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The Science and Practice of Micronutrient Supplementations in Nutritional

Anemia: An Evidence-Based Review

Article  in  Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition · May 2014

DOI: 10.1177/0148607114533726 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors, including:

Lingtak-Neander Chan
University of Washington Seattle


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PENXXX10.1177/0148607114533726Journal of Parenteral and Enteral NutritionChan and Mike

Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
The Science and Practice of Micronutrient Volume 38 Number 6
August 2014 656­–672
Supplementations in Nutritional Anemia: An © 2014 American Society

Evidence-Based Review for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

DOI: 10.1177/0148607114533726
hosted at

Lingtak-Neander Chan, PharmD, BCNSP, CNSC1; and

Leigh Ann Mike, PharmD, BCPS, CGP1

Nutritional anemia is the most common type of anemia, affecting millions of people in all age groups worldwide. While inadequate access
to food and nutrients can lead to anemia, patients with certain health status or medical conditions are also at increased risk of developing
nutritional anemia. Iron, cobalamin, and folate are the most recognized micronutrients that are vital for the generation of erythrocytes.
Iron deficiency is associated with insufficient production of hemoglobin. Deficiency of cobalamin or folate leads to impaired synthesis
of deoxyribonucleic acid, proteins, and cell division. Recent research has demonstrated that the status of copper and zinc in the body can
significantly affect iron absorption and utilization. With an increasing number of patients undergoing bariatric surgical procedures, more
cases of anemia associated with copper and zinc deficiencies have also emerged. The intestinal absorption of these 5 critical micronutrients
are highly regulated and mediated by specific apical transport mechanisms in the enterocytes. Health conditions that persistently alter the
histology of the upper intestinal architecture, expression, or function of these substrate-specific transporters, or the normal digestion and
flow of these key micronutrients, can lead to nutritional anemia. The focus of this article is to review the science of intestinal micronutrient
absorption, discuss the clinical assessment of micronutrient deficiencies in relation to anemia, and suggest an effective treatment plan and
monitoring strategies using an evidence-based approach. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2014;38:656-672)

adult, life cycle; geriatrics, life cycle; minerals/trace elements; nutrition, vitamins; nutrition, anemia; iron; copper; cobalamin; folate; zinc

Anemia is a medical condition indicative of poor nutrition sta- women.5 But in smaller studies focusing on the more vulnera-
tus or poor health. It is characterized by the reduction of hemo- ble populations, prevalence as high as 55% has been reported.6
globin concentration, which is the most reliable diagnostic The causes of anemia are usually multifactorial. They can
criterion at the population level. Although the lower limit of be generally grouped into 4 main categories: (1) increased loss
normal hemoglobin concentration remains a debated topic and of blood volume or red cells (eg, acute or chronic bleeding),
likely varies among different races and ethnicities, the World (2) increased destruction of red cells (eg, hemolytic anemia),
Health Organization (WHO) standard is still the most widely (3) increased demand or decreased production/differentiation
adopted definition of anemia (Table 1).1-3 Anemia is a signifi- of red cells (eg, bone marrow failure, insufficient supply of
cant global health problem that affects a quarter of the popula- nutrients involved in erythropoiesis, erythropoietin defi-
tion worldwide. Epidemiological data show that the prevalence ciency), and (4) miscellaneous causes (eg, anemia of chronic
of anemia is the highest among preschool-age children and disease, cancer) (Table 2). These causes are not mutually
pregnant women, although the condition essentially affects all exclusive, and a person can have multiple causes leading to
age groups.4 Since anemia is a dynamic medical condition
affected by many factors, the incidence is higher in the vulner-
able populations, such as malnourished individuals, young From the 1University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.
children, pregnant women, older adults (especially residents in Financial disclosure: None declared.
nursing homes or assisted living facilities), and patients with
Received for publication January 2, 2014; accepted for publication April
kidney diseases, uncontrolled chronic illness, extensive surger- 3, 2014.
ies in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, or cancer. The prevalence
This article originally appeared online on May 20, 2014.
of anemia also increases with age after the fifth decade of life
in both sexes. In the United States, the exact prevalence of ane- Corresponding Author:
mia in the entire population has not been formally evaluated. Lingtak-Neander Chan, PharmD, BCNSP, CNSC, Associate Professor,
School of Pharmacy, Interdisciplinary Faculty, Graduate Program in
According to National Health and Nutrition Examination
Nutritional Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Washington,
Survey III (NHANES III), among community-dwelling adults 1959 NE Pacific St, HSC H-361B, Box 357630, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
65 years or older, the prevalence is 11% in men and 10.2% in Email:

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Table 1.  Cutoff of Hemoglobin Concentrations in Defining Table 3.  Overview of the Involvement of Iron, Cobalamin,
Anemia According to WHO Recommendations. Copper, Folate, and Zinc in Erythropoiesis.

Hemoglobin Micronutrient Major Physiological Roles in Erythropoiesis

Age Group Concentration, g/dL
Iron Key component of the oxygen-carrying protein
Children aged 6–59 mo <11.0 hemoglobin
Children aged 5–11 y <11.5 Cobalamin Cofactor for amino acid synthesis and
Children aged 12–14 y <12.0 tricarboxylic acid cycle; facilitates maturation
Adult males (>15 y) <13.0 and differentiation of the erythroid lineage
Adult females, nonpregnant (>15 y) <12.0 Folate Key component of 1-carbon transfer system for
Adult females, pregnant <11.0 DNA and protein synthesis and cell division
Copper Key regulator for iron transport from the
These thresholds are set at the fifth percentile of the hemoglobin intestine (eg, hephaestin) and release from cells
concentration of a normal population of the same sex and age group (as into the circulation (eg, ceruloplasmin)
measured as venous blood at sea level). Data from the World Health Zinc Cofactor for protein synthesis and regulator for
Organization (WHO;
cell differentiation

Table 2.  Summary of Major Categories and Causes of Anemia. to become erythroblasts, reticulocytes, and eventually the enu-
cleated erythrocytes that carry oxygen throughout the body.7
Category Examples of Cause Iron is an essential nutrient substrate in this process since it is
Increased loss of blood •• Acute hemorrhage the key component of the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin as well
volume or red cells •• Gastrointestinal bleed as a number of electron-transferring enzymes in the respiratory
chain; however, a few other micronutrients also play important
Increased destruction •• Autoimmune hemolytic reaction roles. Cobalamin and folate are needed for DNA synthesis, cell
of red cells •• Drug-induced hemolysis division, and the proliferation of the progenitor cells. Zinc is not
Decreased production/ •• Bone marrow failure only vital for protein and DNA synthesis but is also a key com-
differentiation of red •• Disruption of the supply of “raw ponent of a zinc-finger factor, GATA-1, that functions as a regu-
cells materials” involved in erythropoiesis lator of the differentiation and development of erythroid cell
•• Erythropoietin deficiency lineage.8-10 Copper is a cofactor for cytochrome c oxidase, an
(eg, end-stage kidney disease) important component of the mitochondrial electron transport
chain.11 In addition, ceruloplasmin, a plasma protein, and hepha-
Miscellaneous causes •• Anemia of chronic disease
estin, a membrane protein, are 2 cuproproteins with ferroxidase
•• Cancer
activity that closely regulate the intestinal absorption and release
Note that these causes are not mutually exclusive. of iron into the systemic circulation (Table 3 and Figure 1).12-14
Deficiencies in selenium and riboflavin have also been linked to
the development of anemia, although the exact mechanisms
anemia. Statistics from the WHO show that as many as 50% of remain unclear and the optimal strategy in assessing and replac-
the documented cases of anemia worldwide, especially those ing these nutrients has not been investigated.15-19 The diagnosis
in developing countries, are related to iron deficiency.3,4 This and clinical evaluation of anemia have been extensively
finding is consistent with the data from NHANES III, which reviewed elsewhere.20-22 The purposes of this tutorial are
show that nutrient deficiencies are the most common cause of to (1) discuss the science of micronutrient deficiencies—
anemia in the United States. Specifically, deficiencies in iron, specifically iron, cobalamin, folate, copper, and zinc—in rela-
folate, and cobalamin account for one-third of all documented tion to anemia; (2) translate the scientific knowledge into prac-
anemia cases in older adults.5 With the continued growth of the tice in assessing nutritional anemia; and (3) discuss the effective
aging population, the increased number of patients receiving treatment strategies based on the available evidence.
interventions that can impair nutrient absorption or homeosta-
sis, such as bariatric surgery, cancer therapy, and treatment for
human immunodeficiency virus infection, the incidence of Iron
nutritional anemia is expected to rise.
Erythropoiesis involves the supply of hematopoietic stem
Homeostasis and Daily Turnover
cells from the bone marrow, the presence of stem cell factor Approximately 3–5 g of iron are stored in the human body under
interleukin-3 (IL-3), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulat- normal physiology. About 60% of the total body iron is in the
ing factor (GM-CSF), and the production and release of eryth- form of hemoglobin in the circulating erythrocytes, and 15% is
ropoietin (EPO) from the renal cortex to facilitate the found in muscle fiber as myoglobin. The remaining amount is
differentiation of stem cells into proerythroblasts, which mature stored in the hepatic parenchymal tissues (about 1000 mg), the

