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// FIR Alfirdaries

// by Robert Hend


A Delineation of the Periods and Subperiods of the Firdar

The following is a complete set of delineations of firdar from Schoener. We provide these as an
illustration of how these periods were delineated in traditional astrology. The modern reader is
urged to read these passages impressionistically rather than literally. They are clearly intended
for males of a rather high social class living in a late medieval environment. Also, while these
delineations do take some accidental conditions of the rulers into consideration, these
delineations are largely based the general significations of the rulers plus some traditional
elements associated with these rulers which are not easily deriveable from the planets core
meanings themselves. We do not know the ultimate source of these interpretations, but we
have found similar ones in the Liber Aristotilis of one Hugo of Santalla, a pastiche of Arabic and
Persian material translated into Latin in the 12th Century by the aforementioned Hugo and
attributed to Aristotle.

[1.1] Sun-Sun

The alfridary of the Sun in a diurnal geniture governing the life of the native proclaims that the
one so born is reared very well, indeed with an honored and royal rearing, and his parents will
have much good, except that sad and serious things happen to them in the first and second
month, but yet this will be removed and will turn back to happiness and joy.

By night however this signifies that the native will have good from kings and nobles, will have
praise and honor above all of his relatives, and wealth or riches; happiness and joys increase.

But if the alfridary of the Sun happens in his old age, because it can happen in one's old age in a
diurnal nativity after one passes 75 years of age, it signifies that he will rejoice with his comrades
and his children; he will have good fortune, a full life, and quiet.

And if the Sun in the radix is in its exaltation, or in the terms of Jupiter or Venus, and he has
significations of fortune in the radix, it signifies that he will be sincere and loyal to his comrades,
faithful and honored; he will escape from troubles and quarrels; he will grow in understanding,
modesty, and intellect; he will give others good counsel; and men in their dealings or in their
causes will seek counsel from him, and his words will be heeded and accepted; he will have the
power of giving rules in his city or family, and he will do much good for his kin; he will have
fortune and profit; he will be delighted by precious stones and he will gifts from kings wherever
he may be; he will be honored, dignitaries will esteem him, and he will associated with noble
men; he will have some dominion over lands; he will plant trees; or he will be married and have
children, or his own parents will have these (good) fortunes and honor, or good will come to him
and his parents. And if the Sun is not fortunate, the Sun's signification will be weakened. If an
oriental planet shines its ray upon the Sun, it will give great happiness to the native.

[1.4] Sun-Venus

by day signifies that the native will be increased in his vestments, and will love his parents and
they will esteem him; he will be married if it is suitable and if there is signification in a nativity
that (the native) ought to marry; perhaps he will make a journey, or one of his relatives will take
him on some journey; an infirmity in a hidden part of his body will happen to him. However (in a
nativity) by night it signifies that he will escape from trouble, if he has any; he will be increased
in riches, will rejoice in his wife and children; he will make beautiful things, or he will buy
hereditary properties; he will do good and give alms to the poor; he will make profitable
journeys and be honored perhaps for the sake of religion; infirmities will happen to him in the
private parts.

[1.3] Sun-Mercury

The native will concern himself with various business; one of his relatives will make evil and
trouble for him; he will fall from a height or a horse; he will be afflicted by stomach ache, but
will quickly recover; sadness and hardship will happen to him; he will lose in revenue and his
wealth will diminish. But if the nativity is nocturnal, the native will have much loss; he will have
lawsuits because of false witnesses; he will fall from a height; he will have haemorrhoids and will
recover from them.

[1.2] Sun-Moon

the native will do some deed which will come back to him to his loss; he will experience losses in
his business from theft and robbery; he will dwell in watery and moist places, or he will journey
over water; he will have infirmities in his eyes and head. And if the nativity is nocturnal, the
native will expose himself to dangers and to things which are not necessary for him (to do) and
which do not pertain to him; much gain flows toward the native and his income increases; he
will have profit in secret; he will concern himself with commerce, perhaps maritime commerce,
and he will be unfortunate in these matters; he will associate with nobles and men in high
places; he will have many friends and comrades; he will be inclined toward agriculture and to
building; he will be afflicted by headache and perhaps a swelling (tumor) in his head in the last
part of this division.

