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HelloB1z JULY 2017 HABITS TO BUILD YOUR SPUN Bday ROBIN SHARMA MEET PRANAY CHULET CEO QUIKR LEADERSHIP IS A CONTACT SPORT -MARSHALL GOLDSMITH AND HOWARD MORGAN THE THREE-FOLD NATURE OF WORK -DAVID ALLEN THE RISE & RISE OF facebook \¥ oy af tip LAUNCHING ON AUGUST 15TH TO MARK THE INDEPENDENCE. DAY CELEBRATIONS. PEOPLE CUTTING ACROSS GLOBE CAN USE THIS APP FOR CANCER RELATED COMPLETE INFORMATION. ¥ Calling on all freelance Oncologists to use this App and find a suitable hospital to treat their patients at affordable cost. ¥ Calling on all Trusts/NGOs/Associations to download the Oggy App and find a suitable and affordable hospital to help their cancer patients lead a comfortable life post treatment. ~ Requesting Pan India Medical Tourism establishments to make use of the features available on our App. ¥ Finally, calling all those patients, their attendants and family members with or without money to download this app and make use of the best of the best Cancer related treatments available. CALL: Mr. Kiran Kumar +91 9738993228 When I write this editorial, there are two types of rains on our office. First are the normal rains which all of us experience. But, the second one is the rain of lots and lots messages for our readers. Messages on congratulating us for coming up with such an incredible magazine, applauding on the stories featured, talking to us about the way the simple layouts are appealing ete Thanks a lot to all of our readers for making the our launch issue an ostentatious success. An accomplishment, an — achievernent which the team at HelloBiz had never dreamt of. But, all this victory praises belong to you, the readers and our well wishers spread across the globe that has been motivating us in a variety of ways to perform a little better than the yesterday. This issue as promised has some irresistible and motivating content. Many thanks to our contributors from around the world. This issue sees contributors who are world's premier speakers on Leadership and Personal Mastery. You would be pleased to read Robin Sharma, David Allen, Marshall Goldsmith and Howard Morgan. These are all world known and famous for their body of work. Also, the issue features some other articles which as promised would add value to your lite as an entrepreneur. US President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met for the first time, seeking to develop a warm relationship. The two leaders went into their relatively low-key summit looking to bolster the US-India strategic partnership but an equally important goal was simply to break the ice and get to know each other. Their discussions will provide a new direction for deeper bilateral engagement on issues of mutual interest and consolidation of the multi-dimensional strategic partnership. Let's all hope that this discussion had something on the start-up India part too on which India and its many entrepreneurs’ would be benefited from the vast experience of America in entrepreneurship. Modi also met Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Apple's Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai of Google with other 20 CEOs to tout our country's status as a prime investment destination. Bezos described Mod's roundtable meeting with executives on sunday as “terrific,” adding in the tweet that he was “always impressed, energized by optimism and invention in India. Excited to keep investing and growing.” On the last note, | would say with reference to GST that you can achieve reform by pushing hard for it, and I hope it's just the beginning,” Sameer Gudhate Editor JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 1 CONTENTS Habits to build your empire Interpreting Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish Make India Read Interview with Amrut Deshmukh The Rise & Rise of Facebook Leadership Is a Contact Sport The Three-Fold Nature of Work Meet Pranay Chulet, Quikr Founder 360Track- The Growth Story 18 26 47 65 72 105 12. Latest stres buster on the block 37. Startup Jottings 44, Entrepreneurs and Financial Savings 57. Top Indian Healthcare Start-ups to watch 63. From An Entrepreneur Dad to his Daughter 69. Trends in Medical Tourism 76. Developing the Leader Within You 80. 7 Important Traits of a Successful Brand 83. Importance of web hosting in success of online business websites 85. The one thing succesful people never do 88. ‘App’solutely Necessary 91. 6 Tips to Use WhatsApp as a Marketing Tool 94, Why Your Website Is Important For Your Business 97. Vighnartha Gold 101. Launch of Start-up India Hub to Encourage Indian Entrepreneurs 104. Story Behind Eco Green Organics ULY 2017 HelloBiz | 2 Green Organics... We are starting as a unit where you can get all kinds of Organic and Natural Materials Organic Food | Vegetables | Pulses | Splits | Spices. Dark Circles Agents | Anti Acne | Antioxidants | Active Ingredients (Bulk) Conditioning Agents | Emollients | Emulsifiers Face Pack Powders and Clays | Essential Oils | Fragrances Hair Repair Agent | Exotic Butters | Natural and Organic Oils Organic and Ayurveda Herbal Extracts | Rejuvenating & Soothing Agents. Skin-Lightening Agents | Solvents & Stabilizers & Spray Ingredients Sunscreens Surfactants | Soap Raw Materials | Thickener | Vitamins | Waxes. FREE TECHNICAL CONSULTATION BY EXPERTS ON - FORMULATIONS & ORGANIC FARMING - CERTIFICATIONS. Address: L701, Vrindavan Gardens, Vasai East - 401208 Call: +91914541571 | Email: HABITS TO BUILD YOUR EMPIRE Really, really, really valuable insights in today’s message if you want to do the best work of your life and release your highest talents in the process. So my deep encouragement is to take 5 minutes now, turn off your notifications, breathe, and then focus on this potent piece that is the result of decades as a creative producer devoted to my craft... 280... ..I'm getting a lot of people coming to my events, driven to do gargantuan things in the world. Many want to build business empires. A lot want to scale creative empires. And quite a number are obsessed with building humanitarian empires. I've been in the productive pocket these past weeks, in seclusion writing my new book The 5 am Club so I’ve had time to reflect on some of the best protocols I run to get massive projects done TI share 7 of them below and if you want to go x100 deeper into them and get some of the most valuable training available anywhere to build your empire. Ok. Let's go. #1. Get Away from Your World. You can’t do the finest work of your career staying in your city. I've found I get big things done when I’m on airplanes or in hotel rooms. It’s a total needle-mover to book a fantastic room in a place you adore and then put the “do not disturb” on the phone and door for a week. Yes, take it off so your room gets cleaned ;) And put your devices in a plastic bag with a label on it that says “My Masterpiece is more important than my email!” Just think about it: in a hotel room, no one can distract you, you can order room service when you need to, sleep when you need to, you can workout when you need to workout and you can isolate yourself so that Transient Hypofrontality [the neurobiological state of JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 4 genius that we ALL have but so few know how to access} just shows up; you can’t miss Personal Mastery Academy if what I'm writing is speaking to you deeply. Some people say “but a great room costs too much.” I think of what I've learned from Warren Buffett: focus on value versus cost. If you do work that wows a whole industry and makes you a legend in your field, was the investment returned 1000 times over? You can’t become a history-maker stuck in tiny thinking. You just can't. #2. Fight to Be Dark. I know you're important. I know youre a busy producer. I get people need your attention and your decisions. Go to war. Fight to go dark and be completely unavailable. Distractions are costing you your genius. The business won’t burn down and your team will figure it out. You doing masterful work is all that matters here. Trust me on this. Be nearly totally umavailable. Just watch what ideas start downloading and just see the quality of your output. #3. Become a Spartan. Don't fill your room with shiny toys! Have the goodies in the mini-bar taken out before you arrive, Give the magazines and newspapers and welcome basket to Housekeeping with a radiant smile and a big tip. You're like a Spartan soldier now. As little in your personal monastery that the world calls a hotel room as possible. You're Edison and this is now your Menlo Park. The place where you breed the ideas and execute on the concepts so you raise the entire world. Keep it pure. Keep it lean. #4, Find a Rhythm. As I write The 5am Club, I've found a profoundly awesome daily pattern here in a small town in Europe that works so beautifully for me. I rise. I have coffee. And then I write. No food. Just writing. After three good hours, I run along the lake and watch the snow-capped mountains. Then I do some drills in the gym. Then, after a light meal, I go back to the craft. After another few hours, I'll do a 60-minute walk to decompress. Evenings are reserved for a lovely meal and House of Cards ;) T do this almost every day. All I care about is sharing what works for me so it works for you. And this all works. Period. #5. Seek Inspiration. When I need to complete a project of primary importance, I’m around nature a lot. Today, after 7 days at the table, I closed my iPad Pro (a shiny toy worth having) and took the day off. I shot pictures of Spring flowers, basked in the sun, ate lunch outside at a very cool Bohemian shack in the edgy part of town and found a women’s art exhibition in a hidden warehouse. My game’s refueled, Ill be back at the writing, re-created, tomorrow. #6. Resist the Saboteur. You'll feel like Skyping the office or checking your Instagram feed (follow me here) or taking a nap. Don’t let your lower self cause you to betray the gifts embedded in you. Your loved ones need you to fly. And our world will be a whole lot better off when the brilliance of your light shines. #7. Reward Your Wins. In over 25 years as a Creative, I've hardly watched television, I haven't known the hip shows nor watched the hot programs. It’s been mostly family, fitness, my personal JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 5 development and my craft. Very minimalist. Highly unorthodox. You have a different way of conducting your life? Beautiful. This is how I've lived mine. I don’t really do it for the fame or the money. I do it because I need to. Because my heart makes me do it. Because it’s what I've signed up for. Because I know no other way. Anyway, mini-rant aside. I've discovered House of Cards. My kids made me do it ;) So here in this long trip to finish the book, after a day of writing, I eat an excellent meal (fresh food, simply prepared is my favorite) then watch Kevin Spacey work his chops. Total guilty-pleasure. Perfect end to my day in flow zone. Hope you feel the passion which I feel as I write this. You are built to do epic work. You are constructed to make a gorgeous impact. Step up. Show up. Make history. With love + respect! Robin Sharma Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer and leadership speaker, best known for his The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari series. In 2007, an independent survey of businesspeople named Sharma as one of the most influential leadership gurus in the world. 10 TYPES OF DISORGANIZATION. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? Unbelievably, there are some very good reasons for becoming disorganized. However, all of these are curable and can be conquered once we get to the root of the problem. Disorganization comes in many forms and may be a problem associated with an illness. Whatever your form of disorganization is; there IS help for you. In this day and age of the internet, help is just a click away. Go to any search engine and use the Keywords: ‘home organizing’ and you are on your way to several websites of Professional Organizers that are there to give you all of the wisdom that you will need. 10 TYPES OF DISORGANIZATION Trauma Disorganization When an outside influence that has a traumatic effect on our lives throws us ‘off of our usual mode of living. Habitual Disorganization You guessed it, which is when we never seem to be able to get organized; we are always in a state of disorganization. It is a habit that we have to break before it becomes a way-of-life: Ancestral Disorganization We have been brought up in a state of disorganization and it becomes so familiar to Contd. on page no. 16 JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 6 MR.SHANTANU SADANSHIV (DIRECTOR) Jy TrvsSoftTech Hello.I’m Shantanu Sadanshiv, 21,Director of TRVS-SoftTech.Pvt.Ltd . Currently I’m study- ing in VIT college,Pune.I moved into software Technlogies at the age of 19.1 did one course in my college “Google workshop”. From Google Workshop I insprise and started this software company = Company Background:- TRVS-SoftTech .Pvt.Ltd is a dynamic outfit engaged in software engineering, business con- sultancy, and providing IT services, enabling our clients to access our expertise in IT and Business consultancy. We have a proven and commend- able record in delivering the best quality soft- tand- ware engineering products and services, ing out for quality in this rapidly expanding sphere of innovative business. We help our client to achieve their business and IT needs. We have the experience, knowledge and skills to advise, design, engineer and imple- ment solutions to medium and large scale sys- tems that take businesses to new heights. Our company provides a wide range of IT and interrelated services, inclusive of busi- ness consultancy, designing and developing software solutions, hosting of web sites and web based systems, electronic marketing and. advertising etc., that reach out to the needs of today. = Our Motto:- Business Growth With Instant Quality Services. « Our Vision:- To help startups with reasonable price- with Instant Quality Services . Provide Innovative IT Solutions and IT related Services with a global vision for business enterprises in a developing competi- tive environment. INTERPRETING STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH Steve Jobs needs no introduction. His impact on the world of technology has been Te Cee eC C Re eek ako ee OC Ameen CECE CORO B TC RU OE SEMA ICe)(o for most of his adult life. SOC CRC Sam aC Rcd Te creations, but for his way of being that drove him Reeser eee a CCRT Re teenth DOCTOR CEE R Cm manners See CROW OMe en) MeO Renee PS RCM Cece cm ET orem atte a impossible to produce. o SS EGLO R Ce aa TREC Oe RT RN Taare CRE RET TM uel Rehan ALR Ace ROBE Col eRe MST hase tam ocr tcc Ce Gro Manna nce Ed Peet ee oes ese tad Roane CR ERI ny shea CeCe Ran td PoE CRO ISn CONG Iara tena Ctrl eto Poe OER Tee Ce aoe CoCeO Caer Gca ec nat errs American inventor and entrepreneur, a technology industry icon who co-founded POS neet ne cero ne es — = ee rome Coton Seen toonc td iPhone, iPod and iPad. Apple's technologies eee ecrtccre tee eet POS am ee ete Cee Stead Pretoria Receo eee Rocce et cce a cy was criticized for using cheap Chinese labour emer Once at emer hcg attempting to patent simple things that Pee CRC Rane RCo trc ric negatively impact creativity and innovation by the same company that defended creativity and innovation. Controversies aside, Steve Jobs was a successful businessman, visionary and entrepreneur. Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple at age 20 and within 10 years, Apple had grown from two people in a garage into a two billion dollar company with over 4,000 employees. In 2005, during a Stanford graduation ceremony speech, Mr Steve Jobs made several statements that have really stuck with me. He said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition...” He finished the speech with a phrase that has become quite talked about. “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” He said. While this likely will have different meanings to different people, here is what it means to me. “Stay Hungry Entrepreneurs, by nature, are people who think and see outside of the proverbial box. We look at a problem, a product, or an idea and the gears of innovation and imagination begin to turn fiercely within our heads, almost automatically. Sometimes, though, we can get so used to seeing the world from this perspective that we forget how unique and valuable of a thing it really is. People often give into the foolish urge to become quite complacent, even while doing something great. This, it seems, can be a downfall to progress, success, and even living life. In order to combat this, we have to stay hungry. As I see it, hunger is the drive that keeps us coming back for more, instead of thinking that what we have is sufficient for the long term. Whether you are talking about a marriage relationship, a busin a tech product, the logic is the same. You have to constantly “feed” the beast. If, or when, the hunger ends, the feeding stops as well... resulting in weakness and eventually death in that area. Simply put, if you lose the hunger, you lose the passion and the game is over, whether you acknowledge it or not. “Stay Foolish...” Each year that I grow older, I find that the expectations placed upon me by society are higher and more rigid than ever before. Long gone are the days where failures were simply chalked up to inexperience or youthful exuberance. As this happens, the pressure to “be safe” or “make prudent choices” is also greater. 88 career, oF Staying foolish, it seems, is simply always having the courage and the guts to follow something that looks or seems stupid to other people. Follow your heart, follow your intuition, and follow your dreams... no matter how foolish they might appear to others. One thing is for certain, the speech that JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 9 Steve Jobs delivered to the 2005 graduating class of Stanford University will be forever inspired by the words he spoke and the passion in his voice. This memory may be left behind along with the legacy that is Apple Corporation, but what stands in the forefront, of most minds is four simple words that have become a symbol of Jobs himself — stay hungry, stay foolish. MY TAKE AWAY + Never stop learning. + Pursue more goals with tremendous enthusiasm. + Never be satisfied. + Never be a master of it is not possible. +Learn to get more things done in lesser time. + Be productive all the time. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. -Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. + Have the courage to follow your heart and intuitions. What’s your perspective? I’m ‘one of the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. Are you? JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 10 VIGHNAHARTA GOLD LID. a Cold en’ Opportunity Sra Sian wale, gers feet H, ay Hh Alan cena & | J - 202, Mega Centre, Near Noble Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune - 411 028 8 With our Membership card you can avail 15% to 75% Discount from our associated Jewellers. Now you can Book 24 Carat Pure [g* Gold just by paying 15% amount & Rest can be paid in 12/24/36 months Interest Free EMI's Deposit your 24 carat Gold with or ithout Nationalised Bank Guarantee and earn 2% to 7% per annum. — ci Proud member of Customer Care : 8888 33 55 06 & Tig) 4 miccia| JERSE | Vaokdpune | I Aa » gold USS ON THE BLOCK We're killing it!!! This is the answer what most of the Entrepreneurs and business leaders in the start-up and innovation world tend to give when they're asked "How's it going?", but only that person knows the real thing which is going inside. The massive expectation, coupled with the challenges of trying to launch and scale a business, often leave entrepreneurs suffering silently in the grips of stress and anxiety. Start-up Founders these days are so often busy shipping products and supporting their employees that they don't have adequate time to pay attention to their own emotional health. This affects attentiveness, inspiration, motivation, and eventually the company's healthiness and well being. Even worse, the melancholy of a stressed founder will rub off on the rest of the team. Whether it is the looming threat of potential failure, funding a payroll, finding investors just handling the day-to-day obligations of running a start-up, stress levels are high. Unfortunately, for today’s start-up founder, there is no magic solution that can make the running a start-up less overwhelming or less headache-inducing. stress of But fortunately today with the ever evolving technology day by day, there are stress relieving gadgets for any start-up various founder to release the days toil. Stress Balls, Hypnocube Animated LED Cube, Bucky Balls and Bucky Cubes all help to reduce stress when you do have to deal with it. The hottest addition to this family is a Fidget Spinner. And this small toy is a hot favourite of many, young and old alike. "Fidget spinners" are small, ball-bearing devices that the user can rotate between his or her fingers. The momentum of the toy provides a pleasing sensory experience, according to user reviews, while the challenge of tossing, transferring and twirling the spinners has spawned an entire universe of instructional YouTube videos. The palm-size devices whirl much like a fan or helicopter, they seem to be everywhere these They've become and days, JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 12 WE Aun gel | Wealth Investment & Insurance Plan your Future Goals with Us... ¥ Life Insurance ¥ General Insurance ¢¥ Mutual Funds ¢¥ Loans ¢¥ Gazette ¢¥ Pancard Ci ae se Bows. Ben Meghna Bhanushali | +91 99209 54338 | +91 76669 54338 Office : Mulund | Vikhroli | Kandivali somewhat of a craze recently, and it seems like all either have them or want to have them. It's called a fidget spinner because it can spin and allows you to do what you normally try not to do: fidget. The toy looks like a cross between a ceiling fan and the head of a triple-headed electric shaver. The fidget spinner is not exactly the most complex of inventions, although it gives a whirring sound while it spins. And fidgeting certainly is not a new human behaviour. Find someone who doesn't fidget at all is like finding a needle in a haystack. Nonetheless, some claims that the fidget spinner has health benefits such as_— easing _ stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But can these little toys really improve focus and help create inner calm? Doctors say when someone is hypersensitive to the environment they might bite their nails, pull out their cuticles, or pinch their skin. Fidget spinners offer a less harmful way to expand that nervous energy. retailers have made Using sensory toys as a tool to calm down is nothing new: One study showed that squeezing a stress ball during surgery can lower anxiety by 18% and pain by 22%. Other research has found that squeezing stress balls in time with four slow breaths helped people with cancer relieve stress before and during medical procedures. Like using a stress ball, flicking a fidget spinner is considered a rapid stress management technique (RSMT), says Dr Trelles—and for people with ADHD and anxiety, it's best used as a supplement to treatment, “Psychotherapy and medications work well, especially with adults,” she explains. “Devices should be used in conjunction with these things because only using a toy to eure your anxiety isn’t going to get you where you need to be.” Since people experience anxiety, autism, and ADHD on a spectrum, fidget spinners will have varying levels of effectiveness. But in general, fidget spinners can be soothing for people with anxiety, or someone with autism who is experiencing an anxious reaction. And