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DIA Processes

Procurement through external source:

DIA uses iprocurement to procure items from external source. All the users who are responsible to
procurement are given access to “DIA iProcurement User”. Using this responsibility they create
purchase requisitions for the items available in ‘DIA Stores’.

The items that users procure are divided in three categories:

a. Inventory Items: These items are received in DAS ‘DIA Store Inventory Organization’
b. Expense items: These items are received in DAS ‘DIA Store Inventory Organization’
c. Assets Items: These items are received in DAA ‘DIA Asset Inventory Organization’

Customization/ Personalization in iProcurement

1. Item Description Update

2. Currency conversion Update
3. Unit of measure Update (under development)
4. Addition of Clear cart button to remove items from cart
5. Addition of Cancel Requisition button to capture cancel reason.
6. Budget calculation

Procurement process:

User log on to DIA iProcurement User responsibility

Searches for item that he wants to procure
Customization to update currency code

Customization to update item description

 Requisition description will default from the description of first item in cart
 Need by date is defaulted to 21 from the current date
 Deliver to location is be coming from user profile
Deliver to inventory check box should be checked in case of Inventory of Asset item and inventory item.

Labels of the following fields are modified

 Note to approver
 Note to buyer
 Justification
 CMC/CEO approval : Read only field, not used in any report yet.
 Please confirm the requirement is Budgeted/Non-Budgeted – Read only field, not used in any
report yet
Budget details are picked form (Except third segment)

 Encumbrance account in case of Inventory or Asset item

 Expense account in case of Expense item.

Third segment ‘ cost center’ will be picked form Employee assignment – cost account – segment 3
Approval process for Requisition:

It is based on position hierarchy

Approval will get a notification to approve the requisition

In notification approval can view the Budget details, using the custom link ‘Budget Available’

Customization in Notification: “Budgeted” column show in red is the available budget amount is in
QR BFO Message: Not required in DIA, this is for QA.
This functionality is now extended to Standard PO and Blanket Release also. (Currently in UAT)
Request for Item creation will be raised through item workflow. All the account codes required on item
will mentioned in the item creation request. The process for the Item creation is as follows:

 Requestor raise the request to create a new item in the Item Definition workflow application
 The request will go to store manager for approval and suggested item code.
 Store manager will forward the request to store person for creation of item in oracle based on
the information provided in the request.
 Store will close the request in item definition workflow.
 Notification will go to requestor with new item code

Store person will create Item in Oracle

New item creation

Point to Remember:

If the list price is not entered on item, it will not be displayed in iProcurement.
If the list price is not coming in iProcurement. Re-query the item in item master and make some changes
and re save it. It will refresh the item
Point to Remember:

The item will not be visible in iProcurement if the purchasing category is not defined.

Only Major Category (Segment4) and Minor Category (Segment5) are used for DIA. Other segments will
have default values.
Budget account will be picked from

Encumbrance account – inventory Items and Assets Items

Expense account – Expense items

Add item to locator
Receiving Process
Receiving of the items will be done by stores persons:

Receiving of Inventory & Expense item in done in “DIA Store Inventory Organization”.

Receiving for Asset item is done in ‘DIA Asset Inventory Organization’

To receive item store person will login to oracle

For sending notification for inspection
Notification will be sent to 2 persons:

1. Requestor: Created By of requisition

2. Requestor’s Manager: Supervisor in HRMS
Temp table where the information is stored XXQR_NOTIFIED_RECIEPT.

The notification will be fired at 5 mins interval of time, if the item is not inspected it will be fired every
24 hours,

Steps for Inspection

1. Acceptance
“DIA Receipt Accepted Notification” is scheduled program that will run to send accepted notification.

Schedule Time: 5 mins

Notification will be sent to Store person, based on the lookup

Deliver the item to stock after acceptance
Press Save. Item will be received in sub inventory.
Receipt Rejection

Receive the item for inspection

Schedule for run : 15 mins
Setup for notification

Rejection Notification will go the people mentioned in this value set

Return to Vendor operation after rejection
Return to vendor auto debit process

In supplier site window “Create Debit Memo from RTS Transaction” checkbox should be checked.

Receive the item

Inventory org structure
Move Order (Internal Issuance) Process

Users create move order to request for material from stores.

Account number is generated based on personalization. All the account segments except second, third
and fourth are defaulted. The logic for the three segments is mentioned below

Second segment is picked from the user, from his HRMS account code ‘pcak.segment2’ from

Third segment is picked from is picked from the user, from his HRMS account code ‘pcak.segment3’
from pay_cost_allocation_keyflex.

Fourth segment is picked using the decode code for org DIA Stores and DIA Assets

“decode(${ps.MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID.value}, 106, 33105, 107, 11505)”

Once all the information is entered and the approved button is pressed.
Workflow internal Name : INVTROAP

“INV: Move Order Approval“ is the workflow name which has been modified to enable 2 level of approval
hierarchy. Ideally oracle provides only single level of approval.

First level approval will go the supervisor of the person who has created the move order. The supervisor
details will be picked from HRMS.

Once approved by manager, the notification will go to stores manager for approval

Second level user details will be picked from the lookup table.

Once approved by the store manager.

Default notification will be sent to user that his move order has been approved.

Also a FYI notification will be sent to stores persons to contact user for dispatching of material.
Store person will perform transact move order and will run and print the “DIA Stores Issue Voucher”
Once transact move order is done. There will be an acknowledge notification that will be fired (after 5
mins) for the user to acknowledge the material receipt.

Once the user will acknowledge the receipt notification, then an FYI notification will be sent to stores
that user has acknowledged the material.

“DIA Unacknowledged MO Dispatched Notifications” report can be run to see all un-acknowledged

 DIA Printed Requisition Format – pdf format – printed format of

 DIA PO Price Variance Report – Excel format – calculated variance
in the price of item in Last 2 PO’s from the same supplier
 DIA Return to Vendor Report – pdf format – Printed format of RTV
 DIA Unacknowledged dispatch Report – Excel format - Move orders
which are not acknowledged by users
 DIA Store Issue Voucher Report – pdf format – Printed format of
issued items
 DIA Inventory in Year Of Purchase - Excel format – Inventory
aging report
 DIA Budget Summary and Detail Report - Excel format - Summary and
details of all the requisition and PO for the budget
 DIA Open Purchase Request - Excel format – Open requisition which
are not converted to PO
 Transaction Register (Standard) – standard report
 DIA Open PO Report - Excel format – Open purchase orders which
are not matched to invoice

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