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658 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(6)

Cell differenaon
Pluripotent Hematopoiec Proerythroblasts Oral absorpon
stem cells stem cells of iron
Cell proliferaon
and differenaon Hemoglobin IRON


Figure 1.  Summary of the key roles of iron, cobalamin, folate, copper, and zinc in erythropoiesis. Iron is the essential micronutrient for
the synthesis of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying unit of erythrocytes. Copper plays a pivotal role in regulating the intestinal absorption
and systemic release of iron from diets and supplements. Zinc regulates protein and DNA synthesis and promotes the differentiation
of the pluripotent stem cells into proerythroblasts. Cobalamin and folate are key cofactors in regulating DNA synthesis, cell division,
and proliferation of the progenitor cells. (Illustration adapted from Lankhorst CE, Wish JB. Anemia in renal disease: diagnosis and
management. Blood Rev. 2010;24(1):39-47, with permission from Elsevier.)

Table 4.  Summary of the Primary Site of Micronutrient Absorption From the GI Tract, the Major Transport Proteins Involved, and the
Known Factors That May Significantly Affect Their Functions.

Micronutrient Primary Site of Absorption Known Apical Transporter of Significance Remarks

Nonheme iron Duodenum DMT1 (aka SLC11A2) Also has affinity for lead, cobalt,
manganese, copper, and zinc
Heme iron Duodenum and proximal jejunum Unknown; SLC46A1 (aka HCP1 or PCFT)  
plays a small role
Cobalamin Terminal ileum Cubilin-amnionless (aka intrinsic factor  
Folate Duodenum and proximal jejunum SLC19A1 (minor) SLC46A1 enhanced by vitamin D
  SLC46A1 (major) but inhibited by alcohol
Copper Most of the small intestine CTR1 (major)  
  DMT1 (minor)  
Zinc Duodenum and jejunum ZIP4 (aka SLC39A4)  

reticuloendothelial system (approximately 600 mg), and as process (Table 4). When given in a large amount, passive
plasma transferrin (3 mg).23,24 Although the normal daily iron uptake of nonheme iron via the paracellular route also occurs.
turnover for erythropoiesis alone is about 20–30 mg, most iron is This route also appears saturable. Thus, increasing the oral
recycled and reincorporated into new cells. The net daily iron dose of iron does not translate to a proportional increase in the
loss in the absence of active bleeding is between 1 and 2 mg amount absorbed.24-26 Data suggest that iron uptake also takes
through desquamation, menstrual blood loss, and turnover of place in the colon, although the relative absorption efficiency
epithelial tissues. Thus, only about 1–2 mg of dietary iron will be is only about one-tenth of that from the duodenum.24
absorbed when the body is not in a net iron deficit to maintain While both heme (primarily from myoglobin and hemoglo-
normal homeostasis.23 bin from meat) and nonheme iron (primarily from nonanimal
sources) can be absorbed from the small intestine, their
absorption processes are facilitated by different epithelial car-
Absorption of Iron From the GI Tract rier proteins and regulated by different mechanisms. Heme
The duodenum is the primary site where iron, especially non- iron has higher oral bioavailability or fractional absorption
heme iron, is absorbed via a highly regulated transcellular (15%–35%) than does nonheme iron (2%–20%).25 Even when

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Table 5.  Summary of Assessment Approaches for the Key Micronutrients That Affect Hematopoiesis.

Micronutrient Deficiency Specific Laboratory Findings Remarks

Iron ↓ Serum iron ● Ferritin would ↑ in the presence of inflammation; not a reliable test
↓ TSAT or ↑ TIBC in critically ill patients, patients with an active infection, or those
↓ Ferritin with acute inflammatory responses
↓ MCV ● MCV may appear within the normal range if there is concurrent
↑ sTfR deficiency in cobalamin and/or folate
↑ Zinc protoporphyrin

Cobalamin ↑ MMA ● Homocyst(e)ine concentration can be ↑ in the presence of renal

↑ Serum homocyst(e)ine dysfunction
↑ MCV ●  MCV may appear normal in the presence of iron deficiency

Folate ↓ Erythrocyte folate ● Serum folate is transiently elevated for up to 5 hours after a meal;
↓ Serum folate (fasting) measure during fasting if possible
↑ MCV ●  MCV may appear normal in the presence of iron deficiency

Copper ↓ Plasma copper ● Inflammation can ↑ both plasma copper concentration and
↓ Ceruloplasmin ceruloplasmin concentration

Zinc ↓ 24-Hour urine zinc excretion ● Inflammation ↓ plasma zinc concentration; do not check plasma
↓ Plasma/serum zinc (only in the zinc in critically ill patients. Consider checking C-reactive protein
absence of inflammation) before checking plasma zinc

MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MMA, methylmalonic acid; sTfR, soluble transferrin receptor; TIBC, total iron binding capacity; TSAT, transferrin

iron-deficiency anemia is present, studies showed that the positive acute-phase reactant. The process of iron mobilization
increase in fractional iron absorption from diet is very modest from the liver and other depots for the synthesis of proteins
(up to 20%).27,28 On the other hand, the bioavailability of iron such as anti-inflammatory cytokines causes a transient increase
sulfate from iron supplements can approach 60% in severe in serum ferritin.30 Serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)
cases of iron-deficiency anemia.29 Therefore, when the body’s concentration reflects the cellular need for iron or rate of eryth-
demand of iron is high, such as in the case of pregnancy, or ropoiesis and is less affected by inflammation than is ferritin. It
there is increased blood cell production in response to anemia, is increased in iron-deficiency anemia and may be used to
dietary intervention alone is ineffective, and iron supplements assist in evaluating iron status. Assessment approaches for the
should be used to reach therapeutic goal. Intravenous (IV) clinical status of different micronutrients are summarized in
iron administration bypasses the complex intestinal regulation Table 5.
and will lead to a substantial increase in the total iron pool in
the body and therefore is the preferred approach in treating
severe anemia or providing iron to patients with severe malab-
Goal of Therapy and Replacement Strategy
sorptive disorders or intestinal failure.25 In addition to managing the underlying cause(s) of iron defi-
ciency, the goal of treatment should be directed at restoring
hemoglobin concentrations and replenishing iron stores.31
Assessment of Iron Status After initiating supplemental iron, serum reticulocyte count
The hallmark of pure iron-deficiency anemia includes the pres- should increase within a few days. Since iron utilization by the
ence of low hemoglobin with decreased mean corpuscular vol- bone marrow typically peaks in 2 weeks, a clinically detectable
ume (MCV). MCV may not be significantly reduced if folate increase in hemoglobin concentration should be evident within
or cobalamin is also deficient. Iron studies show a reduction in 2–3 weeks if the patient is responsive to therapy.32 In the
serum iron, serum ferritin, and transferrin saturation (TSAT) absence of continued blood loss and defects in other erythro-
and an increase in total iron binding capacity (TIBC). poietic elements (eg, deficiency of cobalamin, copper, or EPO
Unfortunately, these tests can be influenced by a number of production), it can be expected that hemoglobin can increase
medical conditions, such as inflammation and infections. by 1–2 g/dL in the first 2 weeks and then 0.7–1 g/dL per week
Therefore, assessment of anemia made with these test results thereafter until the normal range is attained, as long as ade-
should be supported by relevant clinical suspicions or findings. quate iron supply is provided. Repletion of iron stores (eg,
For example, ferritin as a surrogate marker of iron status can be normalization of ferritin) will take longer. Therefore, the dura-
masked by the presence of inflammation since ferritin is a tion of treatment should be at least 3 months, even if normal