[1.7] Sun-Saturn

There will happen to the native sadness and injuries because of the fellowship of his house,
illness in the hidden part of his body, or something in the left eye, or impediments through fire
or hot water; but the native will escape from all of these dangers; he will make long journeys
and troubles will happen to him and dangers upon the waters. And if the nativity is nocturnal, he
will have quarrels because of the fellowship of his house, or with them; he will have an illness in
the eyes or an inflammation of the eyes, and illnesses and pains in the stomach, but he will
easily evade these; he will also take a long journey, and perhaps involve himself in maritime
trade; dangers and injuries will happen to him, and injury through water, or journeys over
water, or he will suffer prostration by water and fire because of the commixture of Saturn with
the nature of the Sun.

[1.6] Sun-Jupiter

The native will be increased in health, riches and vestments; his relatives will esteem him and
will do good for him; but he will perhaps fall from a height. But if the nativity is nocturnal, his
power will grow in worth, strength, nobility and fortune; he will have dominion and victory over
his enemies, and he will utterly destroy them; he will involve himself in agriculture; wealth will
come to him without effort. But near the end of this division he will fall from a height or from a

[1.5] Sun-Mars

He will be changed from one state to another; he will go on journeys and perhaps marry; trouble
will come to him from the bite of a dog or the stroke of an animal, or from a fall or a blow
because of which blood will flow from his body. And it will be worse in this signification in the
first four months of this division. But if the nativity is nocturnal, the native will be changed from
one state to another and from one magistery to another; he will make journeys and will be
pained by various hardships; he will do injustice to men and he will have quarrels with them;
because of this troubles will happen to him, (as well as) the cut of a sword, the bite of a dog or
other animal; or he will be made infirm for a space of 9, 15, or 19 days, after which he will

[4.4] Venus-Venus

The alfridary of Venus proclaims that the native will be inclined toward joy and happiness; profit
will flow toward him and perhaps he will marry; and he will usually feed many menservants and
maidservants. But if the nativity is diurnal, he will have much joy and happiness and will rejoice
with his wife; or he will marry with a foreign woman; there will be born to him a fortunate child;
he will have his daughter betrothed, or another woman from among his dependents; he will join
with a woman, or join a maidservant with a man; he will be involved in seeding or planting; he
will be increased in his substance, and perhaps he will amass treasure; he will conquer his
enemies, and he will have friendship with nobles, great dignity, honor from kings, and precious
vestments. And Hermes says that the first five months and twenty days of this division are evil.

[4.3] Venus-Mercury

This interval of time signifies that there will be taken from him (something) of his substance and
he will lose it; harm will come to him; he will make journeys; he will be shifted from one place to
another land, lest trouble happen to him; he will become ill. But if his nativity is nocturnal, he
will spend much of that which he had managed; he will be overcome by his enemies, they will
tread him under foot, and he will flee from them; many troubles will happen to him, and
illnesses in his body because of bad food or digestion.

[4.2] Venus-Moon

The native will be of good state; he will associated with men of high rank or powerful; and by
chance he will marry. And if the nativity is nocturnal, he will go forth from his misery, and if he is
still in misery, his situation and his business will begin to improve; he will have dominion over his
equals; he will gather money in which he will rejoice. And if he does not have a wife, he will then
be married.

[4.7] Venus-Saturn

The native will be quite wretched in this division and great troubles will happen to him; he will
enraged by certain women and will also receive trouble from women. But if the nativity is
nocturnal, he will also have many griefs, hardships, and trouble in life; his wife will die or be
made infirm by a grave illness; and he himself will become ill as well; he will have quarrels,
strifes and contentions with his wife and perhaps she will place horns on him; or if she is
pregnant, she will abort and because of that she may perhaps die; and he will copulate with a
second woman, a whore, or a serving maid, or he will impregnate such; he will do evil to his
children and to strangers; and his first wife will not stay with him for long, or she will be ill.