for those with ADHD, "the repetitive act of spinning the toy may help them from feeling like they need to jump out of their chairs. How might fidget spinners help? If you are trying to focus on a task, but your hands are busy doing something else, it actually forces your brain to increase your efforts to focus on the task at hand. That’s how an ADHD mind works. The prefrontal cortex is the ‘office manager’ of the brain. That part of the brain in those with ADHD has become ineffective in organizing information, inefficient in focusing. If they are playing with a fidget spinner or tapping with a pen or a_ pencil, it automatically forces their brain to work harder. The brain has to put more effort into not being distracted. People with ADHD who tend to be hyperactive—not all are—would have the most benefit from fidget spinners. They have excess energy, to begin with. It gives them an outlet to get that fidgety-ness out of their body. Dustin Miller, head of sales and marketing for Legit Fidget ( has stumbled upon an entirely unexpected benefit of these popular toys. “Based on our social media metrics, sales, and analytics, JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 14 MAKE THE CHANGE SdAL LINdS Enetay Saving Contact: +91 9324978772, +91 8655008830 Enstermentt Protection Retigrant Email: we realized the potential for targeting people who need fidget tools to help quit smoking. We have had lots of one-on-one phone calls with our customers and truly believe that they are helping people.” Given that the chemical dependency to nicotine ceases in a matter of days, providing people with something to hold in their hands can help a great deal. But experts don’t agree how helpful this gadget really might be. No scientific evidence exists behind a fidget spinner’s efficacy in the autism or attention deficit disorder Contd, from page no. 6 us that we feel comfortable staying there. So to become organized is something that becomes a long-term plan. Social Disorganization Our friends and family are disorganized, so it doesn’t make us look any worse than anyone else. We feel at-home. Chronic Disorganization When we are in such a cycle of staying disorganized that no matter how hard we try, we can’t find a way to overcome it. Depressed Disorganization Is when we are so depressed, upset and disabled with aspects of our lives that we give up and let the mess take over. Roomitis Disorganization Is that we have the will to become organized, but there is not any place to go with everything that we have to keep. So it is easier to not do anything at all instead of figure out a solution. Priceless Disorganization This is when we know that we cannot afford to go out to purchase all of the plastic boxes, realm, though I imagine the scientific community will get on that soon. It seems like a topic ripe for scientific study. So the next time when the entrepreneur in you in under stressful condition go to that desk in your office which has a Fidget Spinner and helps yourself in relieving some stress. Also, the Internet is flooded with sites selling these toys at dirt cheap rates to really premium pricing, so if you find these toys really helpful, go ahead a buy one for yourself, label makers; cute little organizers that are shown in the pictures, so we know that organizing is too expensive and we cannot afford it. Questionable Disorganization Is when you want to be organized but do not know where to start, what to do or how to do % Time Disorganization You hardly have the time in order to keep things running without being able to find enough time to organize things. Start slow, make lists of all of the problem areas, throw out items you don’t want, need or use, and focus on the task at hand. If you feel that you need help, hire a Professional Organizer to help you and guide you on your path to total organization in your life. Article Source- s_of_Disorganization_Which_One_Are_You. html JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 16 Gy (ss).ew GRASSDEW IT SOLUTIONS PVT LTD Business Growth With Quality (Solutions GrassDew is into Consulting Services, Software Solution Services, Security Services and Knowledge Services. CONSULTING SERVICES SOFTWARE SERVICES Strategy and Architecture Software Development & Maintenance Process Transformation Architecture & Design Service Integration and Management Mobile Technology Software Testing SECURITY SERVICES Software Quality Review Threat Intelligence & Protection Services Code Optimization Infrastructure Security Assessment Application Portals Network Security Assessment Process\Antomatron Application Security Assessment System Integrations . Enterprise Mobile Security Incident Management & Bug Fixes Risk and Compliances Deployment Services Information Security Trainings Technical Support ERP Security Services KNOWLEDGE SERVICES Information Security Awareness Technical Assistance Technical Trainings +91 9930555709 How did The Idea of Booklet Came Up? Elaborate Booklet. AD: It’s a funny story. As I was struggling with start-up ideas, one day my CA friend invited me to a movie ‘Bahubali’. We reached the movie theatre 15 mins before the showtime. Just to kill time, I narrated him the key takeaways of the book I recently read “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. My friend was so impressed. He said, “Amrut, I don’t get enough time to read. You are an avid reader. If you can share short summary of whichever book you read, your reading habit can benefit me.” He said it casually and was engrossed into the movie but I could not. 1 saw a huge opportunity in this idea. During interval, under the pretext of attending nature's call, I escaped from the cinema hall. Spent sleepless nights and decided to execute the idea within a week. Being a non IT guy, I had no knowledge of developing a website or an app. Words TT Rangarajan from his book “Unposted Letter” poked me — It’s not important what you have. It’s important what you DO with what you have. I have WhatsApp! I started sharing a book summary every week with 15 of my close friends on WhatsApp and asked them to share with their friends. Within 2 weeks I got 1000 requests on WhatsApp. I was thrilled by the massive response. I named it as Mission “Make India Read”. Within 5 months the number increased to 50K. One day I took a survey to check how many of them are actually reading the book summaries. To my disappointment only 10% were reading! All were just boasting about joining the mission. I was dejected. The whole idea was to help you read a fat book in JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 18 Content is King. i For Meaningful & Effective Content Sameer Gudhate: +91 9820270247 just 20 mins! But that was not happening. Ok. Don’t wanna read the summary too? Cool! I will read it for you! So I bought a nice microphone and started recording the sum- maries in my own voice. Shared the summa- ries on WhatsApp in text and audio form. And that was an instant hit! People started listening to my summaries while commuting in bus/train, while cooking, jogging. The way we listen to music. One fine day, WhatsApp banned me for sending too many messages. They thought I am spamming. After repetitive requests, I could convince the WhatsApp team that it’s being done with a noble intention to cultivate the habit of reading amongst the youth of India. And the ban was lifted. WHAT POINTS DO YOU KEEP IN MIND WHILE PICKING A BOOK? I mostly pick bestsellers -- typically books that have sold at least a million copies. For me, the books have to have some action value ~- after reading the book, one has to be inspired to implement it. That means, the books cannot be fictional. I prefer self-help books, autobiographies, books on management principles etc. Once I decide the book, I e-mail the author or publisher and request their permission. HOW DO YOU GET THE BOOKS? DO YOU BUY THEM? No, I cannot afford to buy all the books. I believe in beg, borrow, steal. ACCORDING TO YOU, HOW DOES READING HELP? Reading the right books can improve you in many ways. It introduces you to so many different characters and personalities that it will slowly change the way you look at people. I, for example, used to look at beggars with sympathy and felt bad for them. Now, I look at them empathetically. Also, my perspective of looking at people and problems has changed significantly, HAVE YOU BECOME MORE CON- SCIOUS ABOUT READING NOW? HOW DO YOU STEER CLEAR OF PERSONAL BIAS? In a way, I have become more responsible about the books I pick and read. My reading skills have increased. Earlier, I used to read only non-fiction, but since 70 percent of readers are female, they also want to read fiction, romance. I have sacrificed my personal interests, so I can accommodate more readers. Also, I have been getting requests from authors to review their books. But I pick up only those I feel are worth. THREE BOOKS EVERY YOUNGSTER SHOULD READ IN THEIR LIFE AND WHY + Ignited Minds by A P J Abdul Kalam: Kalam Sir used to always appeal to the youth to use their skills to build a better future. In the book, he has pointed out specific deficiencies that the youth needs to work on and how he visions India at 2020. + Who Moved My Cheese by Dr Spencer Johnson: The book uses cheese as a metaphor for changes in career, relation- ships, etc and talks about how we can effectively deal with change. + Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray: The book is a must JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 20 DOLPHIN TECHNOLOGIES IMPORTER - WHOLE SELLER THE FIDGET SPINNER Introducing this year’s craze !!! DOLP1I1.0026, Spin away your stress or boredom with this fidget ) spinner. Simply place the spinner on a flat surface and place yourfinger on the middle pad to spin the spinner Or hold it between your fingers when you need to focus and improve productivity. The items can be packed in gift wrap os per ordered tems and condi ADVANTAGES CALL US TODAY ! DEALS DON’T LAST FOREVER Mobile +491 9892 4125 99 Mail- dolphindt33@ read for everyone; it will change your perspective about the other gender and help you think empathetically about the way they see and understand life. NAME THE THREE BEST BOOKS YOU. HAVE READ TILL DATE + The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey + 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy + A Whole New Mind: Why Right-brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H Pink WHAT KIND OF FEEDBACK HAVE YOU BEEN GETTING? Oh, it's been great. Kids, students, working professionals and homemakers are reading my summaries. Once I received a call from Vishal Kumar Jain, the president of the Blind Graduates’ Forum of India. He called up to congratulate me for starting something like this. He said he liked the idea of ‘hearing books! ~ a boon for the visually impaired. He's even invited me to speak at one of their events later this year. I felt really motivated. DO YOU READERS? The aim is to make INDIA read. I have Indians from UK, Australia, Canada and Dubai connecting to me through the app. HAVE INTERNATIONAL HAD YOU EVER THOUGHT OF MAKING IT TO THE WRITING WORLD WHILE DOING YOUR CA ARTICLESHIP? AD: Never. I was never into one thing. I kept hopping from painting to Tabla classes to table tennis. I felt guilty that I am not a stable minded person. Until I saw Steve Job’s speech. I was connecting the dots. TELL US ABOUT OTHER TWO STARTUPS THAT YOU STARTED. AD: Oh! I have a series of failures, Me and my friend got into a partnership to develop a trading algorithm for stock market to manage people’s wealth. Initially it man- aged. Later it only damaged! Then I tried my hands in manufacturing “Packaged Drinking water”. Went into depression for 1.5 months due to prolonged losses. Learned a lot though. Started teach- ing CA students for free. During these times, the idea of book summaries struck to my mind. YOUR PERSONAL FAVORITE READ TILL NOW. AD: Ah! Can't name one. Start with Why by Simon Sinek, Who Moved my Cheese, Eat that Frog, Million Dollar Habits and all books written by APJ Abdul Kalam. DO AUTHORS COME UP TO YOU AND ASK YOU TO SUMMARIZE THEIR BOOKS? AD: Oh yes! Every week I get at least 3-4 books by courier sent by the authors. I want to make Booklet a platform for budding Indian authors to get popular ARE INDIAN GOOD READERS WHEN IT COMES TO READING HABITS? AD: It’s wrong to say that the youth of India is not reading. They are reading. But the wrong stuff. They are reading Santa Banta jokes, Alia Bhatt PJs, jokes on Pappu and those ugly non-veg jokes being floated on WhatsApp and other social media. An Indian, on an average, opens WhatsApp atleast 40 times in a day! So they are JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 22 OSHO MATH @ LONAVALA, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA Osho Meditation And Transformation Hub, also referred to as Osho MATH is a living consecrated abode of the divine. The Osho MATH is situated in the lap of the nature, next to the Indrayani river near Lonavala. Being in the middle of two internationally connected cities, Mumbai and Pune, it is very easy to reach here. Silence, elegance, simplicity ~ the words fall short of any description of what one experiences here. Meditation just happens - effortlessly! A perfect place to participate in the process of inner growth, to Let-Go and Just Be. Come and spend some quiet and quality time with Yourself.. Key Offerings: @& Meditation Retreats > Corporate Workshops @ life & Meditation Sutras > Personalized Life Coaching > Online & Residential Courses e@@& Ancient Wisdom & Modern Tools @ Inner Skills For Outer Challenges +91 98605 08605 reading a lot! I am just trying to give them the right stuff to read! But Booklet is only for 2 types of people: Those who like to read and those who don’t like to read. Hahaha.. AS A FIRST GENERATION ENTREPRE- NEUR, WHAT LESSONS DID YOU LEARN? I think most of us give too much importance to the idea. We dwell on it too much. We get a thousand ideas when we are sitting on that toilet seat. But what do we do about. it? According to me, the idea is only 10 per cent; 90 per cent of it is about execution and executing (it) as soon as possible YOUR UPCOMING PLANS AD: I have an ambitious plan to make “Booklet” the biggest social enterprise of India. Want to introduce a new breed of entrepreneurs in| India ie. Social Entrepreneurs where primary objective is not wealth maximization but adding value to the society with money as a by-product of the process. Soon coming up with “Booklet Hindi” and “Grandma's Booklet” for kids. Facebook: LinkedIn: ® ems @ nena @ van @ mo Tharewas cea esty mannan + How FORTUNATE THAT YORI coats ‘measure oon Tee nt ae ana JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 24 An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision. -James Whistler Mansi Art Creations DECORATE YOUR HOME WITH OUR WOODEN ARTICLES... NAME PLATES | MURALS | RESIN PAINTINGS FRAMES | MIX MEDIA PAINTINGS Contact: Prachi - 9860706938 THE RISE & RISE OF ET a=) sl eye) 74 Thirteen years after launching and less than five years after hitting 1 billion, Facebook now has 2 billion monthly active users. Two billion makes Facebook the largest social app in terms of logged-in users, above YouTube's 1.5 billion, WeChat’s 889 million, Twitter's 328 million and Snapchat’s estimated 255 million (extrapolated from its December 2015 ratio when it had 110 million daily and 170 million monthly users). Beyond YouTube, only Facebook’s other apps have more than 1 billion, including WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, with 1.2 billion each. Instagram might soon join that club as it recently rocketed past 700 million. “We're getting to a size where it’s worth really taking a careful look at what are all the things that we can do to make social media the most positive force for good possible,” Facebook Chief Product Officer Chris Cox told TechCrunch about the company’s milestone. “There’s definitely a deep sense of responsibility in every part of the company,” Cox added “We're getting to the scale where we have to get much better about understanding how the product has been used.” That’s why he’s been traveling around the world doing user research. And it's why Mark Zuckerberg has new been crisscrossing the country on a listening tour that many people cynically assume is the start to a run for president, despite the CEO's denials. In a decade, the social network has transformed people's relationships, privacy, their businesses, the news media, helped topple regimes and even changed the meaning of everyday words. “A more open and connected world is a better world. It brings stronger relationships with those you love, a stronger economy with more opportunities, and a stronger society that reflects all of our values,” wrote Zuckerberg. Facebook made the world smaller, and it's the most obvious, yet arguably the most. important element of Facebook's early legacy. Whether you're chatting with old college friends abroad, or messaging your roommate from down the hall, Facebook has solidified itself as an important tool for staying in touch with those you love, as well as those you met briefly. Facebook is no longer the only social network that helps us share our lives, but it definitely got the ball rolling. Your photos, your thoughts, your favorite videos, movies, and books — what used to be personal is now plastered on your social profile, and almost everyone is guilty of oversharing at one point or another. You can’t change the way people share if you don’t also change the way they consume. Facebook users don’t just post about their personal lives; they also post news and content that are important to them. Political news, sports scores, funny videos — on Facebook, it’s all fair game. Facebook has lots of data, and it was collected from you (or users just like you). Facebook knows our names, our schools, our friends, our favorite sports teams. It knows what types of brands we like, and what music we listen to. For more than 2 billion people who use Facebook each and every month, this is acceptable. Much like former U.S. President John F, Kennedy used television to his advantage during the 1960 presidential campaign, JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 27 President Barack Obama used the Internet —and specifically Facebook — to cruise past competitor John McCain in 2008. The collective power of Facebook was on full display when the Middle East was flipped upside down during a number of collective uprisings known as the Arab Spring. Facebook served as a place for rebel leaders to share news, engage in discussion and ultimately recruit others to their cause. The result was new heads of government in four different countries, including Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya. The rise of social media, particularly Facebook, forced brands to rethink how they deal with customers. Now, if someone complains on a brand’s Facebook page or Twitter account, a customer-service rep responds. News travels fast on social media, and the last thing a brand wants is for an angry customer to tell all his friends about a poor experience. When Mark Zuckerberg set about developing the first Facebook prototype, he intended it initially to connect only a couple of students on his campus. A little over a decade later, this social media app has reached and connected more than 2 billion monthly users all over the world, transcending geographical, social, cultural, and religious barriers. Today, Facebook has emerged as a tool that has brought a total difference to how people communicate, share thoughts, promote their views and opinions, and even influence their respective communities. Though initially Facebook was meant for college students, it’s grown to include virtually everyone from your grandson to your great-grandfather. And it’s become an especially useful tool for businesses. Facebook is such a big part of market branding nowadays, it’s hard to think back on a time without it. Today, it’s not that. you're just missing out on a form of free or cheap marketing if your business doesn’t have a Facebook page, but, even worse your brand will be considered irrelevant without one. “I'm on Facebook.” It's very common these days to have a conversation with a person, and when you ask how to contact them in the future, and prompt comes their reply. You don't need a phone number or email addresses these days because Facebook is quickly becoming our preferred method of contact, not only in our personal lives, but also for business. If you don’t have a business card on you, Facebook is there to the rescue. Today's businesses need a social media presence in order to be able to stay competitive and present. Businesses are expected to be active on a variety of platforms, especially Facebook, ‘'witter, LinkedIn and Instagram, with other platforms rising each year. However, these four are the most effective for businesses to establish their presence, which offers many benefits to a business's success. Lets look how they benefit business in various ways. Making Closer Connection to Customers Social media is all about getting personal, and Facebook offers businesses a way to communicate more directly with customers. When a company posts a photo of the gang at the office on Facebook, it’s giving a face to the people behind the desks. Offering Greater Chances for Creativi Whether you're setting up a contest or making a special photo illustration for your front page photo, Facebook has endless ways to get creative. ly JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 28 Showing How Popular You Are Let’s face it, Facebook is a status symbol. When someone comes to your site and sees that you have 80,000 Facebook fans, they're going to trust you a bit more than a site that has 800 fans. Prompting New Ways to Advertise Facebook Ads have become a vital part of any company’s media plan, offering a way to finely target your audience through a variety of customizable ad options. Encouraging Greater Transparency Facebook has given customers the ability to ask questions directly to a business when they are dissatisfied with a purchase or want to find out more information about a product. Driving Conversations What better way to discover what your company can do better than asking people directly? Facebook gave businesses a direct connection to their customers to find out what they can improve on. Spreading the Word Facebook has given customers a way to recommend brands to their friends and in essence become brand ambassadors based on what they like and don’t like on the site. It's compelling to see that your friend has liked, say, a certain cosmetic center when you're looking for a doctor to do acne treatments. You want someone who you can trust and ifa friend refers them they become that much more trustworthy. Hiring These days it would be unthinkable to hire someone without first checking their Facebook page. A few years ago, this was a great way to weed out immature candidates, though young people have now gotten more careful about what they post. Improving Market Research Why conduct a pricey consumer survey when you can get all the market research you need simply by posting a few questions on Facebook? Gaining Insights The many Facebook analytic tools offer great insight into who likes your company and it may not be who you though, sparking new ideas for how to reach out and who to target. Here are four of the most effective for businesses to establish their presence, which offers many benefits to a business's success. Cost Effective Marketing You need to advertise your business in order to let people know it exists. With these platforms, you don’t need any money to get started on your marketing. Your business pages are free and can be shared an unlimited number of times. To get the most exposure, you will need to write and share