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660 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(6)

Table 6.  Examples of the Commonly Used Oral Iron Supplements.

Salt Form Elemental Iron, % (w/w) Available Formulations

Ferrous calcium citrate 9.5 Tablets
Ferrous gluconate 12 Tablets
Ferric ammonium citratea 18 Capsules
Ferrous bisglycinate 20 Capsules, tablets
Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate 20 Oral solution, tablets, enteric-coated tablets, film-coated tablets
Ferrous sulfate monohydrate, dried 30 Capsules, tablets, extended-release tablets
Ferrous fumarate 33 Tablets, chewable tablets
Carbonyl iron (vaporized elemental iron) 98 Tablets, chewable tables, oral suspension
Polysaccharide complexa 100 Capsules, oral solution, film-coated tablets
Heme iron polypeptide 100 Capsules
Uses ferric ion instead of ferrous ion.

hemoglobin concentration is achieved 2–3 weeks after therapy the oral bioavailability of iron is 20%, the total daily amount to
is initiated. It may take more than 32 weeks in at-risk patients be administered would be 212.5 mg. Thus, 3 tablets of iron
to fully restore serum ferritin concentration despite early nor- sulfate 325 mg provide the comparable amount of elemental
malization of hemoglobin concentration.33 Once hemoglobin iron (iron sulfate contains 20% elemental iron, or 65 mg per
concentration is normalized, it is advisable to monitor hemo- 325 mg salt). Clearly, this regimen contains many assumptions
globin concentration and red cell indices every 3–4 months for and does not consider the increased fractional iron absorption
up to 1 year. Iron profiles should be rechecked in high-risk that occurs when more severe iron deficiency is present.
patients.31 In some patients, chronic iron supplementation may Therefore, the clinical response to this regimen varies among
be needed to maintain a normal iron pool. Iron dosing should individuals. Some of the biggest challenges with this regimen
be based on the amount of elemental iron contained within include nonadherence and a very high incidence of side effects,
each product. which include nausea, GI upset, constipation, and vomiting.
Iron supplementation can be given orally (enterally) or intra- The GI-related side effects are proportionate to the amount
venously. In addition, iron dextran can also be administered of elemental iron present in the GI tract lumen. Reducing the
intramuscularly. Since the body does not have a specific mecha- dose of elemental iron improves GI tolerance and patient adher-
nism to eliminate iron, parenteral iron therapy with inadequate ence. Thus, ferrous sulfate 200 mg twice daily is usually better
monitoring can result in iron overload. Together with the addi- tolerated by most patients than 325 mg thrice daily and is rec-
tional costs of parenteral administration, IV iron therapy should ommended by the current British guidelines.31 In a large-scale
be reserved for patients in whom oral iron therapy is ineffective, interventional trial sponsored by the WHO comparing the effi-
such as those having chronic malabsorptive disorders, severe cacy and safety of 240 mg/d of elemental iron (equivalent to
upper GI tract complications (eg, villous atrophy, fistulae for- 4 ferrous sulfate 325-mg tablets) vs 120 mg/d, the higher dose
mation), significant resection of the duodenum and proximal regimen was not associated with a greater increase in hemoglo-
jejunum, or intolerance to oral therapy despite trying different bin concentration but a significantly increased incidence of
formulations. Otherwise, oral iron supplementation is the pre- GI-related side effects.35 These findings appear to support the
ferred approach in treating iron deficiency. Unlike dietary iron, kinetic data showing a lack of a linear dose-response relation-
which exists as ferric salt, most oral iron supplements are for- ship for the oral absorption of elemental iron.25 Higher doses
mulated as ferrous salt, making them a direct substrate for the are not necessarily associated with quicker and better erythro-
DMT1 transporter. The amount of elemental iron varies, poietic response and are poorly tolerated. In women with mild
depending on the salt form of the product (Table 6). iron-deficiency anemia without any evidence of malabsorptive
One of the most common regimens in replacing iron defi- disorder, supplementation with 27 mg/d of elemental iron is an
ciency is ferrous sulfate, 325 mg thrice daily. This regimen is effective approach in both normalizing hemoglobin and restor-
based on the assumption that the maximal daily rate of hemo- ing iron stores.36 A recent systematic review showed that as
globin regeneration is 0.25 g of hemoglobin/100 mL of blood. little as 10 mg/d of elemental iron supplement is effective in
Assuming that the total blood volume of an adult is about 5 L improving hemoglobin concentration.33
in the absence of acute blood loss, the total amount of hemo- Iron regimens that require taking the supplement multiple
globin regenerated is approximately 12.5 g/d. Since the aver- times daily can be costly and inconvenient to the patient and
age iron content in hemoglobin is 0.34 g/100 g of hemoglobin are associated with increased potential for nonadherence.
or 3.4 mg of iron/g of hemoglobin, the total amount of daily Based on the kinetics and homeostasis of iron, the efficacy of
iron needed would be 3.4 × 12.5 = 42.5 mg.34 And assuming intermittent dosing has been evaluated in a number of clinical