[4.6] Venus-Jupiter

(If the nativity is) by day, the native will be reared with royal rearing, but his father will have
good dominion, and wealth; he will be changed from a bad state, and if there was sadness in the
previous situation, to good fame; if he was a pauper, he will quickly become wealthy because he
will gain in substance, riches, and lands. And if the native is noble, he will increase in nobility to
the point where he may come to be like of a king, and he will rule over cities and lands. If with
this, Venus is with the Dragon's Head and Jupiter is in the Ascendant, the native will be a great
king, crowned, and he will give rule to sea and land.

[4.5] Venus-Mars

The native will have much misery; he will do evil to his brothers; and perhaps he will be married;
he will associate with men of high station and powerful. And if the nativity is nocturnal, his
miseries will be multiplied; he will do evil to others; his brothers, or his comrades will fare badly
becuase of him; he will delight on account of women; he will be associated with powerful men;
he will pursue great fame; he will have a relationship with a woman of great lineage or he will be
well married with her; however grave things will happen to him because of women; he will have
some dominion over his estate.

[4.1] Venus-Sun

The native will be afflicted with great illness, and he will recover from it; he will be associated
with noble, powerful men; his wealth, and vestments, but also modesty and learning will
increase; he will perhaps marry well with a woman of good character. But if the nativity is
nocturnal, he will be afflicted with a great illness, and he will be healed of it; he will be increased
in substance, servants , women and associations; he will put on regal, silken vestments; he will
enter the houses of kings; he will tread his enemies under foot; he will be united with a learned
woman or to one who knows how to write. And if Venus or the Sun in this division is the
moderator of the year, and is in a good state, there will be a better signification in nobility, and
power; he will be happy, and the victor over his adversaries; he will receive many gifts. And if
Venus in this division is in any of the angles, in good state, his gains and advantages will be
multiplied; he will be associated with kings and they will entrust their secrets to him.

[3.3] Mercury-Mercury

This signifies that the native will have prosperity in the first half of this division and in the second
evil and hardships; he will go from one country into another. And when he does something,
because of his works and because of his own deeds, harm happens to him, all of his words, his
statements are turned to harm; some of his comrades will die or some of his beasts; he will
become ill and have modest success from medicines and drugs. And if with this Saturn is in an
evil state and aspects Mercury with an evil aspect, and is unfortunate by house, he will die in
that year; however if Mercury is in a good state, the harm which we have described is
diminished and made better.

[3.2] Mercury-Moon

There will be abundance in eating and drinking; he will expose himself to dangers and injuries,
and if he buys a manservant, the servant will flee or similarly with maids in waiting and serving
women; and if he begins to build, he will not complete it. And if he is married, the wife will die,
or he will separate from her. And if he is not married and he becomes betrothed in this division,
the marriage will not be completed; he will be afflicted by a long illness or perhaps fall from a
height; and he will incur a great danger of death.

[3.7] Mercury-Saturn

The native's substance will increase, but he will not have more to eat or drink because of it; he
will do good for someone, afterward it will be stolen from him by thieves; the native will
become poor; he will have few friends; his wife will die; he will go from one country to another;
troubles and hardships willhappen to him on his journeys.

[3.6] Mercury-Jupiter

His substance will be increased from diverse countries; he will associate with the likes of kings;
base men will go against him and will quarrel with him, but he will escape from them; he will
gather gold and silver and will perhaps ascend to great dignity; he will build a noble building in
which he will rejoice; he will not esteem liars and lies; he will make great expenses.

[3.5] Mercury-Mars

The native will quarrel and have strife with base men who have less strength than he and who
are not known (to him), and the native will withdraw from them; he will go to great men more
noble than he; the native will go from one trouble to another, and he will escape from all of
them; he will overcome his enemies and his adversaries; he will make a long journey. And if he
involves himself in commerce, he will be ruined in this. If he lays out money of his own with
another of his fellowship, that comrade will do to him betrayal and fraud; trouble will happen to
him through imprisonment, the impediment of fire or through something hot; he will fall from a
height, or as if (from a height), or he will be afflicted by a long illness or because of this his
physical constitution and his understanding will be damaged; and he will recover. And if in this
time he will marry, his wife will die in this year, or will come almost to death. And if his parents
are alive, his mother will die and his father will be arrested; or the gravest difficulties will
happen to him.