high-quality content. Also, let your personality show through on your posts and comments. People like to know that there are real human beings behind a business, so reply to their comments, have a tasteful sense of humor, share industry-related news and keep sales posts down to about 20 percent of your total posts. Build Brand Loyalty Share your customer's experiences and try to be helpful when you write your content, without expecting a sale in return. Posting great content can build trusts in your business and can build loyalty for your company. Just be honest, humble, and down-to-earth and people will follow you. Keep Customers Informed Your business pages are a great way to keep your customers informed of anything JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 29 that may come up that could impact customers. If you have some sort of delay, you can keep customers informed quickly and easily. All you need to do is post once and share the post on several platforms. Your customers will appreciate the heads up and be more likely to return to you in the future. The Best Platforms for Your Business If your business markets Business-to-Customer (B2C), your needs are different than advertising for a Business-to-Business (B2B) —_ company. According to Ashley Zeckman of TopRank Marketing, marketers consider different platforms more important than others based on your business needs. There are some powerful ways for businesses to leverage Facebook for free. Here are 10 ways you can still use Facebook to promote your business for FREE! Create a personal business presence using a fan page. One of the major strengths of social media marketing is its ability to create relationships between businesses and their audiences, The person-to-person interaction that can happen on social media makes consumers feel that they have encountered a brand in a meaningful way, and that they now have a special connection with that company. So imagine how much this feeling is intensified when that consumer is interacting not just with “the brand,” but with the person behind that brand! Depending on your personal social media habits, you may or may not already have a personal Facebook account. If you do, and you prefer to keep your personal profile private, Facebook will allow you to create a page for your public, professional persona, as well, Otherwise, you can use your personal profile to interact with consumers, Gain a following by engaging with the people who frequent your brand’s page. Here’s what our PM Narendra Modi’s, personal page looks like: Maintain a robust brand presence. While it’s true that your company's Facebook posts most likely won't show up in your audience’s news feeds without paying to promote them, that doesn’t mean that you should stop posting them on your brand’s page. People today often use Facebook as a search engine to find out, more about a company, whether that means basic info like contact information and hours of operation, or what customers have to say about them. A robust, active page that’s full of regular posts and lots of audience engagement is a great way to showcase the fact that your customers aren’t just satisfied — they're enthusiastic! Here’s page for BJP: « e a . s e . == im JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 30 Join Facebook groups. While most people think of LinkedIn first when they think online networking, Facebook groups actually offer a similar opportunity for professionals. There are any number of Facebook groups dedicated to various industries, professions, and interests. You can use your personal account to join groups of colleagues, as well as groups where your target audience is likely to be found. ‘The more you contribute to the conversations taking place in these groups, the more your name will become recognized — and synonymous with industry leadership and expertise. The only thing to watch out for here is never to come across as salesy in your discussions — the quickest way to turn off this potential stream of leads and connections is to start promoting your business instead of offering genuine advice and thoughts. You can customize your search for groups based on various keywords — and Facebook also makes suggestions, based on your profile. Here are some groups Facebook has to offer in the field of “Pets:” Create your own group. Can't find a Facebook group that really fits what you're looking for? Create your own! You can add members, publish articles, carry on discussions, and probably meet quite a few prospects. The fact that you own the group and control the conversations automatically grants you industry leadership status in the eyes of your members, which can only help when they realize they need the product or service you provide. List your events Hosting a webinar or speaking somewhere? Create an event page and invite friends and people in the groups you're in. You can even see how many RSVP and get feedback from attendees. Here’s a sample of an event: OP RIE eae A Syndicate your blog If you know that you won't remember or be able to find the time to share your company’s blog posts on your Facebook page or profile each week, you can automate the task. There are many different online tools you can use to do this, from simple plugins for WordPress to suites of digital marketing software that will automatically post each new blog post. to your Facebook page for you. More Exposure = More Traffic = More Leads. Ask your network to share blog posts Speaking of posting your company’s blog posts on your personal page or profile, you should also ask your team of employees and partners, your current customers, and even your personal friends and family to share JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 31 your company’s posts on their personal Facebook profiles, as well. This is called cross-pollination. “Cross-pollination incorporating every single resource your company has into your marketing strategy, allowing e: inform your use of the others. With of these typically untapped contributing to the mix, you create something new and powerful from the synergy, and your marketing momentum grows dramatically as a result.” By tapping into the reach that personal profiles can still achieve with their posts, you can get your content out to new audiences — for free! means resources Reach out! Are you a fan or admirer of someone's work? Reach out to them on Facebook! Many people check their Facebook messages more regularly than their email. They are also more likely to respond to Facebook messages. Don’t feel comfortable sending out a message to someone you don’t know? No worries! Leave them a “I enjoy your work!” blurb on their wall. When posting on different pages make sure you post as your business and not your personal account. Stream live video with Facebook Live The intimacy and immediacy of live video creates the sense for your viewers that they are getting a behind-the-scenes peck at the real you — as well as enticing them to stick around to watch much longer than they would a regular video, because of the unpredictability of live video. Here’s an example of an Facebook Live Create a community Perhaps Facebook's greatest benefit is that it allows you to create a community. It provides you a group of people who are constantly connected to you, and are open to hearing your message. Engage with people authentically, whether that means writing on their walls, responding to their comments on your own, conversing in groups, or introducing people to each other. Before you know it, you'll have created a community of friends who look favourably on you and your business — and all for free. The growth of Facebook is the success story of our times. The social media giant has astonished with its development and the way it's shaped an entire generation, getting hundreds of millions around the world hooked on social networking. Over the years it has evolved considerably, though its ethos has remained the same - as has its familiar white and blue color scheme. The evolution of Facebook as a business teaches us valuable lessons about seeing new opportunities and changing busine: goals. Here are a few. Begin with a solid idea and a clear purpose No one could have foreseen the kind of success Facebook has now achieved when it first started out as a social network for university students in Harvard, but the JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 32 the idea obviously resonated with many people. Not just students, but people everywhere are very eager to know what's going on in the lives of those in their social circles. People love to share and to think out loud. Everyone loves to have an audience, however small it may be. Facebook’s success, and that of other networks, this fundamental principle — allowing people to share information and cultivate relationships. The lesson: similar rests on one Ideas and vision power successful businesses. They guide a company through its ups and downs, and help it scale newer heights. More than innovative, an idea has to be sound in order to be successful. Change is rishy, but an opportunity to grow When you're as popular as Facebook, tinkering with anything is a risk. People usually don’t like change - they might even hate it if they;re comfortable with the existing ways. But change is also inevitable. It’s a sign of progress and evolution. Facebook began with a basic interface in February 2004. It contained profiles of its users and updates about who had befriended whom, There was little else going on. A couple of years later arrived the News Feed, the first major change on the network, as it moved beyond colleges and towards general public. By 2008, Facebook had a significantly different and refined look. In 2010 the network opened up to businesses/brands for them to have dedicated Facebook pages and invite fans/followers to connect with them. Now we had almost everyone joining the network, ballooning its numbers. The year 2011 saw the introduction of the Timeline, accompanied by a big cover photo at the top of the page. There were also numerous other small updates and refinements that Facebook made to its site in order to improve its aesthetics as well as enhance the user experience. These changes were not always accepted happily. In fact, many were very vocal about their displeasure with them, yet the network continued to see greater usage and bigger follower bases. The lesson: Change can be scary but don’t let that fear hold you back, or you risk stagnation. When you're able to execute the changes well and convince the users/customers of the usefulness of the new features, they will learn to accept change — embrace it, even When you mess up, accept the mistakes and rectify them It’s natural to falter as you grow and undertake changes. Privacy advocates have often criticized Facebook for its confusing settings and for failing to adequately notify users of the risks to their privacy. In an open letter penned by founder Mark Zuckerberg himself, Facebook apologized for not providing users with adequate control over their privacy settings and proposed to correct it. This was way back in 2006 and was only the first of the apologies from Facebook. A couple of years ago the company apologized once again, this time for carrying out “secret psychological tests on 700,000 of its users in 2012.” JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 33 2004 0-1 MILLION USERS officially drops “the” and becomes Facebook. Adds US high school and international school networks. 2006 12 MILLION USERS Marketplace, Facebook Ads, video and mobile platform all launch. 2008 150 MILLION USERS ‘The “Like” button is launched. 2010 600 MILLION USERS. Oregon data centre opens, Video Calling and Facebook for iPad are introduced. 2012 OVER 1 BILLION USERS Donate button launches, and Instagram passes 100 million users. 2014 1.39 BILLION USERS Messenger application launches as well as Live video for public figures 2016 1.86 BILLION USERS. Facebook confirms it expects to pass 2 billion monthly users in 2017. The company begins a crackdown on fake news after being accused of failing to tackle the problem during elections. Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes, Andrew McCollum and Eduardo Saverin launch, a social network for US college students. 1 million are active on the network by the end of the year. 2005 6 MILLION USERS Facebook expands registration beyond high school and college students so anyone, anywhere can join the network. 2007 58 MILLION USERS Spanish version of the platform and iPhone application launch, alongside the introduction of the chat function, 2009 360 MILLION USERS Construction begins on a custom-built data centre in Oregon, and Facebook Places launches. 2011 845 MILLION USERS Facebook passes the 1 billion user mark in October 2012. Earlier in the year, the company acquires Instagram and launches on the NASDAQ stock market. 2013 1.23 BILLION USERS Trending function launches and Facebook announces acquisitions of WhatsApp and Oculus. 2015 1.59 BILLION USERS Facebook Live is rolled out to all users, and Messenger passes 1 billion monthly users. 2017 JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 34 What started form a Harvard dorm is now a global phenomenon. A phenomenon called Facebook and no one today is left untouched by it. Yes! Even my mom is on Facebook and yes I have accepted her friend request as against the latest trend of not accepting. But, for sure, the rise and the rise of Facebook as a giant touching our daily lives is something to be learnt upon and to be implemented in our daily lives. Breaking news on social networks wa among 18 suggesting a generational shift in news consumption. So, lets do our daily work and keep Facebooking... s found to be more popular year-olds in all countries, Sil ECS Cb OV; NIN Cea HN) THAT 15 CHANGING 1 STONEY TN aaa 15 GUARANTEED TO FAIL 15 NOT TAKING ANY RISKS’ MARK ZUCKERBERG ~LWEBeeeeBaeeea wSocial Social Research and Revenue ‘The Likethoodof purchase (CMO's ogre that social efforts have a measurable mporton 98% BeRERBEE (MO'2agres thet social datas atleast somewhat srfective nindiatingconsumer aN 19.1% 80.7% 11% “ee ~e HelloBiz, | 35 ecnno ogies #Creativeldeas #DigitalCanvas we help businesses to prosper in online marketplace branding | web | app just say hello 022 2534 2299 | STARTUP JOTTINGS LATEST STORIES FROM AROUND THE NET Whatsapp to go UPI way; in talks with SBI and NPCI Whatsapp, the global messaging application, is in talks with the State Bank of India, the National Payments Corporation of India and a few other financ’ 1 institutions to allow its payments via United Payments Interface (UPI), which facilitates instant fund transfer between two bank accounts on the mobile platform. A senior SBI official commented that “Due to the complexity of the architecture, WhatsApp is in discussions with the State Bank of India, NPCI and few other banks to devise ways to integrate their systems. We are currently at the ‘proof of concept’ stage, looking at ways to integrate it with our back-end” users to make If the system is approved by the financial institutions, then WhatsApp will identify the recipient and the UPI layer will allow funds to get settled between two parties. Similar technologies have been adopted by apps such as Truecaller, which has worked with ICICI Bank to implement UPI based payments. Hike Messenger, too, has started UPI-based payments in collaboration with Yes Bank Though the popularity of Whatsapp is recognizable, the security of the transactions is an issue which the institutions are afraid about. An executive commented that “Some security protocols will need to be implemented around payments through WhatsApp. If it decides to use Aadhaar, then we will have to enable biometric authentication” Source: Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Resigns as CEO Travis Kalanick, co-founder of Uber, has resigned from his position as CEO following the chaos going on in the company. “T love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,” Kalanick said in a statement. Two weeks ago Uber fired about 20 employees over incidents of harassment. The company also fired its APAC Business Head Eric Alexander for allegedly obtaining the medical reports of a Uber rape victim. Travis Kalanick recently took a leave of absence, but the shareholder indicated that this is not enough for some investors who have pumped millions of dollars into the ride-hailing company. Kalanick has stepped down in the face of pressure from five of Uber’s largest investors which invested in Uber at an early stage The list of investors includes Benchmark, First Round Capital, Lowercase Capital, Menlo Ventures and Fidelity Investments. In addition, Uber has been dealing with an intellectual property lawsuit from Waymo, the self-driving car business that operates under Google’s parent company, and a federal inquiry into a software tool that Uber used to sidestep some law enforcement. Source: JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 37 BigBasket enters into 60-day Exclusive Agreement for a Possible Sale to Amazon Online retail giant Amazon has signed a 60-day exclusivity agreement with online grocery startup BigBasket over a potential acquisition, Within this period BigBaskte can’t negotiate a sale offer with any other company. However, it doesn’t stop it startup from seeking investments. Valued at $450 Mn in last round of funding, BigBasket wants a valuation of $700 Mn from this sale. Reports suggest that BigBasket had mandated Morgan Stanley for a $150 million fund-raise, which was expected to close by April. But, it seems that the funding round is not going through, and thus, BigBasket went back to the table with Amazon and signed the exclusivity agreement. has and Bangalore-headquartered _ BigBasket raised nearly $250 million so far registered an over-three-fold increase in revenue to Rs 563 crore for the financial year ended 31 March 2016. BigBasket has expanded its operations to over 30 cities from six last year and signed up Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan as brand ambassador. It is betting big on its private-label business and expects to become profitable by March 2018. Amazon has proposed to invest $515 million over the next five years into India’s food-retailing sector. It currently already offers online delivery of groceries and daily essentials through its app Amazon Now and its online supermarket service Amazon Pantry. Source: Rocket Startup Gilmour Space Raises $3.7 Mn From Blackbird Ventures And 500 Startups Gilmour Space, a Singapore-based space technology startup has raised $3.7 Mn from Australian venture capital firm Blackbird Ventures led the round. Other investors include 500 Startups. The rocket startup was founded by brothers Adam and James Gilmour in Queensland in 2013. While companies like SpaceX is spending billions in launching rockets and satellites, Gilmour is eyeing a different corner of the market. It wants to produce even cheaper rockets, designed for smaller satellites that fly much closer to the earth. With the fresh round of funding Gilmour Space Technologies will look to continue the development of its low-cost rocket technology towards the first. commercial launch into suborbital space, slated for the end of 2018. It headcount. also will increase its Gilmour Space has also received a grant from Singapore's National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster, a government-formed initiative to boost 3D printing manufacturing capabilities for the city-state. The startup will work with the University of Technology and Design on aerospace-related 3D printing projects. Source: JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 38 Swiggy Raises $80 Million From Naspers And Existing Investors South African media company Nasper has pumped $80 million into the online food delivery start-up Swiggy in the series E funding. Ashutosh Sharma, head of investments in India for Naspers will join the board of the company as part of the deal. Existing investors Accel Partners, SAIF Partners, Bessemer Venture Partners, Harmony Partners and Norwest Venture Partners also participated in the funding round, The new round of funds is to be used for technological advancements, _ including automation, data sciences, machine learning and personalization. “In a span of three years, Swiggy has been instrumental in changing the way India eats by delivering delightful consumer experiences. As the market leader, we are leveraging our deep understanding of the Indian consumer and the gaps in the market to introduce disruptive and highly differentiated service offerings,” Sriharsha Majety, co-founder and chief executive at Swiggy, said in a statement. The online food ordering segment has been severely hit within the last couple of years with start-ups like Dazo and Eatlo shut shop and many got acquired. Swiggy currently operates in eight cities—Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Gurgaon, Hyderabad and Kolkata. The company is also piloting its own kitchens in Bengaluru. Source: Ather Energy Ropes In Venkatesh Padmanabhan As CEO Bengaluru-based electric two- wheeler startup Ather Energy, in which Hero MotoCorp is an investor, today announced appointment of Venkatesh Padmanabhan as its Chief Operating Officer. Padmanabhan, the former CEO of Royal Enfield, will head supply chain, quality, manufacturing, and service delivery at Ather. Ather Energy CEO Tarun Mehta said: “He (Padmanabhan) has a strong knowledge base of operational requirements for an automotive company, especially two-wheelers. His network and _ his experience in the industry is a valuable asset for a young company.” His exposure to manufacturing processes in India will prove a strategic advantage as the company close in on the production of the $340 model, Mehta added. Padmanabhan is an auto industry veteran having worked with the likes of General Motors and erstwhile Daimler Chrysler. Ather Energy has so far received funding from Hero MotoCorp, Tiger Global and Flipkart founders Sachin and Binny Bansal. Source: Cabinet To Approve Creating Rs2,000 Crore Startup Fund By July-End The Union cabinet is expected to approve setting up of a Rs2,000-crore credit guarantee fund by July-end with a view to providing funding facilities to start-ups, a top official said on Monday. The secretary of the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP), Ramesh Abhishek, said the fund would be JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 38 collateral. He said that last week, the proposal was approved by the finance ministry. Under this, Rs2,000 crore will be disbursed over a period of three years. “One startup will get a maximum of Rs5 crore. We are hoping to get the cabinet approval on this by end of July to operationalise this fund,” he said during the launch of Startup India Hub portal. He said that about 7,500 startups will benefit from this corpus and it will generate an additional funding of Rs15,000 crore. Since the launch of Startup India action plan in January 2016, Abhishek said Rs960 crore of funds were disbursed to different startups. The DIPP has put 1,000 facilitators for intellectual property (IPR)-related issues besides setting of 547 tinkering labs under Atal Innovation Mission. “358 startups were facilitated for IPR, 1333 were recognized as startups, 39 startups were given income tax benefits and we are reviewing all other cases regarding this. These numbers are going to multiply this year as we have changed the definition of startups,” he said, adding that under the ‘Fund of Funds’ scheme, over Rs1,100 crore were disbursed last fiscal. This year, the DIPP has sought Rs1,600 crore more from the finance ministry. Talking about the Startup India Hub portal, Abhishek said this platform will help all the budding entrepreneurs who want to seek information