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trials. A recent meta-analysis showed that intermittent iron be attained if patients’ adherence is improved with these prod-
supplementation with 60 mg of elemental iron once a week is ucts. A longer course of therapy may be necessary with these
effective in increasing the concentrations of hemoglobin and products to fully restore iron pools in the body.
ferritin and preventing anemia in menstruating women.37 Newer oral iron products contain both nonheme iron and
Intermittent dosing with at least 200 mg of ferrous fumarate heme iron. The absorption of these combination products may
(equivalent to 66 mg of elemental iron) weekly is also effective be better than the nonheme salt alone. They also seem to have
in improving hemoglobin concentration, although the duration fewer GI-related side effects and are well tolerated. But the
of treatment needs to be extended to at least 6 months.38 pharmacokinetic and clinical outcomes data are limited, and
Therefore, intermittent dosing may be a feasible alternative the cost of the products is substantially higher. Finally, oral fer-
approach in supplementing iron in patients with mild anemia rous supplements can precipitate drug-nutrient interactions
or who are at risk of developing iron-deficiency anemia. (eg, ciprofloxacin) and impair the absorption of other micronu-
Iron absorption is enhanced when administered on an trients (eg, copper).
empty stomach; however, this also worsens GI-related side A growing body of literature suggests that the conventional
effects. Concurrent food intake, especially with high phytates approach in the United States of using 325 mg of ferrous sulfate
(eg, whole grains, legumes, nuts) or polyphenols (eg, tea, cof- (or 65 mg of elemental iron) thrice daily is not better than using
fee), reduces ferrous ion absorption by up to 50%.39,40 lower doses in improving hemoglobin concentration.31,33 In
Concurrent acid-reducing drugs and zinc can reduce the effi- fact, large doses of elemental iron may aggravate an inflamma-
ciency of DMT1-mediated ferrous transport and diminish fer- tory response in patients with Crohn’s disease, possibly through
rous ion absorption. Calcium may also impair the absorption increased oxidative stress.47 A study in octogenarians showed
of both heme and nonheme iron, although the mechanism is that a single daily dose of 50 mg of elemental iron (as ferrous
not fully understood. Coadministration of iron with ascorbic gluconate liquid) was as effective as 150 mg (given as a 500-mg
acid or other acidic beverages is often recommended and is ferrous calcium citrate tablet [9.52% elemental iron or 48 mg of
believed to improve iron absorption by maintaining an acidic elemental iron], 3 times daily) in increasing the concentrations
luminal pH. The more recent findings that DMT1 functions of hemoglobin and ferritin. The incidence of GI-related adverse
well at pH 6.0 suggest that this theory may have limited clini- events was significantly higher in the patients receiving 150 mg
cal significance. The value of adding ascorbic acid likely of elemental iron. The incidence of nausea/vomiting, constipa-
improves the absorption of food-based iron but not iron sup- tion, and black stools was almost twice as common in the
plements by enhancing the function of the brush-border ferri- patients receiving the higher doses, which also led to a higher
reductase (Dcytb) in the duodenum that converts ferric to dropout rate.48 Therefore, there is a need to reassess the conven-
ferrous iron and serves as an antioxidant to prevent ferrous tional approach of iron dosing. Studies of higher quality
iron from being oxidized to ferric iron.41,42 Recent research strongly suggest that the daily doses of oral elemental iron can
suggest that concurrent vitamin A intake may improve iron be much lower in most cases of iron-deficiency anemia. We
status; however, it is unclear whether the effect is on increas- suggest a starting dose of 30–65 mg of elemental iron (equiva-
ing intestinal iron absorption or intracellular release of lent to about 1 tablet of ferrous gluconate, 325 mg, to 1 tablet of
iron.43,44 Finally, research data from a rat model suggest that a ferrous sulfate, 325 mg) once daily for most patients and moni-
high protein diet (40% total calories) may increase iron tor for clinical responses and adverse events.
absorption by 60% based on stable isotope studies. The mech- For parenteral iron therapy, several products can be consid-
anism appears to involve upregulation of intestinal expression ered. Each product has a slightly different pharmacokinetic pro-
of the epithelial carrier proteins. The clinical significance of file and different dosing recommendations. Some parenteral
this requires further investigation.45 iron products are labeled only for use in patients with chronic
Iron supplements cause dose-related GI side effects such as kidney disease or who are receiving hemodialysis, while others
nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dark-colored stools, are labeled for use in patients who have an unsatisfactory
and/or abdominal distress.46 Splitting the total daily amount in response to oral iron or who cannot tolerate oral iron. Iron dex-
divided doses may reduce these symptoms. Taking with food tran has the higher retention rate and longest duration of effect
may also reduce GI side effects but at the expense of reducing but may cause an anaphylactoid reaction. A test dose of iron
iron absorption. Enteric-coated or delayed-release iron prepa- dextran is required prior to the first administration. Infusion of
rations may cause fewer GI side effects likely due to the parenteral iron can also cause hypersensitivity reactions.
decreased amount of elemental iron presented to the upper GI Patients should be observed for signs and symptoms of hyper-
tract. Many clinicians discourage the use of these products for sensitivity during and after infusion. All parenteral iron prod-
fear that the net amount of elemental iron being absorbed may ucts except ferric carboxymaltose can cause hypotension during
be lower than that from the immediate-release formulations or infusion. Ferric carboxymaltose can cause hypertension.
oral liquid. Nevertheless, since the bioavailability of iron is not Observe patients for blood pressure changes during the infusion
directly proportional to the amount, the clinical significance of parenteral iron products. The dosing information and safety
may be limited. More important, better clinical responses may issues for these products are summarized in Table 7.

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Table 7.  Summary of Commercially Available Intravenous Iron Products.

Trade Elemental
Salt Form Namea Iron, mg/mL Labeled Uses Recommended Doses Remarks

Iron dextran INFeD 50 Treatment of patients with documented ● Dose is based on the following formula: ● Risk for anaphylactic-type reactions
  iron deficiency in whom oral Dose (mL) = 0.0442 (desired Hb − observed ● A test dose is required prior to first
  administration is unsatisfactory or Hb) × LBW + (0.26 × LBW) administration
impossible ● A total dose as a single infusion is
  ● Individual doses of 100 mg or less may be ● Can also be administered
given on a daily basis until the calculated total intramuscularly
amount required has been reached
Iron sucrose Venofer 20 Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia ●  On hemodialysis: 100 mg ● Observe for hypersensitivity
  in adult patients with chronic kidney ●  Not on dialysis: 200 mg reactions and hypotension during
  disease ● Peritoneal dialysis: 300 mg on 2 occasions, 14 infusion
days apart, followed by 400 mg 14 days later   
Ferric gluconate Ferrlecit 12.5 Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in ● 125 mg each dose ● Observe for hypersensitivity
  adult patients and in pediatric patients ● Most patients require a cumulative dose of reactions and hypotension during
age 6 years and older with chronic 1000 mg administered over 8 dialysis sessions infusion
kidney disease receiving hemodialysis ● Contains benzyl alcohol as
who are receiving supplemental EPO preservative
Ferumoxytol Feraheme 30 Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia ● 510-mg IV injection followed by a second ● Observe for hypersensitivity
in adult patients with chronic kidney 510-mg IV injection 3–8 days later reactions and hypotension during
disease infusion
  ● Can alter magnetic resonance
imaging studies
Ferric Injectafer 50 Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in ● <50 kg: 15 mg/kg on day 1; repeat after at ● Observe for hypersensitivity
carboxymaltose adult patients: least 7 days reactions and hypertension during
● Who have intolerance to oral ● ≥50 kg: 750 mg on day 1; repeat after at least infusion
  iron or have had unsatisfactory 7 days; maximum 1500 mg per course ● May be repeated if iron deficiency
response to oral iron; who have recurs
non-dialysis-dependent chronic
kidney disease
Ferric Monofer 100 Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in ● Cumulative dose is based on the following ● Not available in the United States
carboxymaltose the following conditions: formula: ● Observe for hypersensitivity
● When oral iron preparations are Iron dose (mg iron) = body weight (kg) × reactions and hypotension during

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ineffective or cannot be used (target Hg – actual Hg) infusion
● Where there is a clinical need to (g/dL) × 2.4(C) + iron for iron stores (mg iron)
  deliver iron rapidly ● Bolus doses: 500 mg up to thrice weekly until
cumulative dose has been administered
  ● Infusion: doses up to 20 mg/kg as a single  
dose or as weekly infusions until cumulative
dose has been administered

EPO, erythropoietin; Hb, hemoglobin; LBW, lean body weight; IV, intravenous.
INFeD (Watson Pharma, Inc, Morristown, NJ); Ferrlecit (sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC, Bridgewater, NJ); Venofer (Fresenius Medical Care, Waltham, MA); Feraheme (AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Waltham, MA); Injectafer
(American Regent, Inc, Shirley, NY); and Monofer (Pharmacosmos A/S, Holbaek, Denmark).
Chan and Mike 663

