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Name: _________________________ Due Date: April 3rd, 2020

Instrument/Band: ________________

Charles Cornell’s Celebrities Singing Imagine Video Questions

Directions: Watch Video #1 and answer the questions below.

1. What musical terms did you hear Charles Cornell talk about in the video? (Example: Tempo)

2. Can you name 5 key signatures from the video and write out the scale with the correct sharps or
flats? (Hint: Look up the Circle of Fifths)

• Example: C Major: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C
1. ______________:________________
2. ______________:________________
3. ______________:________________
4. ______________:________________
5. ______________:________________

3. Who was your favorite celebrity performer, and who was your least favorite?

4. Reflection: After watching the video from start to finish, what are your thoughts about the song
as a whole? Do you think it will make a full complete song?

5. Was there anything he said musically (musical terms) that you didn’t understand or would like
to know more about?

Directions: Watch Video #2 and answer the questions below.

6. What did you see or hear Charles Cornell do, to complete the full version? Do you agree or
disagree with his arrangement of the song?

7. Did your perception or opinion change after watching Video #2 from the Video #1?

Bonus: Did you wash your hands today?

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