related to government's scheme, about mentors, funders, and accelerators Consumer lending startup MoneyTap has raised $9 million in a funding round led by Sequoia India. Existing investors NEA and Prime Venture Partners also participated in the round. Source: Online Loans App MoneyTap Raises $12.3 Million Founded in 2015 by Bala Parthasarathy, Anuj Kacker, and Kunal Varma, the platform provides credit to salaried employees and self-employed professionals through an app. It is in talks to partner with six banks for this, apart from its existing partnership with RBL. MoneyTap targets salaried individuals earning upwards of Rs 20,000 every month and evaluate within a few minutes if they're eligible to avail a line of credit of up to Rs 5 lakh. The company uses a customer's credit score, transaction history and other data that is fed into proprietary algorithms to decide on behalf of the bank if the borrower is a safe bet. “We are uniquely placed wherein we sit on top of banks and NBECs. After downloading our app a consumer can within five minutes know if they are eligible for borrowing credit. They can then complete the KYC formalities on their phone and can borrow any amount under the limit they are eligible for,” said Bala Parthasarathy, co-founder, and CEO of MoneyTap. Comparing the concept to overdraft facility in banks, he explained: “Say you get approval for Rs1 lakh, but you don't need to take it immediately. You take it and keep it in your app. There is no fee other than a small setting-up cost, until you take the money. But let's say you urgently want Rs25,000 sometime three months later, you just have to swipe and the money will be transferred to your bank account.” The service is aimed at borrowers who are underserved by traditional banks and lending institutions due to their poor or non-existent credit score, the company said. Source: JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 39 Govt Asks Startup Entrepreneur To Surrender His Firm’s Web Identity The National Internet Exchange of India (NIXD has sought cancellation of a domain by the name of “”, owned by a Delhi-based startup entrepreneur, which he got registered in February 2014 — about two years before Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Startup India’ program — according to report published in The demand to cancel the domain came last week on the request from Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. In an email reviewed by Moneycontrol, sent by the National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) to the entrepreneur on May 29th, it is mentioned that the “domain is misleading and is in violation with the Startup India program.” The domain for the government's initiative is While on the face of it, it looks like similar looking domain names are causing troubles for the government’s initiative, it wasn’t immediately clear as to how the same was “in violation with the Startup India program”, considering that the portal was started way before the government started its initiative. The company is being run as an advisory service provider to tech-based entrepreneurs. The website — ‘’ has now also put up a disclaimer citing that it has nothing to do with the government’s initiative of Startup India and that it is a website of the Startup India Advisory Services Pvt Ltd, a company incorporated in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in July 2015. An email sent to Ramesh Abhishek, Secretary DIPP and NIXI remained unanswered till the time of publication of this story. Source: Lenskart To Open 400 Stores In 2 Years; Invest Rs 100 Crore Ratan Tata-backed eyewear retailer Lenskart plans to invest over Rs 100 crore on business expansion, including opening of 400 stores, in the next two years. ‘The company, which has a strong online presence, is eyeing a total of 700 stores by March 2019 by targeting small towns, tier I and III cities. “As of now we have 300 stores across India and in the next two years we plan to open another 400 stores,” Lenskart CEO Peyush Bansal told PTI. The current Lenskart stores in over 80 cities are based on a franchise model, he added. When asked about investment for the expansion, Bansal said the company will be putting in capital primarily around building back-end supply chain, while franchises would invest in opening stores. “For us the total investment would run to around Rs 100 crore primarily to build the supply chain, to be able to service all our stores and also train staff,” he added. Elaborating on the company’s expansion strategy, Bansal said it so far has received good response from the tier I cities and was looking to expand its footprints in small towns. “We have started entering some of these small cities. We have opened a store in Lucknow, one will soon be opened in Bareilly,” Bansal said. On expenditure on brand marketing and advertising, Bansal said: “We would be spending close to Rs 140 crore in brand marketing and advertising over the next two years, apart from the _ back-end expenditure.” JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 40 Lenskart has raised over Rs 700 crore from investors, including Ratan Tata, IFC (venture capital arm of the World Bank) and Kris Gopalakrishnan (Infosys co-foundex), among others. In September last year, the company had raised an undisclosed amount from Premji Invest the investment office of Wipro chief Azim Premji. Source: Facebook's “SheLeadsTech” support Women Entrepreneurs “SheLeadsTech”, a facebook initiave that focuses on supporting aspiring women entrepreneurs who do not have opportunity and proper channel so that they can come up with somthing really good and innovative. Facebook had also talked to other firms and companies to collaborate such programs so that more and more women entrepreneur will get connected and people will be aware about this. It gives women entrepreneurs access to resources, tools, mentorship and other consultancy advices. Facebook has been reaching out to women entrepreneurs at offline meetups and promoting the program. The even was held on 7th June, 2017 and those who could not attend the meeting can connect to Anjali Bansal through Facebook. The chief guests for the day were GlaxoSmithKline, Bata India, Tata Power and Voltas. Source: SpiceJet Enters Indian e-commerce Market with SpiceStyle, initially conceived as an in-flight service, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SpiceJet. and an e-commerce _ portal ‘’ has been set up in this regard. At you will find some of the best quality products carefully ‘curated’ and ‘hand-picked’ by a team of specialists. And that is why every product in the roster comes with the promise of exceptional quality, and offers unmatched value to the consumer. “SpiceStyle promises to provide customers with the same brand experience as the parent airline enabling them to travel in comfort and style. In this new exciting journey, we shall be partnering with leading e-commerce marketplaces to distribute our exclusive range of products, which can also be ordered onboard our flights as well as on,” Ajay Singh, CMD, SpiceJet said. The company has roped in fashion designer Rohit Bal to run a curated section on its own portal. With this venture, the company would become the first Indian airline brand to sell its own branded merchandise on online marketplaces Source: Insurance Tech Platform Coverfox Raises $15 Million based Insurance tech platform Coverfox has reportedly raised $15 million as a part of Series C funds from US insurer Transamerica, with participation from existing investors Accel Partners and SAIF Partners who led a $12 million Series B round back in April 2015. The company which currently provides brokerage services for car, bike, health, travel and home insurance products was incorporated in 2012 as Glibberbug Technologies to develop technology for insurance firms by IIT Bombay alumni JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 41 Varun Dua and Devendra Rane. The current round of funding would value the company anywhere between $70 million and $100 million and it is also reportedly in talks with Fosun, along with other investors, who could also invest in Acko General Insurance, the company launched by Coverfox co-founder Varun Dua. According to a separate e-mail response by Varun to Inc42,"It is premature to talk about it conclusively at this stage. Once confirmed, we will be making a formal announcement.” It is noted that Acko had already raised a mammoth $30 million in its seed round last month led by SAIF Partners, Accel Partners, Catamaran Ventures, former Infosys chief executive Kris Gopalakrishnan and Hemendra Kothari, chairman of DSP Blackrock. The Insurance Tech space in India is mostly covered with aggregators and marketplace for insurance providers. Other companies in the insurance space include the likes of PolicyBazaar, Skymet and Turtlemint. The increased penetration of mobile internet, maturity of non-institutional transactions, and reliable consumer credit profiles can help develop new insurance models that service both individuals and small retailers — for example, OneAssist provides insurance against mobile phone loss/theft, Friendsurance in Germany offers P2P insurance, consumer durables insurance, etc. Source: Boltt Sports leveraging _ artificial intelligence in its application for better healthcare monitoring Bolt, a personal health assistant application created by Boltt Sports Technology, tracks health, training, sleep and nutrition, and gives real-time voice coaching and interactive _ feedback throughout the day based on artificial intelligence. Founded in 2015 by Aayushi Kishore and Arnav Kishore, the startup also makes “connected” smart shoes, stride sensor and fitness trackers. Aayushi Kishore explained that “We track all verticals, from nutrition to diagnostics. All data points get transmitted to the mobile app, which draws inference and gives virtual automated feedback. The feedback is chat and audio based. We connect dots — like how sleep is affecting your diet, etc. — and give actionable insights”. The startup has partnered with Garmin, a wearable sensors maker, to work on various sensor forms that capture all forms of body data. Mark Steele commented that “Together with Boltt, we have created a tech-enabled sports training platform called Specialized Sports Performance. This platform will analyse data from the Boltt Stride Sensor and provide real-time feedback by displaying essential metrics of training and well-being of each player for coaches to observe”. Boltt has received $1 million funding from promoters and two seed rounds, and aims to raise Series A funding soon. It is targeting to launch its products in INR2,000-6,000 range, and forecasts sale of INR5O crore in current financial year. Source: JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 42 Sa SU LD) FINANCIAL SAVINGS. So after taking the plung, and providing for adequate liquidity at office and home, we look at the next step in financial planning. That is Security. The first asset class one has to touch in financial planning is always about risk protection. Security. Yes. guessed. Its Insurance. At business level, one has to take two basic insurances. One is a office protection policy. You must have It is a umbrella policy covering everything in your office. Amongst other things, it covers fidelity of staff, personal accident, break- down of office equipment, Publi well as Workmens Compensation whic your legal liability towards your employ who are not covered by ESIC. The policy uniquely accommodation if your office meets with fire or other peril. Its a beautiful product to be studied on website of any general insurance Just google “Office Protection covers even rent for alternate company. Shield”. ional career like CA, Lawyer, Engineering or Architect must buy Professional Indemnity Policy. In the course of discharging your professional service, if any damage or loss is caused to client due to unintentional negligence then such liability may arise. After covering you professionally, one should move to personal insurance. Here we will quickly cover four types of insurance: Life Insurance: Just like vehicles are insured for invoice value or for replacement value, life insurance is to be bought after calculating Human Life Value (HLY). Any professional life insurance agent should be able to tell your HLY after considering your income and liabilities. Simply put, one should be insured for atleast ten times of annual income. The theory being, in case of untimely death of income earner, the family should be supported for loss of income for about six to ten years. JULY 2017 HelloBtz | 44 Mediclaim: | What is __ basically Hospitalisation policy has become popular by eee Will GST its brand or generic name of Mediclaim. It is (Gade & Services useful for hospitalisation of more than Taxi Bring twenty four hours. One should have Compliancerrs Mediclaim of atleast Rs. 10 lacs floater policy Tax Regime? if staying in a metro city. Medical inflation = being beyond control, its important to review the cover after every two years. Do not go by fancy features. Check whether hospitals in vieinity of your residence are covered under 5 cashless facility. i BILL ON SK Personal Accident Insurance : Surprisingly least popular though most required for a city dweller. It covers all types of accident and death or disability arising out thereof. In case of disability confining oneself to bed for weeks, the policy pays weekly compensation. Its an extremely affordable product with one crore cover coming at about Rs. 750 per month. GST will replace all indirect taxes levied on goods and services by the Indien Central and State governments. Tax payment & filing of returns for SMES will become simpler and transparent. Ease of doing business end centralised registration and cancellation procedure Critical Illness Policy: Another least known or popular form of insurance. This policy pays lumpsum or annual payment (as Cut down in cost and time associated with ‘transportation of goods across states as GST eliminates any border taxes. chosen by insured person) in case od 3 Cut down in stacking costs of goods and diagnosis of any of the critical illness which abc is listed in the policy. By the way, many of the Life Insurance policies also offer Critical Ilness as a rider for paying nominal extra premium. So fellow professional friends, as you chase gS | at sade ay ee eee v your dreams with all fervour, do not fail to tate pal on procuremert) protect them with the help of insurance. GST offers unified tax calculation without differentiating between sales and services. ABHAY GADIYAR Abhay is a strategic savings [eam advisor since January 2008. 5 He supports entrepreneurs J by his advice on long term goals of financing for child education, professional education, marriage and retirement planning. JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 45 So BORAGE 360Track is an unique product aimed at digitalization of educational institutes. 360Track is an automated student attendance cum management system which comprises of hardware, software & mobile apps providing an end-to-end solution. CHANNEL PARTNERSHIP / FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY 360Track is offering ‘Channel Partnership’ opportunity in Education domain with Low Investment High Profit. WHY 360TRACK FRANCHISE? Less Investment | Easy Enrollment | Minimum Documentation | Quick Set-up Unique Product | High Acceptability in Market | Year-on-year income. BECOME CHANNEL PARTNER & MARKET 360TRACK ANYWHERE IN INDIA CALL : 7999 999 360 | WHATSAPP: 8080 55 2323 Corporate Office: A-4, Ground & First Floor, Satyashri, B Cabin, Thane (West) 400602. Maharashtra- INDIA. Email: | Website: The “Follow- Leadership Is a Contact Sport by Marshall Goldsmith and Howard Morgan 4 up Factor” in Management Development Leadership is not just for leaders anymore. Top companies are beginning to understand thar sustaining peak performance requires a firm-wide commitment to developing leaders that is tightly aligned to orga tional objectives — a commitment much easier to understand than to achieve. Organizations must find ways to cascade leadership from senior management to men and women at all levels. As retired Harvard Business School professor John P Kotter eloquently noted in the previous issue of strategy+ business, this ulti- mately means we must “create 100 million new leaders” throughout our society. (See “Leading Witnesses,” s+, Summer 2004.) Organizational experts Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard have defined leadership as “working with and through others to achieve objectives.” Many companies are stepping up to the challenge of leadership develop- ment and their results are quite tangible. In Leading the Way: Three Truths from the Top Companies for Leaders (ohn Wiley & Sons, 2004), a study of the top 20 com- panics for leadership development, Marc Effron and Robert Gandossy show that companies that excel at developing leaders tend to achieve higher long-term profitability. But it sometimes seems there are as many approach- hip development as there are leadership developers. One increasingly popular tool for developing leaders is executive coaching, Hay Group, a human resources consultancy, reported that half of 150 compa- nies surveyed in 2002 said that they had increased their use of executive coaching, and 16 percent reported using coaches for the first time. es to leader Yet even “executive coaching” is a broad category. In reviewing a spate of books on coaching last year, Des Dearlove and Stuart C types of coaching: beha productivity coaching, and “energy coaching.” (See “My Coach and I,” +44, Summer 2003.) Our own upcoming book, The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets (written with Phil Harkins, to be published by John Wiley & Sons in December 2004), includes discussions about five types ner identified at least three joral change coaching, personal of leadership coaching: strategic, organizational change/exccution, leadership development, personalllife planning, and behavioral Given the increasingly competitive economic envi- ronment and the significant human and financial capi tal expended on leadership development, it is not only fair but necessary for those charged with running com- work? And if so, ho ‘What type of developmental activities will have the greatest impact on increasing executives’ effectiveness? How can leaders achieve positive long-term changes in panies to ask, “Does any of th behavior? With admitted self-interest — our work was described in the CrainerDearlove article, and is fre- quently coaching — we wanted to sec if there were consistent principles of success underlying these different approaches to leadership development. ‘ited in reviews of and arti about leadership We reviewed leadership development programs in cight major corporations. Alhough all eight companies had the same overarching goals — to determine the id to help leaders increase their effectiveness by better aligning a they used different leadership development methodolo- desired behaviors for leaders in their organiza ual practices with these desired behaviors — gies: offsite training versus onsite coaching, short du external coaches tion versus long duration, internal coaches versus 1d traditional classroom-based train- ing versus on-the-job interaction. Rather than just evaluating “participant happiness” at the end of a program, cach of the «i measured the participants’ perceived increase in leader- ship effectiveness over time. “ at companies ncreased effectiveness” was not determined by the participants in the develop- ment effort; it was assessed by preselected co-workers and stakeholders. ‘Time and again, one variable emerged as central to the achievement of positive long-term change: the par- ticipants’ ongoing interaction and follow-up with col- leagues. Leaders who discussed their own improvement priorities with their co-workers, and then regularly fol- lowed up with these co-workers, showed striking improvement. Leaders who did not have ongoing di logue with colleagues showed improvement that barely exceeded random chance. This was true whether the leader had an external coach, an internal coach, or no coach. It was also true whether the participants went to a raining progs nor attend a training program at all. ‘The development of leaders, we have concluded, is a contact sport. for five days, went for one day, or did Eight Approaches The eight companies whose leadership development programs we studied were drawn from our own roster of, clients over the past 16 years. Although all are large cor porations, each company is in a different sector and each faces very different compet ive pressures, Each company customized its leadership develop- ment approach to its specific needs. Five of the eight focused: on the development of high-potential lesders, and between 73 and 354 participants were involved in their programs. The three other companies included almost all managers (above midlevel), and. involved between 1,528 and 6,748 managers. The degree of inter- national representation varied among organizations. At two companies, almost all of the participants were American. Non-U.S. executives made up almost half of the participants in one company's program. The other five had varying levels of international participation. Some of the companies used traditional classroom- based training in their development effort. In each of these companics, participants would attend an offsite program and receive instruction on what the desired characteristics were for leaders in their organizations, why these characteristics were important, and how ipants might better align their own leadership behavior with the desired model. Some companies, by contrast, used continuing coaching, a methodology that did not necessarily involve offsite training, but did rely on regular interaction with a personal coach. Some com- panics used both offsite training and coaching. Along with differences, there were commonalities among the programs. Each company had spent exten- sive time reviewing the challenges it believed its leaders would uniquely face as its business evolved. Each had developed a profile of desired leadership behaviors that had been approved by upper management. After ensur- ing that these desired leadership behaviors were aligned the company vision and values, cach company developed a 360-degree feedback process to help leaders (as perceived by co-workers) matched the desired behavior for leaders in the corporation. All cight placed a set of expectations upon participants. The developing leaders understand the extent to which their own behavic were expected tor + Review their 360-degree feedback with an inter- nal or external consultant. * Identify one to three areas for improvement. * Discuss their areas for improvement with key co-workers. * Ask colleagues for suggestions on how to increase effectiveness in selected areas for change. * Follow up with co-workers to get ideas for improvement. * Have co-worker respondents complete a confi- dential custom-designed “mini-survey” three t0 15 months after the start of their programs. Each participant received mini-survey summary feedback from three to 16 co-workers. Colleagues were eased effectiveness in asked to rate the participants the specific selected behaviors as well as participants’ overall increase (or decrease) in leadership effectiveness. Co-workers were also asked ro measure the degree of follow-up they had with the participant. In total, we col- lected more than 86,000 mini-survey responses for the 11,480 managers who participated in leadership development activities, This huge database gave us the opportunity to explore the points of commonality and distinction among these eight very different leadership development efforss. ‘Three of the