meet the needs. Objectives and problems in the
organisation they use quantitative method to measures the effectiveness of training in

We find that the training design and evaluation used meta-analysis will help the
know the relationship to the effectiveness of training in organisation. it results that
which training design we should use to develop the employee’s skills, ability and
knowledge in effective manner. we get information that helps to make choices and
decisions in the design, implementation and evaluation of organisational training

15. Afaq ahmed khan, et al (2016), impact of training and development of employee
performance through job satisfaction.
In this study they say we are all know that the employees are the main assets for the
organisation. organisation over policies, rules and regulation are high influence on
the employee performance and also employee relation with employees, working
condition training and development is also impact on employee performance. when
the organisation gets good result from the employee it leads to success of the
organisation, and the organisation get bad performance or result it leads to failure of
the organisation with the help of productivity, absenteeism and employee satisfaction
we can measure the employee performance.

To find the impact of training and development of employees on employee

performance. To know the relationship of job satisfaction mediated between training
and development of employees and employee performance

They prepare 110 questionnaires were given to managers and customers services
they used convenience sampling technique

The employee gets more job satisfaction through the training and development
program. the employees can develop their own skills and many skills and improve
were they are lacking in their job within the organisation. the better and good training
and development program help to the employees to gain the skills and job-related
information to perform the job and get high improved performance. The organisation
will spend more money on the training and development program and they want to
get back from the improved performance of employee.

It results says that the relationship of training and development of employee and
employee performance. we can study about the increases of improved performance of
the employee. The employee performance shows that the improve and better training
and development will improve the employee performance and also in gives the job
satisfaction to the employee. This study aim at the research says that the benefits of
the training and development programs to the employees as well as organisation.

16. Harshit topno [2012], evaluate on of training and development is a most important
part of training program.
In this they will evaluate the employees needs and wants about the training and
development program. It helps to evaluate the training and program. Program helps
to meet organisation objectives. Evaluation of training and development will help to
find by collection and measuring the outcome of the training is effective.
To find the training and development programme justifies the cost.
To know the benefits of training and development.
To evaluate the training and development program to analysis the needs of employee.
The ensure that training and development program helps to meet organisation

They collect the feedback from the employees after training and development
program and it also helps in developing personally the organisation should provide
the training to know the effectiveness of the employees performance, they also study
about the impact of the training and development program on the employee
performance some private sectors conduct the evaluation of training and development
program on occasional they evaluate the training and development program by
collecting the questionnaires they use different models to analysis the training
effectiveness of employee performance. They should focus on effectiveness of
training and development program on the employee performance. It helps to know
benefits of training program reduced cost, improved quality of work, higher
productivity, reduction in turnover and job satisfaction.

It is results that the training and development program helps to know the benefits of
the training and the evaluate the performance of the employees. They say the proper
training and development program can helps to enhance job satisfaction to employees
and it increase the improve performance of employees. Training and development
program leads to increase productivity reduces the turnover, quality of work, and also
job satisfaction. It helps to analysis the impact of training and development program
in organisation.

17. Uzma hafeez, et al (2015) impact of training an employee performance.

In this study the author says the impact of training on employee performance with in
organisation. they should say that the training will help to build the team, improved
communication skills of employees, increase interpersonal relationship, improve
customer service, job satisfaction and employee morale. The training will help to get
innovative idea to create new product or improve the existing product of the
To know the Impact of training on employee’s performance in different performance
and development areas.
The training will help to increase the skills, knowledge abilities and effectiveness of
the employees. It also improves the employee’s performance and the employees
should get develop their personal skill for the future development, it is improving the
innovate ideas in employees and it creates the job satisfaction employees. They take
150 respondent they also done with regression to find the solution to the problem. It
suggests that the companies to conduct the management training program on regular
basis and to suggest to evaluate training program.