Cobalamin bioavailability of a single 2-mcg dose is about 46% (translates

to 0.9 mcg absorbed), whereas the bioavailability of a single
Homeostasis and Daily Turnover 50-mcg dose is only about 3% (translates to 1.5 mcg actually
Cobalamin is a cobalt-containing intracellular cofactor absorbed). Therefore, similar to oral iron supplementation, the
essential for the maintenance of neurological functions and net increase in cobalamin absorption does not parallel the
cell division. It exists in 2 active forms in vivo: (1) as 5′-deoxyad- increase in dose administered.56,57 Mathematically, even if the
enosylcobalamin in the mitochondria to facilitate tricarboxylic bioavailability of a single cobalamin dose of 500 mcg is only
acid cycle by functioning as the cofactor of L-methylmalonyl- 1.2%, the net amount absorbed should still be sufficient to
CoA mutase, which promotes the conversion from replenish the daily turnover amount (up to 4 mcg) in most
L-methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-Co, and (2) as methylcobala- patients.
min primarily in the cytosol that becomes the cofactor for methi-
onine synthase to promote the methylation of homocysteine Assessment of Cobalamin Status
(Hcy) to methionine, which serves as the precursor of a major
methyl group donor for most methylation reactions involving The hallmark of cobalamin-deficiency anemia includes the
DNA and protein synthesis.49,50 Research conducted in Western presence of low hemoglobin with increased MCV. Similar to
countries indicates the daily cobalamin turnover is between 1.4 the case of iron-deficiency anemia, these tests are nonspecific.
and 5.1 mcg with an average loss of 0.13% of the total body Concurrent iron deficiency may decrease MCV and “mask” the
cobalamin pool. The total body cobalamin store based on studies appearance of hypocobalaminemia in the red cell index.
(including from autopsies) ranged from 780–11,100 mcg, with Therefore, other risk factors and diet history must be part of the
the average between 2500 and 3900 mcg.51 These data suggest clinical assessment. The sensitivity of serum cobalamin con-
that even in the absence of cobalamin intake, a well-nourished centration is low except in extremely deficient states, and most
individual typically has well over 12 months of cobalamin laboratories have a very wide reference range (200–900 pg/
reserves. Patients who are under high metabolic stress or with mL). Furthermore, a lack of agreement among samples assayed
severe malnutrition may develop cobalamin deficiency sooner. by different laboratories or methods has been reporterd.49 On
the other hand, accurate detection of cobalamin deficiency is
possible via the assessment of parameters in the metabolic path-
Absorption From the GI Tract
ways of Hcy and methylmalonic acid (MMA). Savage et al58
Food-based cobalamin is typically bound to proteins. The lib- and Lindenbaum et al59 reported that more than 98% of the
eration of food-bound cobalamin into the GI lumen requires patients with cobalamin deficiency (including those with neuro-
the presence of digestive enzymes, gastric acid, and pepsin. logical symptoms without anemia) had increases in the total
The absorption of food-bound cobalamin begins in the stom- Hcy and MMA concentrations. MMA is a more specific marker
ach, continues in the intestinal lumen, and occurs most effi- than Hcy in patients with renal impairment since serum total
ciently in the terminal ileum, where the gastric intrinsic factor Hcy concentration is elevated with decreased renal function.
(IF)–cobalamin complex is taken up by the mucosal brush- MMA and serum cobalamin concentration can also be used
border IF receptor, cubilin. The IF-cobalamin-cubilin complex together to help determine treatment progress. A detailed cri-
becomes internalized, and cobalamin is released inside the tique and comparison of the diagnostic strategy and laboratory
ileal epithelial cells. The detailed molecular mechanism and assessments of cobalamin status has been published else-
regulation of this process have been reviewed elsewhere.52,53 where.60 Subclinical cobalamin deficiency, characterized by
The mean bioavailability of cobalamin varies highly even low serum cobalamin concentration and/or elevated MMA or
among healthy individuals, ranging from 20% to just over Hcy that is responsive to cobalamin therapy without clinical
60%.51 In older adults, the bioavailability can be decreased to symptoms, is fairly common in the geriatric population. It is
as low as about 2%, likely due to the GI physiological changes unclear at this point whether chronic supplementation of cobal-
associated with aging.54 About 1%–2% of the free luminal amin is necessary.61
cobalamin that reaches the ileal mucosa may be absorbed
across the mucosal barrier by simple diffusion without the aid
Goal of Therapy and Replacement Strategy
of IF.55 This is an important characteristic since it provides the
basis that even patients lacking IF will absorb an adequate The goal of therapy in cobalamin deficiency should include
amount of cobalamin as long as the dose is approximately 100 the improvement of clinical symptoms, normalization of labo-
times the recommended daily intake. ratory tests, preferably both MMA and serum cobalamin con-
Cobalamin supplements are typically formulated as free centration, and repletion of cobalamin stores. It may take
crystalline cobalamin that is not bound to protein. Their oral additional months after the normalization of cobalamin status
bioavailability is relatively high at 60%–70% for most indi- to improve some of the clinical symptoms, especially neuro-
viduals with an intact GI tract. However, because IF-mediated logical symptoms.
absorption is a saturable process, the oral bioavailability of Hydroxocobalamin and aqueocobalamin are the 2 natural-
cobalamin decreases with higher doses. For example, the oral occurring cobalamin derivatives. They are converted to either

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664 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(6)

methylcobalamin or 5′-deoxyadenosylcobalamin in mamma- Table 8.  Comparison of Dose and Retention Rate of
lian cells. Cyanocobalamin is the synthetic form most com- Cyanocobalamin After Oral and Intramuscular Therapy.
monly used in cobalamin supplements and fortified foods in Percentage of Dose Retention After
the United States. It contains a cyanide group, which is Administration
cleaved and metabolized to the 2 active forms intracellularly.
Limited kinetic data suggest that hydroxocobalamin is Dose, mcg Intramuscular Injection Oral
slightly more potent and better retained by the body than is 1 100 56
cyanocobalamin.55 10  97 16
Cobalamin supplements are available as an oral tablet, cap- 25  95  
sule, liquid, nasal spray, and injectable solution. Recently, cobal- 50  85 3
amin sublingual tablets have gained attention. Unfortunately, the 100  55   
idea of “sublingual vitamin B12” is a myth based on misinter- 500  30 2
pretation of data. There exists no physiological evidence that 1,000  15 1.3
cobalamin can be rapidly and efficiently absorbed under the
tongue. Most commercially available “sublingual” vitamin B12
products are either chewable or orally disintegrating tablets and polyglutamyl tail. The fully reduced form, tetrahydrofolate, is
may not offer any additional clinical benefits over conventional an essential cofactor involved in the 1-carbon transfer system
oral tablets but come with a higher cost to the patients.62-64 to enable the biosynthesis of key compounds such as purine
Oral cyanocobalamin is an effective treatment approach for nucleotide, thymidylate, and methionine, which are vital in the
cobalamin deficiency as long as a significant portion of the ileum, synthesis of DNA, lipids, histones, and amino acids.70 From
including the terminal ileum, is present and functional. Evidence the erythropoietic perspective, folate (and cobalamin) sustains
suggests that the initial daily dose of cyanocobalamin should be the rate of de novo synthesis of DNA for the erythroid progeni-
between 250 and 2000 mcg for at least 1 week, although more tor cells. There is also evidence suggesting that increased DNA
clinical experience supports an initial treatment duration for 1–3 damage and apoptosis of the hematopoietic stem cells may
months.65-67 This is followed by the maintenance period with at occur when folate or cobalamin deficiency is present.71 Liver
least 125 mcg/d until symptoms are resolved. In patients with serves as the primary folate pool for the body, where approxi-
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, pernicious anemia, or lack of mately 50% of the total body folate reserve is stored. Red
IF, cyanocobalamin maintenance doses of at least 350 mcg/d or blood cells and muscles also serve as folate depots. The hepatic
higher should be used.66,68 In patients who also have neurological folate reserve increases with age and peaks between 11 and 30
symptoms, the effectiveness of oral therapy has not been studied years. Older adults have a lower folate reserve. The estimated
extensively and parenteral therapy is preferred. total body folate pool is about 20 mg based on tissues analyzed
Parenteral cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin have from autopsies.72 The average daily turnover rate is about 1%
also been used in the treatment of cobalamin deficiency. The under normal physiology.73 Therefore, the estimated net daily
typical doses range from 100 mcg/mo to 1000 mcg/d for 1 requirement is about 200 mcg. Since the oral bioavailability of
week. Maintenance regimen can be given at 1000 mcg intra- folate is not 100%, a higher amount must be consumed to meet
muscularly every 4–6 weeks. Since the retention rate of intra- daily needs. In patients with increased metabolic demands,
muscularly administered cyanocobalamin is inversely higher daily folate turnover is expected.
proportional to the dose, giving the smaller dose (eg, 500 mcg)
at a more frequent interval is likely more effective than admin-
istering higher doses every 1–2 months (Table 8). Alternatively, Absorption From the GI Tract
hydroxocobalamin can be used instead, since the retention rate
is >70% for a 1000-mcg intramuscular dose.55 For patients with Dietary folates exist primarily in the reduced form as 5-methyl-
tetrahydrofolate and formyltetrahydrofolate polyglutamate. The
malabsorptive disorder, gastrectomy, or Roux-en-Y gastric
bioavailability is about 50%. However, food-based folates are
bypass, cyanocobalamin nasal spray is also a good option. The
chemically labile and undergo degradation with cooking and
initial regimen is 1 spray (500 mcg) administered in 1 nostril
food processing. The actual amount absorbed may vary depend-
once weekly. New steady-state serum cobalamin concentration
ing on the meal. Folic acid, on the other hand, is a synthetic
should be achieved after 4 doses (1 month of therapy).69
monoglutamate form of folate used almost exclusively in food
fortification as well as in dietary/pharmaceutical supplements. It
Folate is readily converted to the natural forms after ingestion. The oral
bioavailability of folic acid is 85% when taken with food (either
Homeostasis as a food fortificant or as a supplement) or 100% when taken on
Folates refer to a family of B vitamins structurally including an empty stomach.74 Folate absorption in the small intestine is
a pteridine ring attached to para-aminobenzoate with a mediated by specific carrier transporters.75