organizations permitted their names to be used in articles or conference presentations, enabling us to reference them in this report; the rest have request- ed anonymity, although we are able to describe their see- tor and activities. Two of the organizations also have allowed their results to be published elsewhere, without disclosure of the organization's name. The companies whose programs we studied were: * An acrospace/defense contractor: 1,528 managers (ranging from midlevel to the CEO and his team) received training for two and a half days. Each person reviewed his or her 360-degree feedback in person with an outside consultant. All received at least three reminder notes to help ensure that they would follow up with their co-workers * A financial-services organization: At GE Capital, 178 high-potential managers received training that last- cd five days. Each leader was assigned a personal human resources coach from inside the company. Each coach had one-on-one sessions with his or her client on an ongoing basis (cither in person or by phone). + An electronics manufacturer: 258 upper-level ‘managers received in-person coaching from an external coach. They did not attend an offsite training program. ‘They were then each assigned an internal coach who had been trained in effective coaching skills. This coach fol- lowed up with the managers every three to four months. + A diversified services company: 6,748 managers (ranging from midlevel to the CEO and his team) received one-on-one feedback from an external coach during two training programs, cach two and a half days long, which were conducted 15 months apart. Although there was no formal follow-up provided by the coach, participants knew they were going to be measured on their follow-up efforts, + A media company: 354 managers (including the CEO and his team) received one-on-one coaching and feedback during a one-day program. An external coach provided follow-up coaching every three to four months. * A telecommunications company: 281 managers (including the CEO and his team) received training for one day. Each leader was given an external coach, who had continuing one-on-one sessions with his or her client. * A pharmaccutical/health-care organization: John- son & Johnson involved 2,060 executives and managers, starting with the CEO and his team, in one and a half days of leadership training. Each petson reviewed his ot her initial 360-degree feedback with an outside consule- ant (almost all by phone). Participants received at least three reminder notes to help ensure that they would fol- low up with their co-workers. + A high-tech manufacturing company: At Agilent Technologies Inc., 73 high-potential leaders received coaching for one year from an external coach, an effort unconnected to any training program. Each coach had one-on-one sessions with his or her client on an ongoing basis, either in person or by phone. Personal Touch ‘The overarching conclusion distilled from the surveys in all the programs was that personal contact mattered — and mattered greatly. Five of the corporations used the same measure- ment methodologies, while three used a slightly dif- ferent approach. All eight companies measured the frequency of managers’ discussions and follow-up with co-workers and compared this measure with the per- ceived increase in leadership effectiveness, as judged by co-workers in the mini-surveys, The first five firms — the aerospace/defense contractor, GE Capital, the elec tronics manufacturer, the diversified services company, and the media company — used a seven-point scale, from —3 to +3, to measure perceived change in leader- ship effectiveness, and a five-point scale to plot the amount of follow-up, ranging from a low of “no follow- up” to a high of “consistent or periodic follow-up.” They then compared the two sets of measurements by plotting the effectiveness scores and the follow-up tallies on charts. ‘The remaining three firms used slightly different measurement criteria. The tclecommunications compa- ny used a “percentage improvement” scale to. measure perceived increases in leadership effectiveness, as judged. by co-workers. It then compared “percentage improve- ment” on leadership effectiveness with each level of follow-up. Johnson & Johnson and Agilent measured leadership improvement using the same seven-point scale employed by the first five companies, but they did not categorize the degree of follow-up beyond the sim- ple “followed up” vs. “did not follow up.” ‘As noted earlier, follow-up here refers to efforts that leaders make to solicit continuing and updated ideas for improvement from their co-workers. In the two compa- nics that compared “followed up” with “did not follow up,” participants who followed up were viewed by their colleagues as far more effective than the leaders who did not. In the companies that measured the degree of follow-up, leaders who had “frequent” or “periodic/con- sistent” interaction with co-workers were reliably seen as having improved their effectiveness far more than lead- crs who had “little” or “no” interaction with co-workers. Exhibits 1 to 5, on pages 76-77, show the results among the first five companies, which, despite their dif- ferent leadership development programs, used the same measurement methodology. This apples-to-apples com- parison shows strong correlations across all five compa- nies between the degree of follow-up and the perceived change in leadership effectiveness. In the exhibits, “perceived change” refers to the respondents’ perception of their co-worker’s change in leadership effectiveness; for example, a rating of “+3” would indicate that the co-worker was seen as becoming a much more effective leader; a rating of “0” would indi- cate no change in leadership effectiveness. “Percent” refers to the percentage of survey respondents grouped around a given rating; for example, in Exhibic 1, between 30 and 42 percent of respondents gave a “0” Leadership is a relationship, not between the coach and the “coachee,” but between the leader and the colleague. rating — that is, they saw no change — to leaders who “did no follow-up.” Leadership, it's clear from this research, is a rela- tionship. And the most important participants in this relationship are not the coach and the “coachee.” They are the leader and the colleague. Most of the leaders in this study work in knowledge environments — in companies where the value of the product or service derives less and less from manufac- turing scale and, to use Peter Drucker’ formulation, more and mote from the processing and creation of information to define and solve problems. In discussing leadership with knowledge workers, Professor Drucker has said, “The leader of the past was a person who knew how to tell. The leader of the future will be a person who. knows how to ask.” Our studies show that leaders who regularly ask for input are seen as increasing in effective- ness, Leaders who dont follow up are not necessarily bad leaders; they are just not scen as getting better. Ask and Receive In a way, our work reinforces a key learning from the Hawchorne studies. These classic observations of factory workers at suburban Chicago's Western Electric Hawehorne Works, which Harvard professor Elton Mayo made nearly 80 years ago, showed that productiv- ity tended to increase when workers perceived leadership interest and involvement in their work, as evidenced by purposeful change in the workplace environment. Our studies show that when co-workers arc involved in lead- ership development, the leaders they are helping tend to become more effective. Leaders who ask for input and then follow up to sce if progress is being made are scen as people who care. Co-workers might well infer that leaders who dont respond to feedback must not care very much Historically, a great deal of leadership development has focused on the importance of an event. This event could be a training program, a motivational speech, ot an offsite executive meeting. The experience of the eight companies we studied indicates that real leadership de- velopment involves a proces that occurs over time, not an, inspiration or transformation that occurs in a meeting, Physical exercise provides a useful analogy. Imagine having out-of-shape people sit in a room and listen to a speech on the importance of exercising, then watch some tapes on how to exercise, and pethaps practice exercising. Would you ever wonder why these people were still unfit a year later? The source of physical fitness is not understanding the thcory of working outs it is engaging in exercise. As Arnold Schwarzenegger has said, “Nobody ever got muscles by watching me work out!” So, to0, with leadership development. As Professor Drucker, Dr. Hersey, and Dr. Blanchard have pointed out, leadership involves a reliance on other co-workers to achieve objectives. Who better than these same co-work- ers to help the leader increase effectiveness? Indeed, the executive coach is, in many ways, like a personal trainer. The trainer's role is to “remind” the per- son being trained to do what he or she knows should be done. Good personal trainers spend far more time on execution than on theory. The same seems to be true for leadership development. Most leaders already know what to do. They have read the same books and listened to the same gurus giving the same speeches. Hence, our core conclusion from this research: For most leaders, the great challenge is not understanding the practice of leader ship: Ie is practicing their understanding of leadership. Exhibit 1: My Co-Worker Did No Follow-Up 60 sill Wl Perceived Change Percent [company A MiCompanyB MiCompanyC | CompanyD — CompanyE Mean Leader Exhibit 2: My Co-Worker Did a Little Follow-Up 60 Percent Perceived Change [company A MiCompany® iCompanyC |! CompanyD — CompanyE — Mean Leader Exhibit 3: My Co-Worker Did Some Follow-Up 60 Percent Perceived Change McompanyA MicompanyB licompanyC "CompanyD — CompanyE — Mean Leader Exhibit 4; My Co-Worker Did Frequent Follow-Up 60 Percent 20 lH Perceived Change [.companyA [icompany 8 ll Company Company D CompanyE Mean Leader Exhibit 5: My Co-Worker Did Consistent or Periodic Follow-Up 60 Percent 20 iil I Perceived Change [companys [icompany® ll Company Beyond the basic finding — that follow-up matters —several other conclusions arise from our research. For es that the example, the cight-program study indica follow-up factor correlates with improved leadership effec- tiveness among both U.S. and non executives. ‘As companies globalize, many executives have hegun to wrestle with issues of cultural differences h involving high-potential leaders from around the world among their excautives and employees. Recent resca has shown that cross-cultural understanding is seen as a key to effectiveness for the global leader. (See, for exam ple, Marshall Goldsmith et al., Global Leadership: The Prentice Hall, 2003.) sue as it affects leader- rly 10,000 of the respondents in the eight companies whose programs we Next Generation, Financial Tim Our study addressed this ship development programs. Ne reviewed — almost 12 percent of our mini-survey sam- Company D CompanyE Mean Leader ple — were locared outside the United States. We found that the degree of follow. p was as critical to changing perceived leadership effectiveness internationally as it domestically. ‘This was true for both training and g initiatives. At Johnson & Johnson, there were almost no dif- ferences in scores among participants in Europe, Latin America, and North America. The group scen as improving the most was in Asia. In analyzing the find- ings, J&J determined that the higher scores in Asia were more a function of dedicated local management than of cultural differences, again supporting the correlation between a caring, contactrich leadership and its per- ceived effectiveness That follow-up works globally contravenes assump- tions that different cultures will have diffe g levels off receptiveness to intimate conversations about workplace behaviors. But the universality of the follow-up principle doesn't imply universality in its application. Leaders learn from the people in their own environment, particularly in a cross-cultural context. Indeed, research by the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, N.C., has shown that “encouraging feedback” and “learning from those around us” are both central to success for leaders in cross-cultural environments. Companies with successful leadership development programs encourage executives, to adapt the universal principle of follow-up and the fre~ quency of such conversations to fit the unique require- ments of the culture in which they working. Despite other cultural differences, there seems to be no country in che world where co-workers think, “I love it when you ask me for my feedback and then ignore me.” Inside and Outside Interaction between the developing leader and his or her colleagues is not the sole connection that counts. Also vital is the contact between the leader and the coach. Our third major finding concerns that relationship: Both internal and external coaches can make a positive diffrence. One reason coaching can be so effective is that it may inspire leaders to follow up with their people. Agilent Technologies, for one, found a strong positive correlation between the number of times the coach fol- lowed up with the client and the number of times the client followed up with co-workers. The coach, however, does not have to be part of the company. This conclusion was readily apparent when we compared the two companies most distiner in the composition of their coaching corps. Agilent used only external coaches. GE Capital, by contrast, used only internal coaches from human resources. Yet both approaches produced very positive long-term increases in perceived leadership effectiveness. Given the apparent ease of accessibility to internal coaches, firms might naturally use this finding to justify “going inside.” But there are at least three important variables to consider in determining whether to use an internal HR coach: time, credibility, and confidentiality. In many organizations, internal coaches are not given the time they need for ongoing interaction with the people they are coaching. In some cases, they may not seem as credible as trained development experts. In other cases, especially those that involve human resources personnel filling multiple roles, there may appear to be a conflict of interest between a profes- sional’s responsibilities 2s coach and as evaluator. If these perceptions exist, then extemal coaches may well be preferable to internal coaches. But internal coaches can overcome these obstacles. At GE Capital, the intemal coaches were HR profes- sionals who were given time to work with their “coachces.” Coaching was treated as an important part of their respoi as an add-on “if they got around to it. coachees were given a choice of internal coaches and picked coaches they saw as most credible. Finally, each internal coach worked with a leader in a different part of the business. They assured their coaches that this process was for high-potential development, not evalua- tion, As a result of this thorough screening process, lent satisfaction with internal coaches was high and results achieved by internal coaches (as judged by co- workers) were very positive. Inside or outside, we discovered that the mechanics ility to the company and was not seen Moreover, the of the coach-leader relationship were not a major limit- ing factor. Our fourth finding was that feedback or coaching by telephone works about as well as feedback or coaching in person. ly, one might believe that feedback or coaching is a very “personal” activity that is better done face-to-face than by phone. However, the companies we reviewed do not support this supposition. One company, Johnson & Johnson, conducted almost all feedback by telephone, yet produced “increased effectiveness” scores almost identical to those of the aerospace/ defense organ- ization, which conducted all feedback in person. Moreover, all the companies that used only external coaches similarly found little difference between tele- phone coaching and live coaching, These companies made sure that each coach had at least two one-on-one In mectings with individual executive clients. Some coaches did this in person, whereas others interacted mostly by phone. There was no clear indication that either method of coaching was more effective than the other. Although sophisticated systems — involving some combination of e-mail, intranets, extranets, and mobile connectivity — are available, follow-up needn't be expensive. Internal coaches can make follow-up tele phone calls. New computerized systems can send “reminder notes” and give ongoing suggestions. However its done, follow-up is the sine qua non of effec tive leadership development. ‘Too many companies spend millions of dollars for the “program of the year” but almost nothing on follow-up and reinforcement. Companies should also take care to measure the Continual contact with o- zi is so effective it Can succeed OT withou a formal pede cffectiveness of their leadership development initiatives, and not just the employces’ satisfaction wich them. Our results indicate that when participants know that surveys orother methods of measuring program effectiveness are slated to occur three to 15 months from the date of the program, a higher level of commitment is created among them. This follow-up measurement creates a focus on long-term change and personal accountability. Although measuring outcomes would seem to be second nature for most companies, the success of lead- ership development programs has conventionally been assessed through the satisfaction of the participants. This metric is of limited relevance. Among the companies in our study that offered leadership development training, virtually all participants came away highly satisfied. At the aerospaceldefense contractor and Johnson & Johnson, the average satisfaction rating among more than 3,500 participants was 4.7 out of a possible 5.0 ing, bur that didnt mean they sued the training ot improved because of it. Executives loved the trai Learning to Learn Of even greater import is this: Continual contact with colleagues regarding development issues is so effective it can succeed even without a large, formal program. Agilent, for example, produced excellent results, even though its leaders received coaching that was completely disconnected from any training. In fact, leaders who do not have coaches can be coached broadly by their co- workers. The key to changing behavior is “learning to learn? from those around us, and then modifying our behavior on the basis of their suggestions. The actospace/defense contractor and the telecommuni tions company used very streamlined and efficient train- ing processes and “reminder notes” to help leaders achieve @ positive long-term change in effectiveness, without using coaches at all Ifthe organization can teach the leader to reach out to co-workers, to listen and learn, and to focus on continuous development, both the leader and the organ ization will benefit. Afterall, by following up with col- leagues, a leader demonstrates a commitment to self- improvement —and a determination to get better. This process docs not have to take a lot of time or monk There's something far more valuable: contact. + Reprint No, 06307 MARSHALL GOLDSMITH Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is World-renowned business edueator and coach. His singular ability to get results for top leaders has drawn, over 150 CEOs and their management teams to address change in the workplace, He is known for his practical and proven methods, HOWARD MORGAN Howard Morgan is an American nture capitalist, philanthropist, socialite, angel investor, author and writer for Business Insider. He also serves as the Chairman, CEO, Director, Board member or advisor for an assortment of companies. Also, he is the managing partner of First Round Capital, & USHOR “Spread Smile & Earn Blessings” Donate your spare things & send us photos Spare clothes, Unused medicines, Stationary, Books, Toys, etc for distribution to the needy. Your spare things might be essential for somebody. BE OUR VOLUNTEER Call / Whatsapp at +91 9831511851, +91 8080552323, +91 9767759848 Share your photos while donation with us on WhatsApp or Campaign Supported By 360\TRACK cits | RIZON technologies enti > Ba [ieee TOP INDIAN HEALTHCARE START-UPS TO WATCH With by and large Indian healthcare market around US$ 100 billion and which is likely to grow to US$ 280 billion by 2020, Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors - both in terms of income and employment. Healthcare comprises hospitals, medical de- vices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedi- cine, medical tourism, health insurance and medical equipment. The Indian healthcare sector is growing at a brisk pace due to its strengthening coverage, services and creasing expenditure by public as well private players. India still spends only around 4.2% of its national GDP towards healthcare goods and services (compared to 18% by the US). This is just a fraction of what the US and the UK spend every year. With vast health care system in India there remain many differences in quality between rural and urban areas as well as between public and private health care. in- ‘An astounding 70% of the population still lives in rural areas and has no or limited access to hospitals and clinics. As a result, the rural population mostly relies on alternative medicine and government programmes in rural health clinics. Besides the rural-urban divide, another key driver of India’s healthcare landscape is the high out-of-pocket expenditure (roughly 70%). This means that most Indian patients pay for their hospitalvisits and —_ doctors’ appointments. According to the World Bank and National Commission's report on Macroeconomics, only 5% of Indian population is covered by health insurance policies. Such a low figure has resulted in a nascent health insurance market which is only available for the urban, middle and high income populations. The good news is that the penetration of the health insurance market has been increasing over the years; it has been one of the fastest-growing segments of business in India. India faces a growing need to fix its basic health concerns in the areas of HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis, and JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 57 diarrhoea. Sadly, only a small percentage of the population has access to quality sanitation, which further exacerbates some key concerns above. The Indian medical tourism industry is pegged at US$ 3 billion per annum, with tourist arrivals estimated at 230,000. The Indian medical tourism industry is expected to reach US$ 6 billion by 2018, with the number of people arriving in the country for medical treatment set to double over the next four years. With greater number of hospitals getting accredited and receiving recognition, and greater awareness on the need to develop their quality to meet international standards, Kerala aims to become India's healthcare hub in five years. Medical tourism, more broadly health and wellness tourism, refers to the industry in which people from across the globe travel to other countries to get medical, dental and surgical care, and at the same time, visit the local attractions of that country. Healthcare start-ups are coming up in a big way in India, recognising the need for making quality healthcare accessible to country’s billion plus population, They are bridging the gap between healthcare service providers and end-users through applications and social networks, robots, state-of-the-art technologies and devices Approximately 300 start-ups emerged in the healthcare sector