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Nama: Mohamad Nor Khakhim

Kelas: PAI 2-F

Absen: 48

In here I want tell you all about my online class at home. I think, this online class good to change

the class time at campus but for the learning system problem is less than the maximum, because

there are schedules that may not be according to the usual class schedule. In addition, online

class have the advantage of having plenty of time for family. I can spend time for help my

mother at home and my father in field. In the morning, I am walking around to breathe fresh air

and see the view of the rice fields in front of the house. When there are online class like a

Madrasah Diniyah or other scedule, I quickly took my handphone to access the internet so that it

was not too late. After that, I can watching TV or playing game for refresing after class online. I

am not forget to breakfeast before online. So, I can think clearly after breakfeast. I take a nap at

noon because at that time I am sleepy. I usually take a nap for an hour. I did not forget also for

lunch, because the current condition we need to maintain a healthy body to avoid covid-19. As

we see from the news on television or social media, more and more are positive covid-19. So, we

need maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as regular eating and don’t forget to wash your hands.
After lunch, I follow my father in the rice field at 3 o’clock. In there, I help my father to harvest
rice. And then, arrive at home I take a bath. At night, my family gathered in the guest room to
watch television or tell stories that day. Usually, I have coffe time together with my family.
Because right now we are sued for #studyathome. So for now all activities at home with family.

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