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Chan and Mike 665

Assessment of Folate Status megaloblastic anemia.85 But since protein calorie malnutrition
and hypoferremia were always present in these cases, it was
Similar to cobalamin, deficiency in folate causes low hemo- thought that copper deficiency alone was unlikely the cause of
globin with a nonspecific increase in MCV. Historically, folate anemia, especially since anemia consistently improved after
status has been assessed with folate concentration in the serum iron supplementation. Isolated cases of hypocupremia with
or red blood cells. Serum folate concentration predominantly anemia and neutropenia continued to be reported in the litera-
reflects recent dietary intake and may change significantly ture thereafter. But the occurrence was rare and the mechanism
after a meal or a folic acid supplement. Pharmacokinetic data remained unclear for decades. With the surge of the number of
show that 800 mcg of folic acid either as a prenatal vitamin or bariatric surgical procedures performed worldwide, an increas-
a folic acid oral capsule increases the serum folate concentra- ing number of cases of copper-responsive anemia have been
tion by up to 4.5-fold and does not return to baseline level for published in the past decade and reignited the interest in under-
8 hours.76,77 A similar trend is also seen with folic acid–forti- standing the role of copper in the pathogenesis and manage-
fied beverages.78 Therefore, if a serum folate concentration is ment of anemia.86-88 It is now clear that copper is a vital
used to determine folate status, the blood sample should be enzymatic cofactor in humans. Cuproproteins are involved in
drawn during fasting, or at least 8 hours after any vitamin important physiological functions. Two of the most direct
supplement that contains folic acid or food product fortified functions by cuproproteins on erythropoiesis include the regu-
with folic acid. On the other hand, because folate is taken up lation of intestinal iron absorption by hephaestin and iron
only by the developing erythrocyte in the bone marrow and release from the storage site by ceruloplasmin.89,90 The total
not by the circulating mature erythrocyte during its 120-day body copper pool is estimated to be 50–120 mg in adults.91
life span, red cell folate concentration is an accurate reflection Approximately one-third of the total body copper is found in
of folate store.77,79 the liver. The daily turnover is estimated to be approximately 1
mg through fecal loss. Therefore, total body store can be
depleted in several months if intake is insufficient.
Goal of Therapy and Replacement Strategy
The goal of therapy should including correcting anemia and
replenishing folate storage as reflected by normal red cell folate
Absorption From the GI Tract
concentration. Before starting folic acid supplementation, cobal- The oral bioavailability of copper varies from 12%–70%
amin status should be evaluated since the treatment of folate depending on the body copper status as well as the total amount
deficiency could mask the symptoms of untreated cobalamin present in the GI tract. The average bioavailability based on
deficiency. Most published data focus on the prevention of ane- normal diets is between 30% and 40%.92,93 Copper binds to
mia during pregnancy. Well-designed controlled trials aimed to food and complexes with mucosal secretions in the GI tract and
determine the dose and duration of folic acid supplementation in requires acid to be liberated for optimal absorption. Citrus
nonpregnant women are lacking. Available data suggest that products and other chelating agents can improve copper
daily oral folic acid doses of 5–10 mg appear to be well tolerated absorption by keeping copper from forming inabsorbable com-
in nonpregnant individuals.80 The duration of treatment should plexes.94 Copper absorption takes place in the stomach and the
be at least 3–4 months. In most patients, folate-deficiency ane- entire small intestine. But the most efficient absorption process
mia can be prevented by optimizing dietary intake since folic occurs in the ileum.
acid is fortified in many food products. Patients with malabsorp- Once inside the enterocyte, cuprous ions are bound to vari-
tive disorders or increased demand for folate may require daily ous copper chaperones for distribution to different organelles
supplementation of folic acid to prevent recurrent anemia; how- and cellular compartments. In response to hypoferremia or
ever, the most effective dose is unclear in nonpregnant individu- hypocupremia, copper is released into the systemic circulation
als. Daily doses between 500 and 800 mcg may be a reasonable from the enterocyte. During the absorption process, copper
initial approach. Titrate the doses based on dietary intake and surplus is stored transiently in the enterocytes by binding to
follow up red cell folate concentration. In patients whose dietary metallothionein.91,94 If not needed by the body, the excess cop-
folate intake is suboptimal, a weekly supplementation of folic per will be lost through desquamation of the intestinal epithe-
acid 500 mcg can be effective in preventing anemia.81 lial cells under normal physiology, and copper overload can be
prevented. If copper is administered intravenously, this protec-
tive mechanism is bypassed, and the risk of copper toxicities is
Copper increased over time.
The interrelationships between zinc and copper intake, spe-
cifically copper deficiency–associated anemia induced by
Anemia associated with hypocupremia has been reported in excessive zinc intake, were reported in rodents as early as
animals between 1930 and 1945.82-84 Cases of hypocupremia 1964.83 Oral elemental zinc intake at 50 mg/d or higher induces
have also been reported in patients with tropical sprue and the metallothionein protein in enterocytes, which causes a

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666 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(6)

