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1. Based on your readings, how can a group achieve its goal?

What could
be the possible deterrents in achieving its goal?
2. How can a group influence its members? What could be the possible
deterrents in achieving its goal?
3. What is group mind how does it works?

 Most groups focus on achieving their goal individually. Since it focus on

individual works and everyone is different in terms of skills and abilities
sometimes it discourage someone to do their best in a group when
they are comparing themselves to another member. Members of the
group achieve or work towards their goal individually they are
independent but there are some who are lost in the group they just go
whatever most members do, they just go with the flow. There are
some negative and positive influence, I think if the larger the group the
obedience is lesser unlike if its small, shared experience is greater and
obedience is most likely high plus achieving its goal is easy.
GroupMind, I think it’s basically how the individual behave when he or
she becomes part of a certain group or crowd because it is believe that
a person has different behaviour when he or she is alone.

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