[3.1] Mercury-Sun

Each day the native's merriment, joy, profits and his vigor will be increased; and his men and
comrades will be multiplied; he will have scribes and an explainer, substance and gain from
kings and nobles and from others who are joined to him; perhaps his elder brother will die, if he
has one; he will join with a beautiful woman and he will have a relationship with her in a foreign
manner, or with the wife of his own father.
[3.4] Mercury-Venus

The native will be associated with women; he will become remote from men; he will love
women and will rejoice in them; his wife will be impregnated, but the child born will die. And if
his wife is not made pregnant, but the native has a son, the son will die, or his foster child,
whom he holds in the place of a son.

[2.2] Moon-Moon

The native will be in diverse conditions, one in joy, another in sadness, and in riches and
poverty; and he will have strong and full relationships with his wife and with other women; he
will make long, good journeys; in his time he will ascend to dominion and high degree and he
will make a great gain in his property; afterwards he will descend from that degree and revert to
a modest time; and in the end of this division he will come to a middling degree and to great
danger from the sword, or that which is similar to one, or prison. And if the nativity is nocturnal
and the Moon in an evil state, illness and injuries will happen to him; his parents will shun him.
And if the Moon is in a good state, it signifies that in this division he will be healthy in body and
of good habits; his parents will love and honor him and will do good for him.

[2.7] Moon-Saturn

In this division the native will have a lawsuit with kings and those like kings; he will be accused in
his words of lies and falsehoods; and troubles will happen for him among his servants or they
will flee from him, and some of his cattle will die; a part of his substance will go away from him;
he will become indebted; he will become ill of a great illness; perhaps three times in turn a
burning of fire or the cut of a sword will happen to him in this period; or perhaps his wife will
die, if she is pregnant. And if the nativity is nocturnal, he will have an itch from the heat; he will
be cured of it; there will happen to him a burning of fire, or boiling of water; likewise he will be
cured; he will be moved from from one place to another; he will go on journeys, and an injury
will happen to him on the journey; and some of his servants will do evil to him and things will be
stolen from him.

[2.6] Moon-Jupiter

This signifies that in this time he will have an honorable dignity; he will gain in his property; he
will overcome his enemies; good will be said about him; gain will come to him, and profit from
far distant lands; with light effort he will plant trees; he will establish settlements on his
cultivated land; he will buy serving men and women; he will have great joy; if he has debts, he
will pay them. And if the nativity is nocturnal, he will be increased in every matter which
pertains to the increase of vestments and of other things; his parents will love him.
[2.5] Moon-Mars

In this division there will be fears, griefs, and great troubles for the native; a part of his
substance will be destroyed; he will surrender what he has acquired; if he makes a journey,
there will happen to him trouble because of what he has, and fear because of the bite of a
serpent, migraines or pain in the middle of the head, fear because of fire; and he will escape
from it; he will be afflicted by a grave illness so that he comes to danger of death; he will have
an illness in his sight, great evil and pain in his genitals. And if with all of this, the Moon has
dominion in the revolution of the year, these significations will be the more impressed upon (the
native); however on the whole his status will improve after this division has been completed.
And if the nativity is nocturnal, there will happen to the native many and diverse infirmities in
the eyes, in the stomach and in the lower parts of the body; (there will happen) the bite of some
reptile, a burning of fire or boiling water, or something else that is hot; part of what he owns will
be taken from him, and some of his servants will do evil to him.