“copper trap” that binds a large amount of dietary copper. This Table 9.  Examples of Available Copper and Zinc Supplements
can lead to a significant reduction in oral copper absorption.91 and the Respective Amount of Elemental Minerals.
Cases of hypocupremia from chronic high intake of zinc have Salt Form Elemental Mineral, % (w/w)
been reported.95 There is also some evidence suggesting zinc
may interfere with copper transport through CTR1 and DMT1. Copper gluconate 14
Copper absorption may also be impaired by high-dose supple- Cupric sulfate pentahydrate 25.5
mentation with iron or ascorbic acid. A high protein diet Copper chloride 37
increases copper absorption.96
Zinc gluconate trihydrate 13
Zinc gluconate 14.3
Assessment of Copper Status Zinc sulfate 23
Zinc acetate 30
A patient with copper deficiency may have symptoms that affect Zinc picolinate 35
multiple organ systems. From the hematological perspective, Zinc chloride 48
nonspecific anemia may be present by itself or with leukopenia Zinc oxide 81
and pancytopenia.86,97,98 Previous studies and our ongoing
research suggest that approximately 60%–70% of symptomatic If a product is labeled according to the amount of elemental mineral,
there is no need to calculate the elemental amount based on the salt form.
copper deficiency presents with anemia, and more than 50% are Refer to manufacturer’s package insert for product-specific information.
normocytic anemia. It is therefore important to identify other
concurrent causes of anemia, including other micronutrient defi-
ciencies. Risk factors for copper deficiency, which should be elemental copper should be given. Reported doses range from 1–4
suggested by diet history, GI tract surgery, or other precipitating mg/d as a short IV infusion for up to 6 days and then transition to
factors such as a large amount of zinc supplementation, should the oral elemental copper regimen as described above if possible.
also be identified. Monitoring should also include serum copper and ceruloplasmin
Although serum or plasma copper concentration can be mea- concentrations to ensure repletion is successful, which is typically
sured, it is not a reliable marker of copper status by itself as it achieved in 1 week but may take up to 3 months.86-88,104-107
increases in the presence of an inflammatory response (ie, positive
acute-phase reactant).99-102 In the plasma, copper is highly bound
(~95%) to ceruloplasmin (also known as ferroxidase I), a blue Zinc
protein containing several copper atoms per molecule. In effect,
ceruloplasmin reflects total body copper status, and copper defi-
ciency decreases ceruloplasmin concentrations. Although some Anemia caused by zinc deficiency alone is rare. But since zinc
interindividual variation is present, ceruloplasmin is still a reliable plays an important role in protein synthesis and enzyme func-
indicator of copper status because of its large and relatively stable tion, zinc deficiency may impair the homeostasis of iron and
binding capacity with plasma copper. Therefore, when evaluating copper. This can either result in anemia or poor response to ther-
copper status in the body, ceruloplasmin concentration should be apy with iron and copper supplementation. Zinc is the most
assessed together with plasma copper concentration. Red cell cop- abundant trace element in the body other than iron. It is an essen-
per concentration may be less prone to the acute-phase response, tial nutrient that is a constituent of, or a cofactor to, more than
but its validity has not been established.103 300 enzymes. These zinc metalloenzymes participate in the
metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic
acids.108-111 The normal adult body contains 1.5–2.5 g of zinc.
Goal of Therapy and Replacement Strategy Zinc is extensively distributed in the body with 95% of the body
The goals of therapy for copper deficiency are to treat the underly- pool distributed intracellularly. In the blood, 85% of zinc is in
ing causes, reverse anemia and other related symptoms, and erythrocytes, although the zinc content in each leukocyte is at
restore copper status of the body. The amount of elemental copper least several folds higher than that of an erythrocyte.112,113 Zinc
in different salt forms is summarized in Table 9. Many commer- undergoes substantial enteropancreatic recirculation. It is also
cially available copper supplements have their copper content lost through sweat, hair and nail growth, and skin shedding.
listed as elemental copper. The treatment experience for copper Under normal physiology, the net loss is about 2–3 mg/d.
deficiency is very limited. A meta-analysis of the published case
reports suggests that for noncritically ill patients, an initial treat-
Absorption From the GI Tract
ment regimen of oral elemental copper 2 mg/d (equivalent to 8 mg
of copper sulfate) up to 4 mg 3 times a day for 3 weeks reverses The intestinal transport of zinc has been reviewed recently.114-116
hypocupremia within 2–3 weeks. For symptomatic critically ill In brief, zinc ions are liberated from food-bound proteins at neu-
patients or for those who have severe malabsorptive disorders tral pH in the GI lumen and transported via both saturable and
such as short bowel syndrome or high ostomy output, IV passive transport processes. The transport process is the most

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Chan and Mike 667

efficient in the duodenum and the jejunum. Diet and supple- management of anemia. Dosing providing more than 50 mg of
ments are the only source of zinc for humans. Body zinc stores, elemental zinc increases the risk of copper malabsorption, and con-
the amount of zinc in diet, and the presence of phytate affect the current copper supplementation is recommended if higher doses of
oral bioavailability of zinc. The absorption kinetics is similar to zinc are used.91 Zinc absorption can be impaired by concurrent iron
that with cobalamin in that even though the net amount absorbed administration, especially if the iron/zinc ratio is over 3:1.123
would increase with larger intake, the fractional zinc absorption
would decrease.108 Dietary zinc is largely bound to proteins and
released gastric acid and pancreatic enzymes for absorption in
Translating the Science and Evidence to
the distal jejunum and ileum. Ionic zinc found in zinc supple- Clinical Practice
ments can be absorbed in the duodenum since it is already in free Considerations in Product Selection When
form and does not need to be liberated from proteins.
Supplementing Micronutrients
The nonparenteral route is the preferred initial choice for all
Assessment of Zinc Status patients unless documented malabsorptive disorders or villous
Since 98% of the total body zinc is present in tissues and end atrophy is present that severely impairs intestinal absorption.
organs, plasma zinc concentration tends to be maintained by Oral regimens are preferred over parenteral regimens because
continuous shifting from intracellular sources. Plasma zinc is a not only are oral supplements effective in most patients, but
reliable biomarker to evaluate the dose-dependent changes of they are also more accessible and affordable as maintenance
zinc status in response to dietary changes or supplementation in therapy. More important, when the body’s micronutrient status
a patient who is relatively healthy and clinically stable. It is a has improved, intestinal transport and absorption would be
poor indicator of total body zinc store.108 More important, zinc downregulated under normal physiology and less mineral
is a negative acute-phase reactant, and its serum concentration would be absorbed. This is an important intrinsic regulatory
is inversely related to serum C-reactive protein concentra- mechanism by the body to prevent systemic toxicity. Parenteral
tion.117-119 Conversely, serum zinc concentrations may be nor- regimens bypass this highly regulated intestinal absorption pro-
mal during starvation or wasting syndromes due to release of cess and lead to a significant increase in the total amount of
zinc from tissues and cells. Therefore, the sensitivity and speci- micronutrients in the body after each administration. Since the
ficity of serum/plasma zinc concentration alone in assessing daily amount eliminated from the body is very small for iron,
zinc status are poor in patients who are sick or clinically unsta- copper, and zinc, the risk of toxicity goes up with repeated par-
ble. Measuring the rate of zinc turnover in the plasma through enteral administration. Some clinicians have been advocating
the use of 24-hour zinc loss in body fluids (eg, urine and stool) the use of IV iron as the first line of iron supplementation for
provides better assessment of total body zinc status.120,121 patients with inflammatory bowel disease and bariatric surgery
However, the feasibility of this approach can be limited in the because of the much higher bioavailability over oral products.
outpatient setting, and the accuracy in critically ill patients is IV administration is also less likely to cause GI disturbances,
questionable since renal failure is often present. which can lead to low adherence. A meta-analysis showed that
in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, although the mean
changes in hemoglobin and ferritin concentrations with IV iron
Goal of Therapy and Replacement Strategy therapy are higher than with oral therapy, the net difference in
The goal of therapy in zinc deficiency should be directed to restor- hemoglobin may not be clinically significant (0.68 g/dL).124
ing total zinc store rather than normalizing plasma zinc concentra- When supplementing iron, copper, and zinc, the doses of the
tion. Serial plasma zinc concentrations can be used before and after micronutrient should be based on the amount of elemental min-
initiating zinc supplements to evaluate the response to therapy. erals (Table 10). This information should be communicated
Zinc supplements are available in various salt and dosage forms. with the patient to facilitate proper product selection when mak-
The amount of elemental zinc varies depending on the salt form ing purchases. Since mineral and vitamin supplements are regu-
used and is summarized in Table 9. Similar to folic acid supple- lated under the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act
mentation, plasma zinc concentration increases dramatically (DSHEA), these products do not need to undergo extensive
shortly after taking a zinc supplement and returns to baseline clinical testing to ensure certain pharmaceutical standards are
within approximately 5 hours.122 Therefore, to avoid falsely ele- met. Therefore, product safety and consistency can be a con-
vated zinc concentration, plasma zinc concentration should be cern. Advising patients to purchase more reliable brands, such
checked at least 5 hours after consuming zinc-containing supple- as those undergoing routine voluntary testing by independent
ments or vitamin product. Zinc supplementation regimens vary, laboratories or have received verification by the U.S.
and the best regimen in the management of anemia has not been Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), may address the safety con-
validated. Given the Recommended Daily Allowance is around 10 cern and help provide more consistent clinical responses.
mg and the upper limit is 40 mg, any doses providing elemental Patients with celiac disease should be advised to purchase only
zinc within this range would be a reasonable starting regimen in the gluten-free supplements. All parenteral products, on the other

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668 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(6)

Table 10.  Summary of Oral Bioavailability of Micronutrients and the Recommended Range of Doses for Initial Supplementation for
Their Deficiency.

