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M A z P aper o f th e HonourabR o b ert* B o y F /^

depofried w ith th e S ecreta ries o f th e R o ya l

Society, O & ob. i 4. 1680. opened p a c e
h is D e a th V being a n A cco u n t o f h is m a k in g
theP bofph© rust

Sept. 3o. " T * Hare was taken a confdetailsquantity

1680. JLV of Mans Z/ti( becaufe th e Liqu
yields but a fmall proportion of the defired
fence') and of this a good part at leaft, had been for a
pretty while digefted before it was ufed. T hen this
Liquor wasdiftilled with a moderate Heat, till the
rituous and Saline parts were drawn o ff; after which
ths SuperfluoHs Moifture alio was abftra&ed (o r evapo­
rated aw ay) till the remaining Subftance was brought
to the confiftence of a fopiewhat thick Syrup, or a thin ;
E x t rad. This done, it was well incorporated with
thrice its Weight o f fine W hite Sand; and the M ixture
being put into aftrong Stone-Retort, to which a large.
Receiver (in good part fill’d w ith W ater) was fo joyn’d*
that the Nofe o f the Retort did almoft; touch the Wa*
ter : T h en the two Veflels being carefully luted to­
gether, a naked Fife was gradually adminiftred for
Five or Six Hours, that all that was either
or Volatile might come over firft. When this was
done, the Fire was encrealed, and at length for Five or
or Six Hours made as ftrong and intenfe as the Furnace
(w hich was not bad ) was capable of giving : (which
Violence of Fire is a Circumftance not to be omitted
in this Operation.) By this means there came over
good ftore o f white Fumes, almoft like thofe that ap­
pear in the Diftillation of the O y l of* V itriol ', and
when thofe Fumes were pafs’d, and the Receiver grew
clear, they were after a while fucceeded by another
fort! that feemfd in theReceiver to give a faint blewiffi
Light, almoft like that of little burning Matches dipt
in SuJphjur, And laft of all, the Fire being very ve­
hement; there pafs’d over another Subftance, that was
,judg’d more ponderous than the former, becaufe it
fell through the Water to the bottom of the Receiver;
whence being taken out, ( and partly even whilft it
flay’d there* k ) appeared by feveral Effeds, and other
to be fuch a kind [of Subftance as we d e-
nfiped andIexpg$ed, j :
^ * O y It 43^** *»■4s f f *f * 4 >*> I v 3

fin4m Qjydrabilu , A PoBijfrm

hame WaUis^S. %EkSolutnm. ~ hhzx

T Ibet-hic febj^efe,;P toblem a 'quoddam (jtftewe&

J L tu ClarflBtai viri D, G
de plra, cujuClam Templi Teftudine Qua-
drab% | meamque ejuflem Solutiohem,i cumCubjundp
ochqlio earn expficante.
A Bridgwnan ad me Epiftola* erat ( Latine
nreadite} ad. hunc fenfum ,* -

%mertndo Viro, £>. Wallis S. t D Geom-

W w ftffijp trjy Oxonii.
liugufti 30 . 1691.

dhtalyfoM i thuptuiaw(Ravtrende ^ /r^ Florentia mihi

'mjjam, utud ttdijersitnrijla quafantcuriamtuavr expo*
tm t

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