[2.1] Moon-Sun

The native does good for men; he will give of his own to strangers for the sake of God, and in far
distant lands; he will rejoice in how much he will do, and he will concern himself; he will have
dominion over men and the rank of an officer of the king; he himself and his wife will become ill;
it will last perhaps 30 days and not more, and afterward he will recover; and his affairs will
become better in the first month of this division, except that his wife will move his child, if she is
pregnant, and in the first month of this division; afterward she will conceive. And if the nativity
is nocturnal, an illness will happen to him; he will be changed from one status to another; he will
go on journeys; his parents will rejoice in him; his learning and intelligence will stand higher.

[2.4] Moon-Venus

The native will be in a good state and of good habits, enduring and believing that he has
prosperity, full of vice with respect to every vice of the body; and in all of his affairs he will enjoy
song, ornament and scented things; and he will concern himself with bedding women; he will
associate with base men, and they say good about him; there will happen to him in the first
month of this division something concerning his servants about which he will rejoice; he will
ascend in strength and goodness.

[2.3] Moon-Mercury

The native will ascend to a dignity, and he will lose it, and return to it, and this will be perhaps
three times in this division; he will have great legal conflicts, and falsehoods; he will say falsities
and concern himself with evil habits, with frauds and deeds that are covered over, until he is
false and fraudulent with respect to his comrades; by his own hands a part of his means will go
away from him, and fear concerning water or fire will happen to him; by chance this will be in
the beginning of this division in the first 17 days; and he will escape from it; and there will
happen to his child a severe infirmity resulting from damage to his physical constitution, or from
melancholy. And if the nativity is nocturnal, grave troubles will happen to him; he will involve
himself in frauds, and evil habits; there will happen to him hindrance because of water or fire; a
part of his substance will be stolen from him.

[7.7] Saturn-Saturn

This signifies that the native will do deeds which will be attributed for him to foolishness; and he
will have matters in which he will hold false judgments; he will be afflicted because of his
children, if he has them; he will have great sadness and fears because of them; he will spend
more than he earns; he will dissipate his substance; he will have gain from inheritances; or he
will incur a debt; he will involve himself in old things; there will happen to him impediments to
his health and worth; he will suffer a severe illness, concerning which he will have grief and fear.
And if in this (period) Saturn is made unfortunate by Mars, the loss will be greater and stronger;
he will have harm from fire and heat, or the blow of a sword, or something similar to that;
medicine and physic will strengthen him a little. And if the nativity is nocturnal, grave troubles
and sadnesses of many and diverse kinds will happen to him, or some of his relatives will die; he
will gain from inheritances; a part of his means will be taken from him; he will suffer constant
illness; he will do deeds which will turn to evil and harm for him; all of his deeds he does
foolishly; and he will stand for the greater part in vain.

[7.6] Saturn-Jupiter

Kings and their like will adorn the native; he will profit from them and from other men; he will
be changed from one nobility to another; among his servants he will have much joy and
happiness; he will become ill and go on a journey; and the illness and the journey may be at the
end of this division. And if the nativity is nocturnal, things will happen to him from which he will
have gain; profits will come to him; he will be associated with beneficent men from whom he
will have good; he will become ill; he will have good in another way, perhaps he will be
increased in servants, or he will marry, if that is proper for him.

[7.5] Saturn-Mars

The native will be in an evil state; grave troubles will happen for him; perhaps he will fall from
the top of his house or from a beast; because of this he will have grief, fear, and quarrels with
his wife, or with other women; they will wish him evil, and men will overcome him and his
enemies will trample him under foot; his wife will become ill with a severe illness, or she will die.

[7.1] Saturn-Sun

The native will be increased in strength and worth; he will have the dignity of a constableship in
judging men; he will be happy and will rejoice concerning his house, fellowship, and his children;
he will make journeys; he will have an illness in his head because of a great swelling; he will
suffer because of his eyes and sight; he will have a lawsuit with those who are greater than him,
and he will be the victor. And if the nativity is nocturnal, there will happen to him many of these
significations and conditions, which have been described, according to what is proper for his

[7.4] Saturn-Venus

Lies will be said about the native and false witness will be born against him; he will have long
and constant legal problems, and he will escape from them; he will rejoice in the deaths of his
enemies and in the evil and hindrance that will happen to them; severe illnesses will happen to
the native in the stomach or in a hidden place of the body, and he will be healed from them; his
wife will die, or some great evil or hindrance will happen to her; and he may have a child in this
division; and if he has children, one of then will be ill. And if the nativity is nocturnal, there will
happen to him of the things and these significations (described above) as many as are
appropriate to the age of the native.

