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• 1 pound of cogote or morrillo

• 3 green onion stalks, long or short

• ¼ white onion

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 1 cube of meat broth (optional)

• Salt and pepper to taste

• Water (enough to cook meat)

• 1 pound Creole potato

• 2-3 tablespoons olive oil

• 3 green onion stalks, long or short (finely chopped)

• 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped

• 2 medium tomatoes, seeded, chopped

• 1 tea spoon cumin powder

• 1 tea spoon of color (Triguisar, Sazón Goya, Bijol or homemade)

• Salt and pepper to taste

• 1 cup (240 ml) of water

• 4½ cups (1 liter) of hot water

• 1½ tea spoon color (Triguisar, Sazón Goya, Bijol or homemade)

• 2 table spoons vegetable oil

• Salt to taste

• 5 cups (750 gr) Dough Empanadas

 2 cups (300 gr) Dough Tamal

• Frying oil (vegetable, corn, canola, peanut)

1. In a pressure cooker or regular pan, place the meat, green onion, white onion, garlic cloves,
meat stock cube, enough water to cover the meat and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover
the pot and wait for it boil or reach high pressure. ¡Then!, reduce to medium low heat and cook
for 1½ hour if you are using a pressure cooker, or 3 hours if you are using a regular pan.

2. When the meat is ready, release all the pressure from the pot and remove it. Take out the meat,
let it cool and shred it with your hands or with a pair of forks. save the broth and set the meat

3. Place the potatoes in a medium pan and cover with the stock you saved. Cover the pot and let it
boil above high heat. Once it is boiling, reduce the heat to medium low and cook until soft. If you
are using frozen Creole potato, it should not take more than 5 minutes. Drain the potatoes and
crush them with a crusher or fork. Set them aside.

4. To make the dough, pour the hot water into a large bowl. Add the color, oil and salt. Stir well
and then add the cornmeal slowly. Knead well with your hands until smooth. Cover with plastic
wrap or a clean dishcloth and let stand for 10 minutes.

5. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the long onion and garlic and cook for
2 minutes. Then, add the tomato and cook for 7-8 minutes or until the tomato is soft. Season with
cumin powder and color. Add the cup of water so that the stew is not very dry and season with
salt and pepper to taste. Now add the shredded meat and mashed potatoes and stir to cover them
well with the stew. Try the seasoning and add more salt if necessary.

6. Pre-heat the frying oil at (180ºC).

7. To assemble the empanadas, cover a tortilla with a piece of plastic and then place a ball of
dough in the center, press well to flatten it. You can also flatten it with a plate or the bottom of a
small pot. Place approx. 1 tablespoon stuffing in the center of the dough, and helping you with the
plastic, fold the circle of the dough in half to form a half moon. Press the edge with your fingers
and then cut the edge with a small cup or glass.

Continue doing this process with all empanadas.

8. Fry the empanadas in the preheated oil at 350ºF (180ºC) for 5-7 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove them from the oil and let them drain on paper towels or absorbent paper. Serve
immediately with Colombian hot pepper or green pepper and green lemon.

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