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IMPIETAS IN PRINCIPEM A study of treason against the Roman emperor with special reference to the first century A. D. by RICHARD A. BAUMAN C.H.BECK’SCHE VERLAGSBUCHHANDLUNG MUNCHEN 1974 Smallwood, SMD Smith Syme, RR Tacitus Taeger TAPA Weinstock Yes 288 Select bibliography and abbreviations A. Serrao, I! Frammento Leidense di Paolo, Milan, 1956. A.N, Sherwin-White, The Letters of Pliny: A His- torical and Social Commentary, Oxford, 1966. E.M, Smallwood, Documents Illustrating the Prin- cipates of Gains Claudine and Nevo, Cambridge, 1967. Symbolae Iuridicae et Historicae Martino David Dedicatae, vol. 1, 1968. R.E. Smith, ,The Law of Libel at Rome’, CQ 45 (1952), 1696, R, Syme, The Roman Revolution, repr. Oxford, 1956. Id., Tacitus, 2 vols., Oxford, 1958. F. Taoger, Charisma: Studien zur Gescbichte des antiken Herrecerkultes, vol 2, Stuttgart, 1960. Transactions of the American Pbilological Asso- ciation. LR. Taylor, The Divinity of the Roman Emperor, Middletown, 2931. D. Timpe, Untersuchungen aur Kontinuitie des frthen Prinzipats', Historia: Einzelecbifien 5 (1982). Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Vocabularium lurisprudentiae Romance F, Vittinghoff, Der Staatsfeind in der rémischen Kaiserzeit: Untersuchungen 2ur ,damnatio memo- riae", Berlin, 1936. W. Waldstein, Untersuchungen zum rémischen Be- gnadigungsrecht', Commentationes Aenipontanae 18 (1964). S. Weinstock, Divs Julins, Oxford, 1971. Yale Classical Studies, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fir Rechtsgeschichte, romanistische Abteilung. 1. INTRODUCTORY: ASEBEIA, IMPIETAS AND MAIESTAS Maiestatis autem crimen ilud est, quod adversus populum Romanum vel adversus sscuritazem clus committe, (Ulpia) oe tamen crimen iudicibus non in occasione ob principalis maiestatis venerationem habendum ext, sed in veritate. (Modestinus) 1 ‘The existence of a dichotomy — or apparent dichotomy ~ in the treason laws of the Principate has long been recognised. On the one hand there are the catego- ries that ought to be found in any law dealing with the security of the stare ~ sedition, armed action against the state, conspiracies against the magistrates of the state, treachery in the field or in external relations and misconduct in public affairs, to name only some. Such categories, which are atributed by the jurists to back in all essentials to Republican precedents and as ,the Republican categories‘ On the other hhand there isthe group comprising injuries, whether verbal or real ro the em- peror or his deified predecessor, such as the composition or publication of insult- ing or defamatory words and the desecration of images. This group is the special subjece of the present study. Its limits cannot be defined at this stage, except 10 say that it broadly covered, at the pul which, at the private level, gave rise to the actio in referred to as impietas in alex Julia maiestatis ic criminal level, those acts arum. Te will mostly be incipem’, and somerimes as ,iniurialiniuriae to the © Dig. 48.4.1-4 pt 193 PS 5.29.1 (lege Julia... imperatoren). On Aiffecent leger embedded in these rections see Bauman, CM 2664 For see Cloud, past. J. E, Allison & J. D. Cloud,

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