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                  WRITTEN PRODUCTION (TASK B)

                                 Review: Into the wild 

If you feel the necessity to escape from something or from somewhere

perhaps I”nto the wild” is the movie for you. I have watched it several
times, but I never get tired of it.

It’s about a young American, Christopher who, right after his graduation,
decides to take a long trip. He isn’t content with his relationship with his
family as well as with society.  In fact he wishes he could escape from a
capitalistic and cosumerist way of life.

It’s easy for some of us to relate emotionally with the protagonist, even
if we don’t think about capitalism, we often think this world doesn’t
represent us.

For the protagonist of the movie, the best way to break free is to go to
Alaska, a wonderful, uncontaminated land.

Furthermore during his trip to Alaska, he meets many different people

who give him some advice in order to survive in that land of ice. On the
other hand, he helps them to, sharing his messages of love and peace,
change their life in a better way.

Actually he is a free spirit who is trying to understand the hidden

meaning of life.

The most surprising thing of this movieis is based on a true story. As a

matter of fact, Christopher McCandless was a unique person who made
a peculiar trip, in order to find himself, to see a light in this dark complex
world. I won’t spoil the end of the movie because is worth to see with
your own eyes how the protagonist changes over the years. However
what I learned from this movie is that  it’s important to remember or to
find out who we are, even if it means making a hard, physical and
spiritual trip.

These days it’s useful to think about what society and freedom are.
Under quarantine, we miss the human contact as well as some features
of society that we used to hate.

I hope that in this dark period we will take into consideration the real
meaningful values of our lives.

I would highly recommend “into the wild” to anyone who enjoys

unconventional stories. However, if you prefer more descriptive or
romantic novels, then you should give it a miss. I would also like to
suggest to you to focus on the soundtrack of the movie; all the songs
are written by Eddie Vedder (frontman of the Pearl Jam). One of the
songs, Society, (“Society, hope you are not lonely, without me”)
summarises the main theme of the movie: the materialistic mindset of
modern society.

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