[7.3] Saturn-Mercury

The native will have weakness in all of his business; he will go on journeys on which he will have
injuries and loss; his wife will become ill, and he will have trouble because of this, or because of
women; one of those nearest to him will die; his fortune will increase, but he will lose some of
it; he will rejoice concerning his brothers and friends; he will have good from his children, his
comrades, and his servants; he will involve himself with his comrades and with diverse matters.

[7.2] Saturn-Moon

The native will have griefs; he himself will become ill, and one of his sons will die; he will be in a
middling state between good and bad, profit and loss; he will go on long journeys on which he
will gain wealth; and perhaps in this division, he will be in a foreign place; this will happen to him
in the end of this division; and when he goes out of this division, he will gather great wealth; and
perhaps unite with another wife.

[6.6] Jupiter-Jupiter

The native will be changed from a low state to a good one; he will go forth from every trouble to
every good and happiness; his fortune and his wealth will increase; he will be named among
kings; good will be spoken of him; he will have an honorable and great rank. And if Jupiter in the
radix is in his own bound or in the bound of Venus, or in any sign of his own triplicity, which are
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, then (Jupiter) signifies the better in his significations, and signifies a
greater prosperity and fortune. If the native is of a high (ranking) family, he may perhaps be a
king, or he will have power over cities and lands, and he will have many serving men and
women, or he will marry a noble woman; kings will present him with gifts and riches, women
and beasts; he will have gain from gifts, and other matters; he will make a treasure, do good and
give alms; he will do noble deeds; And if with this Jupiter is in its own exaltation, these
significations will be even stronger, and the fortune greater.

[6.5] Jupiter-Mars

The native will be sad; he will serve the king in matters concerning which men will be afraid,
however, because of this there will happen to the native great troubles or fear, and labor for his
wealth; he will go on long journeys; he will have anxiety because of women; he will have affairs
with bad women; and perhaps a child will be born to him.

[6.1] Jupiter-Sun

The native's understanding will increase; he will be the first minister of a king; his fortune and
wealth will be increased; perhaps he will discover treasure; he will have profit without labor; he
will be honored by men; he will have dominion and dignity from kings and other men above (all
of) his family; he will be placed as custodian over the people; a fortunate child will be born to

[6.4] Jupiter-Venus

The native will have the means to see kings; he will be a member of the king's ministry; he will
have dominion in his own affairs and great fortune; treasure will be entrusted to him on deposit,
or he will discover treasure, or he will have profit without labor; his enemies will die; and he will
make journeys. And if Jupiter is made unfortunate in this (period) by Saturn or Mars, or Venus is
made similarly unfortunate by any of these, this will diminish the aforesaid significations.

[6.3] Jupiter-Mercury

The native will be of good morals, patient, benign; and he will stand firm in vain concerning all of
his work and business which would (otherwise) be to his advantage; his own friends will fly from
him and will become his enemies; and men will say evil of him and defame him; he will marry; a
dog, wolf or some other animal will bite him; his house will be destroyed, or a part of it; he will
fall from a height; in middle age it is worse in this division than it could be.

[6.2] Jupiter-Moon

The native will rise in health and in worth; he will have dominion and dignity in the revenues of a
king; he will have dignity, good and advantage from unexpected parts; his trusts will be fulfilled;
he will have at one time joy, at another sadness; if he has a brother older than he, the brother
will die; some of his substance will be taken from himagainst his will; he will make journeys in
which he will have fear of robbers, and more is likely to happen to him concerning these robbers
in the beginning of this division until one year has passed; afterwards he will enter into
happiness, joy, and the good.

