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DONA DONA Yiddish folk song RE- LAT RE- LAT (RE soL- RE SOL- LA On wa gon ound for mar — Ket here's a calf with a moun - ful eye RE- LAT RE. LAT RE. SOL- RE LAT RE- high a - hove him there's a sval = ow win-ging swift - ly through the sky A bo bo? FA How the winds are laugh ~ ing they laugh with all their might bo Dot FA LAT RE. LAT RE- laugh and laugh the whole day through and half the sum-mer night dona do-na do - ma do - mw do-na do-ma do = oa do-ma do-ma do - m do - im do-na do-na do = ma doan Stop complaining, said the farmer, Who told you a calf to be? Why don't you have wings to Ay with, Like the swallow, so proud and free? How the winds are laughing, (ete.) Calves are easily bound and slaughtered Never knowing the reason why But for those who treasure freedom, Like the swallow, they learn to fly How the winds are laughing, (ete.) one di Simone Codispt- 3D Maur 2015-2016

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