every year. Whether it is the operating model or areas of drug delivery or medical equipment inventions, innovative young start-ups are slowly but steadily catching the imagination of the sector with differentiated product offerings. and sustainable business models. Healthcare start-ups have transformed the sector by offering hospital management systems, doctor delivery, delivery of medicines and home healthcare services. They have been successful in making healthcare services affordable and accessible to people through innovative use of technology” From online platforms for health devices and other healtheare products to helping users find a doctor and book an appointment to telemedicine and having applications that help a user manager diseases to self care services, home healthcare and much more, start-ups are bridging the gap between healthcare service providers and end-users through applications and social networks, robots and state-of-the-art technology and devices. In the Indian Start-up culture there are dynamic individuals working tireless to improve the quality of healthcare in India There are entrepreneurs who have dedicated themselves fulltime towards improving the lives and well-being of people Here are some Indian healthcare start-ups you should know about: HEALERS AT HOME With a vision is to provide home healthcare & wellness services to the world at the click of a button, Healers at Home is a start-up has a core of team of professionals from IIT and YIF with a rock solid amount of experience in the healthcare sector. When the founder Kshitij Garg suffered from severe back pain and was hunting for quality physiotherapy services. This was the JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 58 time when he got this genius idea. The idea led to the founding of Healers at Home which provides on-call physiotherapy and yoga professionals to patients. In addition, they also provide attendant and childcare ser nursing, ces right at your doorstep. This is of great help to working professionals who have a patient or a child at home and need a trustworthy caregiver to be on call and help with taking care of their loved ones Site: PORTEA There are times when you need medical equipment at home for a short duration. There are times that after or during a treatment, you want medical equipment or instrumentals for patient care at home for a limited time frame. Purchasing these high-priced equipment, especially when you are going to use it just for a short while, can make a big hole in anyone's pocket. Portea is an Indian healthcare start-up providing this medical equipment on rent across 25 cities in India. The business promise hospital-class medical care in the soothing atmosphere of your house Starting in 2013, this Indian start-up has covered Indian cities like Ahmadabad, Amritsar, Bangalore, Baroda, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Mumbai, Nagpur, NCR, Pune and Vijayawada with this unique service of theirs. ‘The company also provides doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists for home visits who have passed their rigorous hiring standards and have had their backgrounds and medical knowledge verified by senior doctors. Site: GOQii ‘aise Tes ation, eee ECOSYSTEM el - aun hey tet ‘aap oe concn Nesp gte evens Sommgseconte GOQii is a comprehensive digital health and wellness solution with an ecosystem facilitating a permanent shift to a healthier lifestyle. GOQii is an Indian start-up that does the job at a much cheaper price. Pioneered by Vishal Gondal, GOQii manufactures smart wearable fitness devices at an extremely affordable price. This device helps you keep up your daily fitness goals by tracking your activity, sleep quality and other health parameters. The band comes completely free with their subscription package where professionals work together with the user to help achieve their fitness goals. This Health and fitness smart wearable making startup has become a case study at the Harvard Business Publishing platform, a subsidiary of Harvard University. JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 59 img Chee caer PB ci) eo eo Cente cca) The culture of “home delivery” has picked up immensely over the last few years. From food to groceries: working professionals with a time constriction can get anything delivered on their doorstep. Why not with medicines then? Img aims to do the same: make purchase of medicines convenient and hassle-free. This Gurgaon-based start-up lets you order your medicines online for generic as well as prescription drugs. They tie up with native pharmacies in your neighbourhood to make sure that your ordered is delivered to you inside a committed time frame, With Img you don't just buy medicine online, but can also book appointment with the best doctors nearby. Also for prescribed tests, you don’t need to wait for hours in physical laboratories and testing centres. This online medicine store also helps in getting free home sample pickup. You just need to search for prescribed tests and book your request. Focused towards making healthcare accessible and affordable, Img also gives you plenty of options in terms of medicine substitutes. Site: HealthKart tt eee is India's largest online health & fitness store for men and women. This start-up is supposed to be India’s largest online health and fitness store. This is a great place for people serious about, health and fitness. With a staff of around 400 people this company deliver everything from genuine protein supplements to vitamins smoothly at honest prices. Founded in 2011 by Prashant Tandon and Sameer Maheshwari, HealthKart, a part of Bright Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. HealthKart has its smartphone application for Android, iOS and Windows devices. HealthKartPlus which enables you to know more about your medicine, and find substitutes from other brands as well as their generic equivalents which are cost effective. With its ‘Pocket Chemist’ feature the platform equips users to discover cost effective generic drugs that can substitute prescription medicine. The app already has million plus downloads across the three platforms. Healthkart Plus offers features like search for drugs, get full searched drug and __ over-the-counter medication like the dosages, common usage and warnings. Besides these, it gives cost comparison tool for generic and prescribed drugs. Site: information on the JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 60 Practo rate "i Les #lifemein passes Mn t iL p.4 Orr For millions of people, Practo is the trusted and familiar home where they know they'll find a healing touch. It connects them with everything they need to take good care of themselves and their family - assessing health issues, finding the right doctor, booking diagnostic tests, obtaining medicines, storing health records or learning new ways to live healthier. Founded in 2008 by Shashank ND and Abhinay Lal both alumni of National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Practo is a Smartphone application that enables users to find and book appointments with doctors and consult them online. Currently Practo is present in 5 countries, 7 Indian cities with 200,000 registered doctors, 8000 diagnostic centres, 10,000 hospitals and 4,000 Wellness and Fitness centres. Healthcare providers can also harness the power of Practo as the definitive platform that helps them build their presence, grow establishments and engage patients more deeply than ever. This app helps millions of patients and thousands of doctors with a simpler, easier healthcare experience. Practo ensures each doctor profile is verified for medical license, qualification and specialisation. Practos purpose is to improve the healthcare experience for all humanity. Site: STARTUP FOR A HEALTHY INDIA? Ind’ cima hestear sector could roid tech startups than opportunity to make bg =O: e- Qo anim eo Econ lenaione arma ey + Dagost seins | Helter dsc (Seceg pte Madera sashes) aaa ‘+ Hester dlney eee + Homestar sani “lamatoranenen! Syne * ops comeing Hot domes tarecsens SOE U cud aT PEINVESTMEN! HEALTHCARE AND erasing ee Sa SE 30 # 1.60 JULY 2017 HelloBtz | 61 Tel, : 2942 8499 Mobile : 93222 23291 Y MANUFACTURERS OF EXCLUSIVE RANGE OF BRASS FURNITURE FITTINGS, CURTAIN BRACKETS & GENERAL HARDWARE GOODS SHOP NO. 10, GR FLOOR, KAPADIA COMPLEX, 33 SARANG STREET, MUMBAI 400 003, ‘E-mail: anjani_enterprise@yah SERVICES Hinges | Tower Bolts | Latches | Handles | Door Stoppers Gate Hooks | Masking Tape | Floor Spring | Patch Fittings Combo patch Set | Glass Connectors | Locks without Cutout Glass door handles | Door Closers Ra ae DAD TO HIS DAUGHTER An entrepreneur dad writes to his daughter... He gives her some tips on living... Is he shaping her to be an entrepreneur too? Daughter, I challenge you to. Never be afraid to be too much: too different, too creative, too outspoken or too passionate. Go that extra mile. People will notice. Even if they don’t, just go.. Let your morals of our family guide your every action, never straying slightly from our tightly held values and beliefs... Perform acts of kindness for others without expecting anything in return. Leave a 100% tip; make time for a day with your dad. Show sympathy, care, concern for the poor and downtrodden in the society. Always be in a discomfort zone. Being uncomfortable is a sign that you are pushing yourself towards greater limits and certainly would come out as a stronger person in the end. Stop waiting to be ready to take that next jump. Jump... Live Opinions differ, but respect opinions that differ from your own. And remember not to give away your power away by letting others dictate you and how you feel. I th hum I don’t have, but I want your passport to be well-stamped. Travel on every chance you get. I am missing it, but I want you to experience it all. Try to take into your soul as much of beauty this fascinating world has to offer. Always remember this life is too short to stay in one place and remain stagnant. Live with ad JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 63 Being lonely is nothing but just a state of mind, not a relationship status. Never rely on anyone else for your happiness and sense of self-worth. Also don’t shy away to accept the help of family and friends when truly needed. Live with independence... Always speak up for what you want and don't be afraid to show your skills and achievements. Believe in yourself and know your true value “I don’t know” might sound very easy reply, but, but it restricts only your limits of credibility. Always make a point that you make a lasting impression. Always know that the first impression is the last... Live with confidence... Every inch of you belongs to you. Love yourself. And love yourself first. You yourself are far more worth than any of the society imposed ideals. You should never have to justify to others (or yourself) what you are. Live with self-respect... Above all and everything else, live your life on your own terms, Stop seeking anyone else’s approval. Stop living in fear, Love yourself, unapologetically. With Much Love, Your very best friend (and dad too) HOW TO START A START-UP live in the future, ‘what is missing ‘head of your time inthe world? follow up with users. Are they coming back? A launch I launch nfl users soy (AirBnB launched 3 times) — ee ee cand bounce ideas eround register your Ccorp, find « cofounder launch let Joke fering everyone know you end build version Fee ee adie el ae ‘get fo 1,000 Users, 4 100 people 5%aweek keep growing (hard, but proven for enother 4 yeers, posible) ‘ond ot hat rae you will reach 25 milion users (QB Funders and Founders JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 64 THE THREE-FOLD NATURE OF WORK ~DAVID ALLEN Why do people complain that there's no time to get their work done? Because there is more work to do than the work they think they have to do. Many times people we work with express frustration that they “can't get any of their work done” because of the overwhelming amount of interruptions, email, and other inputs that show up during the course of a normal day. “I can’t get my work done, because there is so much (other) work to do!” If you are ever in that frustrated state, it might help to understand the three-fold nature of what constitutes your “work.” You have a choice of doing three very different things when you work—predefined work, unplanned work, and defining your work 1. PREDEFINED WORK This is what you would be doing all day if you got no new input or interruptions of any sort. You would probably be working off the inventory of actions and projects that you came in with—work that you have already determined needs doing. There are the phone calls you need to make, the documents you need to draft, the ideas you need to outline on the project, etc. That list of things to potentially be doing, when you have some discretionary time, would be challenging enough to sift through given your volume (most professionals have 150-200 of these discrete actions). But what you are very often faced with is the necessity (and opportunity) to do... 2. UNPLANNED WORK The phone rings. It's not on your lists or your calendar. But you take the call, nonetheless, and consequently spend twenty minutes talking to a client of yours about a potentially important, or at least an interesting, topic. Before you're off that call, your boss sends you an instant message to schedule a half hour meeting in the afternoon to update you on a new development and get your input on it. You acknowledge back “OK” while you're still talking to the client. For that meeting, though, you know immediately that you are going to need to update two spreadsheets and surf the Web about a company that’s been on your radar pertaining to this project, before you walk in. That means do it now, or otherwise not eat lunch. In this scenario you are doing the work as it shows up to be done. You are actually defining your work rapidly in this case, and choosing to do the new stuff instead of any of the pre-determined potential activities. Many of us have whole days of this nature, We can't get to anything on our action lists because the ad-hoc nature of the day wound up defining and requiring our total focus, non-stop. That, added to our inventory of predefined work, creates a substantial volume of on-deck options for things to be doing. But then there's the email constantly filling up your inbox. And meeting notes from last night stil on the legal pad on the corner of your desk. And the fourteen voicemails that you keep saving because they mean something you might need to do, but you don’t know exactly what yet. And more voicemails coming in during the day. So, in addition to all the stuff on your lists and all the stuff coming at you during the day that you have to engage with as it shows up, you know there's still the on-going requirement to be... 3. DEFINING WORK This is processing and emptying your in-tray, your email, your meeting notes, etc. —assessing the new inputs and making decisions about what needs to be done about them. You may do some quick actions as you define them (a la the two-minute rule), delegate things to others (to be tracked on your “Waiting For...” list), and you will probably be adding more action items and projects to your inventory of defined work, as you review and think about the meaning of the content of those notes. “Oh yeah, | told Raphael | would call him back about possible times to meet next week...” This activity of defining work, based upon the constant flow of new incoming information and communication, requires an average of one hour per day, for the typical professional. That's just to stay current—not to clean up and process any backlog that may have accumulated prior to today. So what? Everything | have described so far is common sense, or at least a common awareness about the way things really are, Here's the rub: | have noticed that many people act as if (2) is some sort of burden to endure, and (3) is some irrelevant activity aside from their work. “I have my list of things to do. Why am | being burdened with things that aren't on my lists, and why am | now in addition having to deal with all of these emails, voicemails, conversation notes, business cards, receipts, and tons of other inputs coming at me from my outside world?” | don't get it. It's all your work. Some is done when it appears, and some is done when you choose to do it instead of what's showing up. And processing input is required to trust that the inventory of your predefined work is complete enough to evaluate its contents against your new options of things to do, Are you truly pretending that your boss doesn't have the authority to reallocate your focus toward a new and unexpected priority? Get real. Are you honestly saying that now the world is at fault for reconfiguring itself to present you with things you weren't aware of twelve hours ago? Get a grip. ‘And how long can you honestly say you are comfortable doing anything, without checking your voicemail or email? The key is how efficiently and effectively you know how to process new stuff, and how functional your system is for maintaining and reviewing your inventory of commitments. Then you accept and manage the input processing as a critical component, you review the whole game frequently enough to know (in your gut) how to evaluate the surprises and unexpected work, and you have a sufficiently functional system for capturing and managing all the various rivers and streams of this complex environment, to feel at least OK about what you're not doing. Master key to life. How much of which kind of work to do, when, is the eternal dance of the workday. You can't really do more than one of them at a time, though you can get really fast with processing work while you're on hold on the phone, and waiting for meetings to start. There may be interruptions that are allowed that are not functional or valuable, but managing those is just tactical to your definition of your job. It's an eternal challenge of allocating limited resources (the definition of “management”)—it’s not an inherent problem How much of your day and week do you need to assume is going to be ad hoc and unexpected? How much of your day really is required for cleaning up your inboxes so that you can trust your backlog doesn’t have landmines and unseen priorities lurking? When are you dedicating critical executive time for updating your contents and maybe improving your own process for capturing, clarifying, organizing, and reviewing your work? Get your habits and your systems up to handling it. And get used to it. DAVID ALLEN David Allen is a productivity consultant who is best known as the creator of the time management method known as "Getting Things Done". He is the founder of the David Allen Company, an executive coaching firm using his "Getting Things Done" methodology. Avision of a desired future allows you to engage and identify immediately in your focus with an improved condition. It changes what you perceive and how you perform - NOW. It’s not about achieving something in time. It’s rather about the quality of choices you are making in this moment —what you choose to perceive, feel, and do. It’s about getting the most out of your experience. -David Allen TLP GROUP REAL ESTATE- PAN INDIA SALES & INVESTMENTS. PLOTS - LANDS - FARMHOUSES - HOTELS - RESORTS. BUYING & SELLING OF PROPERTY:- RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL HI END PREMIUM QUALITY USED CARS & IMPORTED BIKES. MANUFACTURERS / PRODUCERS & EXPORTERS OF:- MONTESSORRIE & EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS & TOYS, HI END - HEAVY DUTY AUTOMOBILE / MADE TO ORDER MUFFLERS & SILENCERS EXCLUSIVE *EXPORT QUALITY* | LEATHER & WOLLEN JACKETS BLAZERS ETC *EXPORT QUALITY* ORGANIC SPICES - POWDERED & WHOLE | *IMPORTED QUALITY* CHOCOLATES & CAKES | EXCLUSIVE *EXPORT QUALITY* PICKLES EXCLUSIVE *EXPORT QUALITY* DESI COW GHEE | EXCLUSIVE *EXPORT QUALITY* MULTIUSE BANANA FLOUR | *GENUINE* ANTIQUE COLLECTIONS SHOES & FIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENT | BOTTLED / PACKAGED DISTTILLED WATER BUSINESS ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. KEVIN DSOUZA Contacts: 9821120138 | 9224349424 | 9870200580 | 9870700580 Medical tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry that is set to grow up to 25% every year for the next 10 years. This data shows that more people are becoming interested. To combine the pleasure of traveling with the benefits of medical advancement. So, what are top medical tourism trends to look forward to? 1. Growth of Private Health Cities Foreign investment has grown significantly. This paved the way for private health cities to emerge. Patients from different countries are becoming attracted to multi-specialty hospitals. These hospitals offer both health and hospitality. 2. Asian Expansion Medical tourists bound to Asia are expected in number because Asian countries offer high standards of hospitality Plus, they are constantly updating to the latest trends in technology. To top it off, medical care is a lot cheaper in Asia than other regions. to increase 3. Cultivation of Skilled Medical Tourism Professionals The growth of the industry calls for a surge of qualified health care personnel. This includes doctors, surgeons, translators, physiotherapists, and other facilitators. Medical schools and training centers are also expected to rise with the need as these professionals learn specialized procedures that are favored by medical tourists. These are rhinoplasty, angioplasty, and breast augmentation among others. 