[6.7] Jupiter-Saturn

He will give of his own to the poor; his brothers, friends, comrades will shun him, they will
become his enemies, and they will do to him what evil they can; and some of those near to him
will make journeys; fear will happen to the native because of the king, and from this cause and
(also) by reason of his children he will have injury to his substance, and they will despise him; if
he lends from his substance, he will not recover it, or if he does recover it, (it will be) with effort,
and after one year.

[5.5] Mars-Mars

He will be an evil-doer and thief; hardships will happen to him, and great, long legal conflicts; his
enemies will be moved against him, they will do evil to him, they will damage his status with
regard to kings and great men; troubles will happen to him because of his parents; he will
escape from all of this; fear and great impediment from wolves, fire, the sword, water, winds,
medicines, or thieves will happen to him. And if he sows any seed, it will be harmed by water; he
will make long journeys; he will become ill from a swelling of the head or in his eyes, or stomach
ache, and for him this can last for twenty days; he will employ much medicine on account of it.
And if (the natal) Mars in this (period) is in the term of Jupiter or Venus, it signifies that the
impediment will come to him from his enemies and that he will escape from it.

[5.1] Mars-Sun

Friends and brothers will shun and flee from the native; and because of the king troubles will
happen to him; he will be arrested because of his comrades, and this will last perhaps 25 days;
pain and illness will happen to him in hidden places; perhaps he will fall from the top of his
house; perhaps he will kill a king, or someone like a king; his wife will die; his children will
receive harm, or one them will die.

[5.4] Mars-Venus

The native will love songs, pleasures and games, and will involve himself with these and with
bedding women; he will associate with those who deal with prostitutes and with prostitutes; he
will have peace with his wife, and fellowship with robbers, and prosperity from them.

[5.3] Mars-Mercury
Hardship and injury will happen to the native; he will go from his own place into foreign lands;
and griefs and hindrances will happen to him because of those who lie; evil will be said about
him; an evil name will be given to him, and he will be called a liar; his friends will become his
enemies; perhaps there will happen for him an occasion on account of which he will be

[5.2] Mars-Moon

The native will be arrested, and troubles will happen to him; at length he will escape from all of
it; he will lose what he has acquired because of something he has done; he will spend his
substance in working the land, and if he is wealthy, he will become poor, and when he is poor,
he will flee his country; whatever happens to him, harm will come to his substance; if he buys a
servant, the servant will die. And if his parents are alive, one of them will die in this division; his
friends will flee from him; legal disputes will happen to him, and he will overcome those who
quarrel with him.

[5.7] Mars-Saturn

For the native there will happen troubles of diverse kinds. If he has a father, the father will die;
part of his substance will go forth from his hand; others will despise the native; he will be
afflicted by a great infirmity, perhaps the quartan fever; there will happen to him an involution
of the senses, but he will escape from all of this; his relatives will fly from him; he will have strife
with his wife, and perhaps they will be separated from each other; infirmities will happen to his
sons, if he has any; perhaps they willdie or be lost.

[5.6] Mars-Jupiter

The native will exalted, and if he does not have any financial worth, it will come to him; he will
overcome all of those who oppose him and those who have legal conflicts with him; he despise
men; he will have good and profit because of legal actions; he will love weapons and those
things which are like weapons, and he will make profit in that area; his financial returns will
grow; he will rejoice in his wife, comrades, and his children; a son will be born to him; his
daughter, if he has one, will die; and he will not become tired of any work or magistery which he

[11.11] The Dragon's Head

The native will be fortunate; he will associate with noble men; he will be faithful in his deeds
and words. and he will give precepts to others of his people; he will have a lucrative dignity in
his own country; he will gain wealth through legal affairs or inheritances; he will feed many
servants and be loved by women.
[12.12] The Dragon's Tail

Troubles will happen to the native; he will shun his friends, and hold them in contempt, and
have strife with his children and wife; and he will know many losses for the sake of a woman;
troubles will happen to him; he will be afflicted with a grave illness, but he will at last recover.

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