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Novena Prayer to Saint John Gabriel

This prayer may be recited within the Eucharistic celebration, after the Post-Communion

O angelic martyr of China, Saint John Gabriel,

from your heavenly glory
deign to look upon us here on earth
and intercede for us before the throne of the King of Martyrs,
whom you have followed so faithfully
in your life, your passion, and your death.

Pray for us, for the Church,

for the little Company,
and for the entire people of God:
especially for the gift of faith for those who do not know God;
conversion for sinners,
and perseverance for the just.

Come to our aid and protect us,

our heavenly patron.
In the midst of this world
full of corruption and injustice
help us to remain faithful to Christ
and the teachings of the Church,
so that through your example,
in our lives, our vocations, and our apostolates,
we may be ever conformed to Jesus Christ Crucified
as we await the blessed hope
of praising and loving him in the heavens
in union with you.

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