Oral Bioavailability
Recommended Range of Oral
Micronutrients RDA for Adults Diet Supplements Doses for Initial Supplementation
Iron Male Nonheme: ~10% 20%–60%a 30–65 mg of elemental iron daily
    ≥19 years: 8 mg/d Heme: 15%–35%   on empty stomach if tolerated
  Female   for at least 3 months and until
    19–50 years: 18 mg/d   iron store is replenished
    ≥51 years: 8 mg/d  
    Pregnant: 27 mg/d  
    Breastfeeding: 9 mg/d  
Cobalamin Male: 2.4 mcg 20%–65% 1.3%–55% 500–1000 mcg cobalamin daily
  Female: 2.4 mcg   orally for 1 month
  Pregnant: 2.6 mcg  
  Breastfeeding: 2.8 mcg  
Folate Male: 400 mcg DFE 50% 85% with food 500 mcg folic acid daily orally for
  Female: 400 mcg 100% on empty at last 3 months
  Pregnant: 600 mcg stomach
  Breastfeeding: 500 mcg
Copper Male: 0.9 mg 12%–70% (average Presumably similar to 2 mg elemental copper daily to
  Female: 0.9 mg 30%–40%) dietary copper twice daily for 2–3 weeks
  Pregnant: 1.0 mg
  Breastfeeding: 1.3 mg  
Zinc Male: 11 mg 20%–92% depending Similar to food 10–20 mg elemental zinc
  Female: 8 mg on body zinc status   daily; doses higher than 50
  Pregnant: 11 mg and types of diet   mg daily should add copper
  Breastfeeding: 12 mg   supplementation

DFE, dietary folate equivalent.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) values can be accessed through the U.S. Department of Agriculture website:

hand, are prescription drugs with more reliable product consis- especially in the at-risk populations such as bariatric surgery
tency. Their safety and efficacy must be supported by data from recipients, geriatric patients, and patients with inflammatory
clinical trials for their intended indications prior to receiving the bowel disease and celiac disease.
approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Future Challenges Anemia is a dynamic medical condition that is usually revers-
The prevalence of anemia remains stable despite the availabil- ible and preventable. Micronutrient status of the body plays an
ity of fortified food and vitamin/mineral supplements, mostly important role in the prevention and optimization of the treat-
because the dynamic of this medical condition has been evolv- ment response for anemia. The 5 micronutrients of particular
ing. In many parts of the industrialized world, the precipitating importance are iron, cobalamin, folate, copper, and zinc.
cause of nutritional anemia has mostly shifted from malnutri- Although lack of access to nutritionally balanced food is still a
tion due to an insufficient food supply to secondary anemia due common cause of anemia in general, in the Western world,
to aging, GI tract surgery, drug therapy (eg, treatment for can- especially in the United States, the increased incidence of ane-
cer, viral hepatitis), and some other iatrogenic causes. Despite mia is also attributed to the aging population and the number of
being a common and well-recognized medical condition, well- recipients of proximal GI tract surgical procedures, including
controlled high-quality research aimed to assess and treat nutri- bariatric surgery. In addition to dietary changes, the anatomical
tional anemia is scarce. Newer understanding of the and physiological changes to the GI tract associated with these
coregulations among iron, copper, zinc, and other B vitamins, conditions may alter the intestinal transport and regulation of
as well as the impact of inflammatory responses on the expres- micronutrient absorption. Reduction of gastric acid release
sion and function of various transport proteins, may further appears to cause a direct negative effect in reducing folate trans-
challenge the conventional approach in treating anemia, port and decreasing the amount of iron and copper being

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liberated from food. Bypassing the duodenum and proximal abnormal erythropoiesis. The concentration of sTfR is also
jejunum has a more significant impact in reducing the absorp- increased in hemolytic anemia and thalassemia. Clinical
tion of iron, folate, and possibly copper. studies indicate that sTfR is less affected by inflammation
Oral micronutrient supplementation is affordable, effective, than is serum ferritin.
and generally well tolerated and should be the first-line man- Transferrin saturation (TSAT): Transferrin, the principal
agement approach. Supplements for micronutrients are avail- plasma protein for transport of iron, binds iron strongly at
able in different formulations and salt forms. The decision on physiologic pH. Transferrin is generally 20%–45% satu-
which salt form, formulation, and dose to use should be indi- rated with iron. TSAT is usually reported as percent satura-
vidualized based on the patient’s clinical condition, treatment tion (100 × serum iron/TIBC).
response, side effects, affordability, and adherence. In most Zinc protoporphyrin: A surrogate marker that reflects a
cases, the management goals for nutritional anemia should shortage in the supply of iron in the last stages of making
include both normalizing hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin so that zinc is inserted into the protoporphyrin
restoring the body reserve of the micronutrients. molecule in the place of iron. Zinc protoporphyrin can be
detected in RBCs by fluorimetry and is a measure of the
severity of iron deficiency.
Glossary Normal physiology: Protoporphyrin + Fe++ à Fe++
Hematocrit: The percentage of red blood cells in a blood sam- protoporphyrin + globin → hemoglobin
ple. Also referred to as packed RBC volume. When there is a lack of iron then zinc replaces iron in a
Heme iron: Sources of iron bound within the iron-carrying very small but measurable proportion of molecules,
proteins, such as hemoglobin and myoglobin. The most Altered Response: Protoporphyrin + Zn++ à zinc pro-
common sources of heme iron are red meat, poultry, and toporphyrin + globin → ZPP-globin
fish. Heme iron is not the primary source of dietary iron but Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) is the compound left
is generally better absorbed than nonheme iron. over after the zinc moiety has been removed using strong
Hemoglobin: The oxygen-carrying part of red blood cells acids during the extraction and chemical measurement
(RBCs). The amount of hemoglobin in the blood is typi- process.
cally expressed in g/dL of blood (grams of hemoglobin per
deciliter). Further Reading
Mean cell volume or mean corpuscular volume (MCV): 1. Butler CC, Vidal-Alaball J, Cannings-John R, et al. Oral vitamin B12 ver-
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(fL). A low MCV is not specific to iron deficiency. Low val-
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Nonheme iron: Also referred to as inorganic iron, found Series, vol 3. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality;
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mostly in plant foods, such as lentils and beans, or in iron-
4. Knovich MA, Il’yasova D, Ivanova A, Molnár I. The association between
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Instead, it exists in ferric or ferrous form. Nonheme iron is Examination Survey (NHANES II) population. Br J Nutr. 2008;99:
the most abundant source of dietary iron. 1226-1229.
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apy in inflammatory bowel disease patients with iron deficiency anemia:
stores if there is no concurrent infection; higher concentra-
a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Crohns Colitis. 2012;6:267-275.
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tion is low (<12–15 ng/mL), then iron stores are depleted. iron status 12 mo after sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in
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difficult to interpret the concentration of ferritin in situa-
tions in which infectious diseases are common.
Soluble serum transferrin receptor (sTfR): Derived mostly
from developing RBCs and reflects the intensity of erythro-
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