4, Establishment of New Destinations Several countries that are known for catering to medical tourists will have new contenders. The UAE, Greece, and Taiwan have shown positive growth over the past years in part due to their breathtaking landscapes that patients also look forward to during their visit. Medical tourism has indeed changed the future of the healthcare industry. It has expanded so much and is continually evolving all throughout the globe. The previously set standards are set to be JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 69 surpassed in the coming years as more people will expect for more advancement, quality service, as well as lowering of the costs. Kiran Kumar: The growing interest in the field of medical tourism was substantiated by the presence of several established doctors, healthcare experts, healthcare corporations and professors from across India and abroad, at the second edition of the International Healthcare Tourism Congress (HTC) which took place on 8 and 4 March in Bangalore. IHTC 2017 brought together several Medical Tourism Agencies (MTAs), tourism experts, medical marketing heads at the venue to discuss the latest developments in healthcare travel. The two-day event was filled with panel discussions, presentations and workshops on business challenges, solutions, trends and technological and infrastructure issues in medical tourism in India, It was inaugurated by Ramesh Kumar, Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka. The list of speakers included Prof. Ravi Ramamurti, Professor at Northeastern University and the Founding Director of the Centre for Emerging Markets, USA; Maria K Todd, CEO, Mercury —_‘Healtheare International; Dr. Shalini Rajneesh, Principal Secretary, MHFW; Girish from Kolot Network; Prof. Joga Rao, Advocate & Faculty NLSIU, Bangalore; Dr. FLV. Madhusudhan; Dr. KR Gangadharan, Heritage Foundation, Hyderabad; to name a few. The West has led the world in medical science and in developing drugs and devices, but poor countries like India are leading the way in healthcare delivery. In his talk, based on a Harvard Business Review article, the keynote speaker, Prof. Ravi Ramamurti, showed how and why some Indian hospitals are delivering world-class healthcare at a tiny fraction of US prices, while serving a significant number of poor patient and still making good money. They have become leaders in lean healthcare, just as Ford or Toyota blazed the trail in lean manufacturing. Hospitals everywhere can learn useful lessons from them. Improving the competitiveness of individual hospitals will make India an even more attractive destination for medical tourism. India can play a large role in this field mainly due to its huge ready medical infrastructure, good supply source of medical talent including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and lab _ assistants, cosmopolitan outlook of cities with hotels, well-developed ecosystem of partners including allied services like language translators. Some of the source location countries for India are the Middle East and Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, Maldives and Myanmar. Emphasizing the need for a health tourism master plan in India, Maria Todd said, “People buy not what you sell but why you sell. To start with, we need a state strategy and a national strategy. A framework has to built for the product, be it hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centres, spas, dialysis travel, clinical research labs, ete. Pitching India as excellent providers of treatment, rather than cheap healthcare becomes relevant.” Talking about the need to co-create experiences in medical tourism, Girish, Kolot Network, drew a parallel to the Kochi biennale where three artists came together to create the Muziris heritage from the Spice Route. He said, "Put people at the centre, JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 70 leverage assets such as culture and heritage: tell a story, have a residual effect on social and cultural and societal aspect. We can also co-opt the community in which such experiences are cited so that everyone can own the experience." He suggested, as an example, the idea of performing arts medicine for dancers and singers and questioned the possibility of pairing up that kind of an activity as part of their healing therapy. Some of the issues raised during the sessions included the image and identity of India as a medical tourism destination, national reputation, capacity development, taxation, information systems, need to develop a health policy that consists of telehealth communication, health privacy, continuity of care, professional liability and recourse, medical records. proper accommodation, food and beverage options, amenities, airport readiness, allergy and portion management, special gastronomy, pricing and package development, technologies, specialisation, among others. Maria Todd said, "We have to identify our source market; discern who will be ideal customers for each city such as Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, etc. and then go on to understand why we target those customers. All that India is saying is that it offers cheap healthcare; but India must recognise its uniqueness and analyse its competitors. It does not need to own all services. India's strength is its importance to human value: The West has led the world in medical science and in developing drugs and devices, but poor countries like India are leading the way in healthcare delivery On the whole, the event proved to be a thought-provoking one with the presenta- tions and discussions paving the way for more awareness about our own strengths in medical talent, infrastructure and econo- mies of scale. JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 71 Quikr is modelled on Craigslist, one of the leading classifieds listings portals in the US. Sitting in India, anyone could rent out his/her apartment in New York. It made complete sense to have something like this in India. Quikr has changed a lot since its inception. When it began, it was a simple platform for someone to buy, sell or rent across categories. Two years ago, Pranay began to feel that people had become a lot more sophisticated as users. Their expectations from the internet are different and we, as a company, are a lot bigger than we were and we have a lot more resources now. 0, he and his decided to shift the business from providing the same experience across categories to giving specific experiences in every category. Quikr, A portal that was launched with a vision of providing a platform to the buyers and sellers to “meet online, transact offline”, today holds more than 4.2 million listings and also has generated over 150 million replies. Quikr offers over 13 main categories and in 170 sub-categories including mobile phones, houschold goods, cars, real estate, jobs, services, education, etc. Additionally, it holds an actual presence in over 1,000 cities in India and performs a large scale cross-category classifieds business amongst its more than 30 million consumers. Pranay was living in New York and had turned into an experimental film-maker. He at that point of time required a team for a film called ‘Latent Lava’ which was a video game made Y in the style of a feature film Craiglist at that moment came as his saviour and he was able to recruit almost 60 actors, one producer & 30 crew members through it and that is when he THE POSTER BOY OF e INDIAN START-UP INDUSTRY realised that, Craigslist was a full-proof business model and didn’t have an existence in India. As he got deep into ideation, Pranay saw that there were barely any solutions for the individuals to get a just price for anything they wanted, whether it was a used phone, furniture or a flat. He wanted to solve this problem for the masses. And thus Quikr was born. Over the last one year, Quikr has undergone a tremendous change. The entire has worked very hard to launch different verticals; also there is a change in the organisational structure to have different people heading these businesses But frankly speaking the story of Pranay Chulet, CEO of Quirk is an inspiring tale for all the business aspirants out there who think they have the capacity and capabilities of making a dent in the universe. An [IT Delhi and an [IM Calcutta alumni, Pranay Chulet founded the Kijiji portal which was later re-christened as Quikr — and has now become the largest online and mobile classifieds portal of India. Quikr is supported by Matrix Partners India, Omidyar Network, Norwest Venture Partners and eBay Inc. Suecess did not come easily to Chulet. He resided in Dariba in Rajasthan. He has been a pioneer in several fields right from the beginning — for instance, he studied in a Kendriya Vidyalaya and was the first one from his school to ever appear and clear the IIT entrance examination. After having studied chemical engineering at IIT, Chulet then proceeded to ITM for an MBA. His story motivates us because he fought against the direst circumstances and came out bright like a diamond. The faint-hearted would have merely given up or thought such a task to be unachievable. But Chulet stuck to the task at hand. He did not for a moment let go of his strong vision of creating a start-up which would target the local community and its needs of buying, selling, renting across several categories — such as mobile phones, property, employment opportunities and so on. Achieving this marvellous feat was not exactly a cake walk for Chulet — initially, his ideas were rejected and he had to face immense difficulty in finding investors. But he did not give up, even in the face of naysayers. He held on tightly to his dream and worked his way up step by step. After having achieved this spectacular success, Chulet did not let it get to his head. He is a humble and down-to-earth man who has not forgotten his roots — he remembers the hard-work that his father put in, by working in the mining industry and all the efforts that he, as a student, also made — he studied day and night, despite all odds. An average person might have discarded such an enterprise, but not Chulet. Quikr was not built overnight ~ it took time and experience to create this online giant. Chulet began his first company in the US in around 2000 — it was named Reference Check. This company aimed at providing plumbing services and also helped plumbers to market and publicise themselves. When Chulet returned to India, he witnessed a boom in the print industry. He exploited that and brought classifieds online — this is another motivational aspect — that is, one must strike the iron when it is hot. JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 73 ALOT OF INSPIRATION... Pranay Chulet, the CEO and founder of Quikr, says, "It was a revolution waiting to happen”. Almost anyone can post an ad at Quikr, and start receiving interested buyers almost immediate from With such a simple user-interface and marketing strategy, Quikr gets more than 3 crore Indian visitors every month on the portal. A large majority of Indian buyers did not believe in online shopping at that time. So, they started promoting the portal through Google ads and other ways of online advertising. By 2011, around 9 million visitors posted their ads on Quikr, and then they started advertising through TV and mass media. While talking to calls their customers, they TRACK —— ANDHRA ——— pedis tines, Email : SOS OHH : 6S do. 80-27-11, Ho Goines SNE, 2.0. edywo FF, wartsroltisto-538 103 Website : always try to get direct feedback, so that they can grow, develop and get better. Medium and high-income people of India like the shopping online. Today, Quikr receives over convenience Quickr provides for 30 million users every month. In fact, almost every Indian has used Quikr at least once to buy something or even post an ad The Indian start-up scene is witnessing a boom, with the number of entrepreneurs in India growing by the day. Gone are the days when people shied away from quitting their jobs to start their own ventures. And although all entrepreneurs, regardless of whether they are established or new, have an equal role in the Indian start-up scene and Pranay Chulet is the true Poster Boy of the Indian Start-up Industry. JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 74 INTRODUCING INDIA'S BEST HERBAL SMOKE FOR YOU F& mM ROYAL SWAG NEW GENERATION SMOKE FOR THE YOUNG GENERATION Coa oil TZ Veo 7a Col CON Ao 100% TOBACCO FREE = 100% NICOTINE FREE Royal Swag is Researched Herbal Smoke ( Best alternative of Tabacco smoke) DEVELOPING THE LEADER ITHIN YOU “ A leader is neither about a title nor about a powerful status; it can emerge from any educational level. Leadership is a complete ART as it handles mostly the invisible. What you see in a leader is only the visible part of the iceberg like knowledge and skills. An iceberg has just one-ninth of its volume above water and the rest remains invisible. This implies that the qualities that most define great leaders lay beneath the surface, and rely on the psychological and physiological factors that determine the invisible components like values,manage- ment styles, traits and others. The aim of this article is not to release a random compilation of qualities and attri- butes as it is already the case in some books and articles. I believe that there is an ORDER to respect as some characteristics remain the pre-requisites for attaining others. We cannot tackle TRUST if the person still has issues about INTEGRITY. We cannot become credible if we are unable to achieve good results even with high level of integrity. Similarly, once we create trust and credibility around us, motivation and confidence will take place naturally, and many other qualities will follow. A great leader should also have the ability to combine between different traits and characteristics: between a privileged status and humility; between power and the ability to delegate; between failure, and the willingness to reframe the problems as opportunities and seek feedback. These combinations are the ones that create sophistication from simplicity. They make from ordinary people remarkable leaders as the efforts require a human touch, adaptation and empathy. YSON } JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 76 Some people are born with these talents: the ability to lead and inspire; others don’t have simply the skills acquired to become a leader or need to work hard to achieve them. Fortunately, everyone can be a leader, but not everyone can be a GREAT leader. Whether we are talking about a president or a leader of a small organization, the characteristics required should be similar in both cases. So, what are the main invisible attributes that can transform an ordinary person into a distinguished leader? What should we strive to embrace to become a leader and how? What is the set of qualities do you see in yourself as a leader? 11 QUALITIES TO CONSIDER: Integrity This is the basis of credibility and trust to become a great leader. Integrity is far limited to honesty. It is the coherence between what we say and what we do, It's the courage to be lined up with our own values and acts. Integrity is an invisible quality of a great leader but can often lead to visible results reflected in the credibility and trust of others. With a high level of integrity, you become credible when others believe in your abilities to deliver good results at work; and you attain trust when you are reliable. When these qualities are gained, others can take place easily and follow. Hence, the rise of standards become logical, and trust is installed systematically. Can we raise our standards when we lack strong values and trust? Can we achieve credibility when we are unable to reach our goals and objectives at work? “Integrity simply means a willingness not to violate one’s identity -Erich Fromm Trust Trust can be taught and nurtured contrary to what is said and thought. Trust as defined by Jack Welch, ex-GM of general electric, “you will recognize it when you will be able to feel it”. Trust can be tangible and measured. Stephen Covey in his book, The Power of Trust, explains deeply his thinking model: trust can affect speed and cost. The more trustworthy we are at work, the more speed we get in achieving our goals, with less cost. A lack of trust at the airports, for instance, can hinder the speed of getting passengers on time, and obviously the cost increase because of the security regulations. Ast is important to be trustworthy at work, one has to trust also the team and people around because a lack of trust can be costly! When trust is attained, respect is earned and loyalty is returned. Self-Motivation Once credibility and trust are reached, motivation can raise and prosper. Can you feel motivated in an environment where you don’t feel trusted? Have you ever questioned your integrity when faced with a lack of motivation? Self-motivation is simply the willingness to do things better and go beyond limits to keep moving forward. Being self-motivated involves a set of definite characteristics and behaviours like passion, perseverance, and the courage to instal and respect small daily habits that will enable you to achieve them, however, the circumstances. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going” - Jim Rohn JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 77 Optimism & Positivity Embracing positive attitude is coincidence as it has some foundations like the pyramid of Maslow. A positive attitude is not derived only from external factors but stems from the love and the self-esteem we have for ourselves. Obviously, this is earned when we are respected and trusted; when we are empowered and self-satisfied for our achievements. Can we expect a positive attitude when someone feels guilty for violating the ethical and moral codes or cheating? not a Another point may hinder people from being optimistic and positive is related to their past failures and experiences. The past should serve us as a reminder of our mistakes, and not define us for the future; the best learning’s come often from the failures of the past. A positive attitude can change everything. The more positive we are, the more likely to attract positive outcomes. But success without integrity is a failure. Emotional intelligence I believe at this stage, to keep evolving in personal or career journey, one has to follow up with a complete self-assessment. It is crucial as it allows us to reach, on one hand, self-awareness and self-regulation of our emotions and thoughts, on another hand, develop empathy and social skills to facilitate inter nm and communication with others. “Life does not get better by chance. it gets better by change’ -Jim Rohn Self-improvement Self-assessment is not enough until we move to action and search for self-improvement; any revival starts from an understanding of our strengths and shadows. Self-improvement has never been one-shot action, but a constant process. But first, to revamp your self-worth, you need to be self-motivated and embrace discipline, and a positive attitude. “If you want to have more, you have to become more. For things to change, you ‘e to change. For things to get better, you have to become better. If you improve, everything will improve for you” Qu -Jim Rohn Discipline Self-discipline is the fuel that will keep you moving towards your goal and achieve self-improvement. It implies hard work and patience; it also involves focus, perseverance and positive attitude. “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, —_ dedication, self-discipline, and effort. Jesse Owens Creativity Creativity or Innovation is not only coming up with new ideas, and products. It’s also our ability to handle challenges and conflicts differently from the others following our intuitions and wisdom. Creativity enables us to find creative solutions when faced with obstacles and never quit. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy” -Martin Luther King Communication Communication is not merely about a good content. It is more about the confidence we have in our abilities to speak in public and DARE to share our ideas and thoughts with the others. But to be a great communicator, JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 78 you need to be reliable and credible; you need to be clear and definite about your VISION. “When you develop the skill of communication, you will boost your value by fifty percent” Warren Buffet Assertiveness Assertiveness a big topic that can discussed in a whole presentation. It is the result of all what has been acquired as qualities and traits. “Assertiveness expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence so that people take notice” Oxford advanced __ learners dictionary. Assertiveness is not only the ability to opinions, and beliefs in an honest way but to disagree with the others respectfully without violating their rights. Being assertive is to be able to adapt to different social changes, confident about handling conflicts, all in a positive and optimistic manner. Mostly, being assertive is the courage to express what we see, feel, and desire without harming the others. is is communicate our values, ‘The only healthy communication style is the assertive communication’ -Jim Rhon Humility Humility, as other qualities, encompasses a variety of other characteristics. When you are humble, you are more likely to delegate, trust, and empower others so that you can help them achieve their own goals. Humbleness allows you to be accountable, avoid blaming others, and seek feedback for better serving your team and customers. But greatness is achieved when it relies on humility that is diserete and invisible. To acquire these qua uu need courage, hard work, and perseverance. But the fastest way to develop the leader within you is to be simply human, keep the faith, and hold a great vision. ities, y HANANE ANOUA A passionate, multicultural mindset Marketing Manager from Morocco, always eager to go beyond boundaries and job descriptions to lead and inspire with a close eye on details. Dedication, integrity and continuous improvement are her approach to succeed in any role. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Ld ES SCR) Ts Co-Founder, Cy 017 HelloBiz. | 79 Entrepreneurship is all of a sudden in the air, Graduates and Dropouts are completely excited and are running like crazy after their start-up ideas which they think can make them the next billionaire just the way Mark Zuckerberg is. On top of it, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists are reacting in a positive way to these Generation Y Entrepreneurs. As a Marketing Consultant, I personally believe that what idea you have is not that important, but how you implement is of utmost importance. Above it, how much is the entrepreneur emotionally connected with the problem he is going to solve via his start-up. The emotional connect is what will keep them connected to the problem solving in the hard day which they are bound to see. Lalso keep wondering that how many of them will become the coveted brands of the future. In my entire career span of 14 years in Marketing and Branding, I have found very few brands that are remarkable. Fortunately for us, those who are leave clues as to how they mastered a level of success most brands only dream about. I've noticed several recurring traits in these brands that are truly remarkable. Let's see them in detail... 1. Competitiveness For a brand to truly succeed it needs to be as Aare TRAITS OF A SUCCESSFUL BRAND competitive as possible. This includes having an entire team working behind a brand, from the most basic administrative assistants to those in a higher power position. There is no use in sitting back and hoping for the best; a successful brand goes above and beyond consumer expectations to remain on the cutting edge of its industry. 2, Uniqueness To have a memorable brand identity you need to be distinctive. Some of the world’s most popular brands, such as Apple, Starbucks and Domino's Pizza, successfully achieved this. For Apple is widely known for its minimalist approach to design and technology as well as its innovative products. Starbucks is known for its high-quality goods and services that have instance, are consistent across every store worldwide. Giving your customers a specific reason to use your services will without doubt keep them returning to your brand, time and time again. 3. Passion Though it’s possible to build a brand on a short-term basis without passion, maintaining the success of that brand over JULY 2017 HelloBtz. | 80 the long term is incredibly difficult without passion. Some of the world’s most successful people, such as Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, did not or have not succeeded without passion. Passion is the force that drives us even through the most challenging of moments, propelling us to work harder than everyone else to continually deliver greatness. If you possess a genuine passion for your brand, that passion will rub off on your customers who will feel just as enthusiastic and excited about your products or services as you are. 4. Consistency With all of the above being said, it is still important to be consistent in everything you do as a brand. Consistency is the blood that runs through your brand, differentiating it from the competition and enabling it to remain in the memories of your consumers for longer. It also brings familiarity to your brand, which automatically leads to loyalty. Provided you consistently deliver high-quality goods and services, you can expect your customers to return back to your business in future. 