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I imagine a future with low indices in pollution, thanks to new technologies and use

of renewable energy what would remplaces fuels fossil highly polluting. For
example, substituting ordinary cars for electric cars. Every day, companies they
have worried more about the pollution indice in the country, and have opted for the
creation of electric cars for reduce in a high grade this phenomenon that negatively
infer in the health of many people.
These cars electric not would replace normal cars, but also the means of
transportation that today are the mostly pollute the cities. These also to contributing
to the environment, they also have an autonomous system they would replace also
in some way a human driver, with one a fully electric, since we are talking about
completely autonomous cars.
Other from the technologies what interested to the world today in day is the
domótica What it means House intelligent in the which one everything It would
checked by technology it is the most from functions from a mobile carried to a

While the new technologies guarantee a good life, too there an factor negative
respect to these, Well this checked what the be human tends to become
dependent from each apparatus technological and neither everything the world
account with the responsibility for handle the new technologies to the come back
dependents, we have left from be the center of the universo considering us
important for give step to the technologies, what us would replace, is by that what
do not could be able form do the things more simple what today in day the make
without difficulty, in others Words, would a recoil too giant for the life human.
With the above, the big question, does technology provide us or make us more
dependent every day?

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