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First of all, I want to thank all who have helped me directly or indirectly in the process of
completing my course work assignment. Many thanks are also dedicated to Madam Norzila for
the never ending guidance in completing this task.

Before I made my big book, I have some problem to make selection for my nursery
rhymes. I must selected the suitable nursery rhymes that suitable for my children age. Besides
that, I have to choose a nursery rhymes that not have much illustrations. Firstly, I choose ‘Lady
Bug’ for poem. I choose it because Lady Bug have a simple language for my children age.
Before I started to make the book, I was think that it was very difficult to make the illustration.
That was my weakness to make a human figure. So, I made my decision not to made Lady Bug
for my nursery rhymes.

I need to search for the nursery rhymes from the internet. I selected a nursery rhymes
that easier for me to make the illustration and easier for my children to understanding the
language. From this work, I can refresh my knowledge on grammar and sentences structure
when I looked for many of nursery rhymes in youtube like Baa Baa Black Sheep, Old Mc
Donald, I am a little teapot and so on. The process of searching the best nursery rhymes takes
my few days. Finally, I choose ‘Five Little Ducks’ for my selection nursery rhymes to make a big
book. I choose this poem because it was not so difficult to make ducks and the illustration was
very simple. More over, the language also very simple for my children age to understand it.

I have to changed the title Five Little Ducks to Three Little Ducks to make it not to much
I have to draw the illustration on my big book. Before I started to make the big book, I have to
make list of materials to create my big book. The materials like hard paper, A3 drawing paper,
water colour and marker pen. There were not to much materials for me to make my big book.
The cost was among RM30.00.

During the process of inventive my big book, first I made many of little ducks, mummy
ducks and one daddy ducks. I have to draw it and cut it to make my ducks were like 3D on my
big book.I patched it used thick double face tape. So, it will looked 3D. After that, I draw the
illustration and paint it with water colour. Honestly, I was very enjoy make this big book. Lastly, I
patced the sentences of my poem. The process for making my big book take a few days and
finally it’s done.
In class, lecturer told us to make a lesson plan that can we used our big book. It was
very difficult for me to make lesson plan.But my lecturer never ending to guide me to make it
good. Besides that, I try to search from the internet, but it was not helped me to much. I also
asked my friend how to make the lesson plan and they also gave me guidance to make it. It
made me more easy to make the lesson plan. After the lesson plan, lecturer want us to present
our simulation in class used our own big book. I felt very fear and nervous when she want us to
make a presentation. I just find it hard for me to present it in English Language. That was my
problem. I am very poor in language, pronunciation, grammar and many more. My friend also
felt the same.

I overcome the problem with make practice before I present. I also have to against the
nervous feeling. During my turn to present, I imagined my friend and my lecturer as my own
children in my class. It can make me not so nervous. But, my nervous was still exist in that time.
During the presentation, I noticed that I was forgot one word on my big book. I will make the
correction for it. Besides that, I made my mistake that I called the eyelash with eyebrow. Its
seem very funny when my class laughter at me. Lastly, I felt very enjoyable made the present.
Thank to my friend to make the correction for me. After the presentation, I felt very happy and
thank to Allah for giving me the strength to completed my task. From the task also gave me
more knowledgeable to teach in English and repair my English grammar, pronunciation and
language. Thank you.

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