It author says that they will study the impact of training program on employee’s
performance. They will say that the management training program will help to
organisation to improve productivity. It also says that the organisation should
evaluate the training program weekly, monthly, half yearly and yearly.
The training helps improve the employee and employer relationship, interpersonal
relation, communication skills and also help to build the team with in the
organisation. they should learn about the what are the impact on the training on
employee performance in the company. In training program, they can fulfil their
demands and they can learn were they lack in their performance within the

18. Tarun singh (2015), training and development program on employee’s productivity.

In this the author says that every organisation depends upon the performance of their
employees. We all know that now a days training and development program is
necessary to conduct in the organisation. it says that the impact of training and
development program on employee performance.
To know the training trends in the employees of the organisation.
To identifies the employee satisfaction level.
To know ratio of employee turnover.
To determine the training and development program impact on employee.
To know the cost effectiveness of training.
They prepare 20 items questionnaires to the selected respondents. They using the five
points scales and score was simplified in percentage as per formula. Training and
development program helps to measure and evaluate the employee’s performance in
the organisation and determine the effective of the various components of training
and development programs.
They use some questionnaires and instruments to gather the data. They evaluate
immediately after the training to know the capacity and capability of employees to
perform the particular job.
Training and development program also helps to reduce absentisum and also
employee turnover in the organisation. it also helps to face the challenges and
difficulties in organisation and it helps build self-confidence to perform every task in
the organisation. here we study about the benefits and impact of training and
development program on employee performance.

This results that the employee will get job satisfaction with the help of proper
training and development program. It also creates the good working conditions and
creates the good behaviour of the employees with subordinates and employer. it
improves skills and effectiveness of performance level. At the end they suggest that
the training and development program is also includes that the employees should
highly satisfaction with his job, benefits, compensation system, some changes in
training program and other issues within the organisation.

19. Raja abdul Ghafoor khan, et al (2011), impact of training and development on
organisational performance.

Employee performance of depends on various factors in that training is important

factor of employee performance. Employee who have more experience, they have
better performance in the job because they have more and better skills and
competence because of job experience. Human resource capital play more important
role in growth and organisational performance depends on the performance of the
employees. When employee performance is good, then the organisation get the
success and when employee performance is bad, then the organisation face the failure
The main objective of this study is to know the training and development program
helps to increase the employee performance. Its also focus on efficiency and cost
control spending on training and development program is increase because
organisation gets efficiency. This study says the training and development will help
to improve the employee performance. They use 2 methods, on the job training and
off the job training.
In this on the job training helps to get the skills, ability and knowledge of their job in
a better way and also employees learn from their practical experience. Training and
development helps to get positive effect on the organisational performance. It also
helps to improve the organisational performance. The training and development is
important for the employee but finally it effects go to the organisation. training also
helps to organisation to find out the right person at right job. Every organisation is
necessary to provide the training and development program.

Training and development will help to organisation to get positive effect on

organisation performance. Training design and on the job training effects on the
organisation performance. In this study they will not collect primary data, they will
only collect the secondary data in this study. On the job training is very effective and
cost and time saving. It also helps to find the right person at the right job. Training
and development for employees but finally effect on the organisational performance.
Training will also help increase skills, ability, knowledge and effectiveness of
employee performance and also organisational performance. So, the training and
development will help to increase the overall organisational performance.

20. Happiness ozioma obi-anike, et al (2014), impact of training and development on

organisational effectiveness.
In this study says that the impact of training and development on organisational. Here
we can see how the organisation get impacted by the training and development
program. It determines the relationship between training and development and
organisational effectiveness. Employees can also fulfil their advantages with the help
of training and development, the training and development help to enhance to
improve skills and knowledge of the employees. It also enhances the productivity of
individual and also organisational, the employees will get the skills and knowledge
about their jobs in the organisation.
To know the challenges associated with training and development in organisation.
To determine the benefits of training and development in organisation.
To know the impact of training and development on organisational performance.
They take 66 sample sizes, they take staffs as respondents. The research says that the
job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover are the benefits of training and
development. They take percentage analysis to find the solution for the problem. It
also improves the team work, communication, skill. It also indicates the positive
relationship between the training and development and organisational performance.
Main aim is to know the impact of training and development on the organisation.

Training and development is more impact on employee performance and

organisational performance. The management invest time as well as cost on the
training and development program. They provide the effective training and
development program for their employees to develop and enhance their skills, ability
and knowledge. Organisation provides effectiveness training and development
program to get high return on their investment. Effective training and development
program helps to reduce the employee turnover. It also improves the employee’s
performance and employee’s job satisfaction. So, the training and development
program impact more on employee performance and organisation productivity.

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