5. Leadership The world’s greatest brands are supported by influential leaders who continually aspire for greatness. Whether that involves a sports team, a large corporation or a small business, the most successful of these will have an influential leader backing them. When you think of Apple you immediately think of Steve Jobs, who was an extraordinary leader who taught us all many valuable lessons about strength and leadership. As a business owner, you need to live and breathe your brand in order to inspire both your workforce and your clientele to possess the same enthusiasm and passion for your brand. This in turn, will lead everyone associated with your brand to feel deeply affiliated with it as your passion for what you do truly shines through 6. Exposure Another important characteristic of a successful brand is exposure. Well-known sports brand, Puma, combines numerous marketing channels to reach out to its target audience, including video, social media and experiential marketing to truly immerse its customers into the brand Although you may not have a budget as vast as Puma’s, thanks to the internet it has never been easier to increase exposure of your business, By developing a presence on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and reaching out to customers through multiple channels, you have a better chance than ever to reach consumers and establish your brand on a global scale. 7. Audience Knowledge Last but not least, you cannot achieve any of the above without having a thorough Knowledge of your target audience. You can easily do this by performing in-depth research about the demographics of your target audience This not only improves the quality of your content but also helps you to communicate with your audience in a way that directly appeals to them, which in turn encourages you to create a strong, human connection between your business and your target audience. Successful brands adopt the above-mentioned practices to better themselves and refine their image, which in turn inspires people to buy into their brands. How does your brand measure up? JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 81 MOMOZA Serving piping hot momos Expand your Product Line with Momoza at No Cost. The Food Doofs invites you to set up Momo Franchisee in your existing set up! Momoza franchise is available as shop-in-shop {including machine, supplies and advertising) and to those who have a Restaurant/ Cafe/ Canteen/ Food Outlet in high footfall areas. Why Momoza Shop-in-shop? ~ Use your existing set up itself. ~ We do complete set up for Free. ¥ No additional capital. ~ Zero Deposit. v Earn high Profit in short span of time. Training & Marketing 4 Support provided. Join Hands with Mumbai's Emerging Momos Brand! . Call: +91 8879108928 ° S\ cororate Office: A-4, Ground & First Floor, . Satyashri, B Cabin, Thane (West) 400602 WhatApp: +91 8976271999 Website: Web Hosting is the foundation of a web site that leads to run it properly. Web Hosting plays each and every role from data storage to serve that data to you and your website visitors, That’s what we are going to discuss today in detail, in this article, that how web hosting plays an important role in the success of online business websites. Before it, let’s discuss in brief why business websites are built? To gain as many visitors as they can.... Not just to gain much visitors but also to engage them with the business That's why if we broadly see web hosting comes to play two major roles here. One is to handle a lot of visitors. Not every web hosting is able to handle a high amount of traffics of a business website. There are some special virtual dedicated and dedicated servers that can help in managing high traffic business websites. On the other hand, visitors will only engage with your site if they find everything on the website for looking to what, they came to your business website. That means the website should be quite fast on every single task that is performed related to it. Here Speed matters the most. The loading site of the website's main page and sub-pages or anything present else on the website matters a lot. That again directly depends on the web hosting. If the web hosting had enough specifications, it would be able to run and manage that business website otherwise, that business owner will not be an able to engage the visitors in his business. So, up to this, we have one thing very much cleared, that web hosting plays very important role in running an online business website but how in the success? That's what we are going to learn now. IMPORTANCE OF WEB HOSTING IN SUCCESS OF ONLINE BUSINESS WEBSITES Things to Consider that Proves Web Hosting Leads to Success of a Business Website Here below, we've listed down some of the things that you can consider while saying that web hosting leads to the success of a business website or in other words, these are those things that can help us to explain how web hosting plays a role in the success of online business websites. 1. Ensures the Speed of Site ‘The very this in the business scenarios is speed. Everyone wants to get their work done on time. That’s why it’s an important factor to consider while running business websites successfully. Speed, not just for business websites but for any kind of website directly depends on the server response time. As soon as your web hosting server will respond, faster your website will be served to your visitor. Thus, the chances of conversions will be more if you are having JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 83 good web hosting that provides great speed access to their servers. Web Hosting should keep on this speed every time as it’s important for the success. 2. Ensures the Site Availability Not all of the web hosting companies guarantees full up times of the website. But having a business website means you should not have any downtime in running you site, but if you have, you will surely have lots of loss in your business. That's why assurance of site availability all the time by the web hosting company is very important. With growing terms, the number of visitors in a small unit of time will be increasing day by day. And the website leads to success if it remains accessible all the time, even when it’s in a huge growth period. 3. Ensures Adjustment with Growing Needs As the number of visitors will be growing, every website master has to make some essential changes with their websites, especially in business websites, to keep on their website and business growing simultaneously. That’s why the web hosting should be able to adjust itself according to the growing needs of the website automatically or should be at least such that the site managers can make sufficient changes to run the site properly without having any negative effect. 4. Ensures while troubles Every website face issues time to time. And it’s a combined job of the business website manager as well as the web host to face and solve those issues. That’s why the web hosting should be able to support us while we have issues with our websites. The Web hosting company should be offering full and Support having any time support. As if a growing website that is just going to get success doesn’t get support at the right time then it may lead to a loss of so many new conversions. All best web hosting India service provider clearly focus on the good support system to the clients. 5. Ensures Flexibility Here by Flexibility, we mean we can have each and everything on our website without having any interruption by our web hosting. Many times web hosting don’t allow us to do what we actually want to have with our business website. For example, we are unable to run some important applications on our web host. That's why the web hosting should be completely flexible so that the website managers would have the liberty to have any application for their business websites. Conclusion All of the above-described factors are the factors that matter and plays various roles on behalf of the web hosting in the success of online business websites. Success is possible when we are able to manage our business website in the growth period of the website If we passed this stage, it would be easy for us to take further actions that can help us to stable and maintain the success of our business website Web Hosting Companies in India Y Bigrock ¥ Ipage Y Godaddy ¥ JustHost Y HostGator Y Net4India Y Bluehost ¥ IndiaLink ¥ Hosting Raja Y DreamHost Source: JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 84 THE ONE THING SUCCESSFUL EOPLE NEVER DO Suecess comes in all shapes and colours, You can be successful in your job and career but you can equally be successful in your marriage, at sports or a hobby. Whatever success you are after there is one thing all radically successful people have in common: Their ferocious drive and hunger for success makes them never give up. Successful people (or the people talking or writing about them) often paint a picture of the perfect ascent to success. In fact, some of the successful people in business, entertainment and sport have failed. Many most have failed numerous times but they have never given up. Successful people are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on trying. I have collected some examples that should be an inspiration to anyone who aspires to be successful. They show that if you want to succeed you should expect failure along the way. I actually believe that failure can spur you on and make you try even harder. You could argue that every experience of failure increases the hunger for success. The truly successful won't be beaten, they take responsibility for failure, learn from it and start all over from a stronger position. Lets Look at some examples Henry Ford — the pioneer of modern business entrepreneurs and the founder of the Ford Motor Company failed a number of times on his route to success. His first venture to build a motor car got dissolved a year and a half after it was started because the stockholders lost confidence in Henry Ford. Ford was able to gather enough capital to start again but a year later pressure from the financiers forced him out of the company again. Despite the fact that the entire motor industry had lost faith in him he managed to find another investor to start the Ford Motor Company — and the rest is history. Walt Disney — one of the greatest business leaders who created the global Disney Empire of film studios, theme parks and consumer products didn’t start off. successful. Before the great success came a number of failures. Believe it or not, Walt was fired from an early job at the Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was not creative enough! In 1922 he started his first company called Laugh-O-Gram. The Kan: based business would produce cartoons and short advertising films. In 1923, the business went bankrupt. is JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 85 Walt didn’t give up; he packed up, went to Hollywood and started The Walt Disney Company. Richard Branson ~ He is undoubtedly a successful entrepreneur with — many successful ventures to his name including Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Music and Virgin Active. However, when he was 16 he dropped out of school to start a student magazine that. didn’t do as well as he hoped. He then set up a mail-order record business which did so well that he opened his own record shop called Virgin. Along the way to success came many other failed ventures including Virgin Cola, Virgin Vodka, Virgin Clothes, Virgin Vie, Virgin cards, ete. Oprah Winfrey - Who ranks No 1 in the Forbes celebrity list and is recognised as the queen of entertainment based on an amazing career as iconic talk show host, media proprietor, actress and producer. In her earlier career she had numerous set-backs, which included getting fired from her job as a reporter because she was ‘unfit for television’, getting fired as co-anchor for the 6 O'clock weekday news on WJZ-TV and being demoted to morning TV. J.K, Rowling ~ Who wrote the Harry Potter books selling over 400 million copies and making it one of the most successful and lucrative book and film series ever, However, like so many writers she received endless rejections from publishers. Many rejected her manuscript outright for reasons like ‘it was far too long for a children’s book’ or because ‘children books never make any money’. J.K. Rowling’s story is even more inspiring because when she started she was a divorced single mum on welfare. Bill Gates - Co-founder and chairman of Microsoft set up a business called Traf-O-Data. The partnership between him, Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert was based on a good idea (to read data from roadway traffic counters and create automated reports on traffic flows) but a flawed business model that left the company with few customers. The company ran up losses between 1974 and 1980 before it was closed. However, Bill Gates and Paul Allen took what they learned and avoided those mistakes when they created the Microsoft empire. History is littered with many more similar examples: *Milton Hershey failed in his first two attempts to set up a confectionery business. +H.J. Heinz set up a company that produced horseradish, which went bankrupt shortly after. Steve Jobs got fired from Apple, the company he founded. Only to return a few years later to turn it into one of the most successful companies ever. So, the one thing successful people never do is: Give up! I hope that this is inspiration and motivation for everyone who aspires to be successful in whatever way they chose. Do you agree or disagree with me? Are there other things you would add to the list of things successful people never do? Akshara Seth Akshara is currently Chief Operating Officer at HR POWER HOUSE assisting Educational Institutions and Corporates for all Human resource needs. She loves travelling & treasures helping people in making people live their lives happily and productively. She regularly writes on Positive Psychology, Leadership ete. JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 86 CREATIVE BLAZERS Customised blazers made with branded fabric at reasonable rates. Wide Experience and Expertise in supplying Blazers and Uniforms for School/ Colleges and Corporates. ‘APP’SOLUTELY NECESSARY Business people assume a fundamental part in market economies. Being a business person is an extremely remunerating. If you are an entrepreneur or planning to become one, you may have probably realised that you're actually getting to live the dream. You are or will work for yourself. You will set your work routines. You will claim your prosperity and will take advantage of your particular time as opposed to letting another person do it for their own particular benefit Each business visionary goes over a few difficulties en route, the vast majority of which had to do with organising, scheduling, managing time and other issues related to running your day-to-day tasks. In the course of recent years, the propinquity of some surprisingly useful and versatile mobile applications has made the lives of, entrepreneurs less demanding as compared to the older times. You'll be flabbergasted to recognize that whether you have a tech concern or a business worry, there's presumably an existing application that can help you to out of that situation. Apps are a great way for every business owner to stay organized and on top of their everyday business exercises. ce EVERNOTE Evernote is enormously prominent. there’s a decent shot you as of now utilize its application in some frame. Still, I'd be delinquent in the event that I didn’t specify it, as it stays one of the best instruments I’ve ever utilized for arranging ~— my considerations, bits of knowledge and arrangements. Showing either as a desktop instrument or a portable application, Evernote is the ideal note-taking framework, With an assortment of devices that perform looks, make schedules and synchronize your gadgets, you can in a split second transform any meeting into an in a split second sorted out the heap of just the most vital takeaways. and JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 88 pocket How many times have you run across something interesting, but you didn’t have the time to read it right away? Pocket makes it easy to save videos, articles, and whatever else you find online so that you can peruse them later. When you're tired of social networking but still want to wind down at night with something interesting, Pocket might be your best friend. Even better, you don’t need an Internet connection to view what you've saved. Pocket is simple to use, and best of all, it’s free. 3 Dropbox Digital files, if stored in hard drives, are vulnerable. And we are not talking about their exposure to online security threats. Hardware can be stolen or damaged. The result is not pretty. Stored data can be lost, and for an entrepreneur like yourself, this can cost you. This is why most start-up owners and their staff rely on cloud based platforms to share digital photos, documents and videos over the cloud, The best amongst them is Drop box, a mobile and desktop based application. The app gives you access to a free cloud sharing service which makes project collaboration a breeze. A tool that enables document sharing on the cloud is a pretty great option for a start-up that is connected to a network. While a launcher may seem like an unlikely app for this list, entrepreneurs always need to save as much time as possible on the little things to focus on the big picture. The most-used apps are at the top so you will shave seconds off your daily schedule, making for a more productive afternoon. It would enable you to access and launch apps faster without wasting your time searching for it on the App drawer. => audible~ Entrepreneurs are always on the hunt for new ideas. Ever wonder where do they get their ideas from? Surely, they are not born with them, A well read entrepreneur is usually a powerhouse of ideas and thoughts Audible is the best app for those who find it difficult to manage time for reading books. This Smartphone app allows you to listen to books without the need to actually focus on reading while you are out travelling or just doing chores. wave cecountingr Wave is a free, cloud-based accounting app to help track income and spending specifically designed with entrepreneurs and freelancers in mind. You can manage payroll, invoicing, and payments, as well as create business reports and scan receipts for your records easily. Their website states that using Wave eliminates manual data entry and alleviates worries of missing transactions. It makes you ready for tax time without stress. 6 grammarly Let’s face it—typos and grammatical errors are unbecoming, even for irreverent tech startup founders. Grammarly is an web-based proofreading tool for ensuring that a document’s grammar, spelling, and punctuation are up to snuff. The tool also features a nifty plagiarism detector for identifying text “borrowed” from other websites. JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 89 € MailChimp This email marketing tool helps you build and manage your mailing lists, and easily create and send newsletters. You can also build and customize email templates and view performance reports about your emails. This information can help you send your customers more relevant ~—_ emails. MailChimp’s pricing depends on the number of subscribers you have. It's free to send up to 12,000 emails per month if you have up to 2,000 subscribers. W Potaris oFFice Polaris Office is a reliable alternative to Apple's iWork that lets you edit, create and sync Microsoft Office files from anywhere on your phone or device. The basic version is free, while the smart version costs $3.99 per month and the pro version costs $5.99 per month. ‘The latest version of the app received a rating of four out of five stars on Google Play and was named 2015's best app by the site. Piel uite Kol Zomato, the ultimate restaurant, bar and food finder is for those busy entrepreneurs who didn’t pack a lunch for the day or can’t figure what restaurant to hold the client meeting at or need to check how expensive the cocktails are going to be at the decided venue of the client meeting. The Zomato app not only offers you a list of places to order from but also the updated menu, pictures and customer reviews of the place, all on the go! ‘These applications won't transform a tumble into a million-dollar thought, nor will they ever completely computerize your employ- ment, however they ought to, in any event, help you remain sorted out, spare you time and inerement the effectiveness of your ordinary work. With those changes set up, you ought to end up with fewer slip-ups, fewer stresses, and significantly additional time staring you in the face ’ WHY YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS NEEDS A VIDEO sates = a 2019 Videos can increase 0, i “A 80% | reeves OF INTERNET TRAFFIC moretime on: ‘tes with video content 80% CONVERSION INCREASE BY THE INCLUSION ‘OF A VIDEO ON LANDING PAGE 20% of intern entire text 80% fineness repent ae sanian nine AD JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 90 With over a billion of active users and 30 billion messages sent daily worldwide, WhatsApp is reportedly the fastest-growing communication app to the date. Almost everyone has it on their phone and knows how to use it, so your clients will not need to download anything. It is also simple and intuitive, has a clear interface with no superfluous details, so people do not have to learn anything new. All you have to do in order to reach this broad audience is register a number (better make it different from the one you have for personal usage), upload a recognizable profile picture related to your brand and you are good to go. If you run a small to medium business, here are the six key reasons why you should start using WhatsApp to promote it 1. WHATSAPP IS A TOOL FOR INTERACTION WhatsApp should only be used as a tool for quickly interacting with known persons. For 6 TIPS TO USE WHATSAPP AS A MARKETING ute) example, if you own a furniture shop, you should use WhatsApp to send pictures of new inventory items to existing clients. This type of interaction should be one to one because your client may not want to become a part of, say, a WhatsApp group of your existing clients because he has no reason to interact with your other clients. 2. BUILD AN INTERACTIVE COMMUNITY OF LIKEMINDED PEOPLE: Cease the initiative. Go around the neighbourhood and create WhatsApp groups of residents, Since there is an upper limit of 50 residents, you may need to make more groups, Once enough activity on the groups has begun, do some marketing occasionally by sending a message. Do not send a graphic or a video which is unaccompanied by a message also. 3. WHATSAPP AS A TOOL TO ORGANIZE: Today, WhatsApp is one of the best tools to organize people for a cause or an event Supporters of the BJP used WhatsApp brilliantly to organize themselves in various JULY 2017 HelloBtz | 91 constituencies. So the next time you're doing eine ied an event, do send an invitation to all your groups. 4. DO NOT SEND UNSOLICITED MESSAGES re eh TO RANDOM PEOPLE ON WHATSAPP. = Ltt Personally, I have never entertained even ea one message which I received from some unknown number. (They were generally related to some awesome spa facility). If T didn’t block these numbers, I simply ignored them. Perera Se naa 5. CHANGE YOUR DISPLAY PICTURE TO YOUR PRODUCT. And change your WhatsApp status to either your website or an obviously marketing status. For example: “Contact me if you're Messages on IM services looking to buy quality furniture” See el ac Pee eae nus 6. OPTIMIZE THE CONTENT YOU CREATE eer FOR WHATSAPP. or eee os he «aol = Dee ee eat Make sure if you're sharing a video on B peat etd WhatsApp , it’s small in size so that more coopers people are able to download it. Remember: ne (w People would rather watch a short video on - or WhatsApp than they would a large video shared on WhatsApp from YouTube. oe peepee Source- f CO aang : $19 Billion earn ta sic Tai o = ers 9 Je soe senton WoL care poem Sea ee 2017 ee This What Happens Ina Internet Minute eee JULY 2017 HelloBtz | 92 MY FAMILY, MY RESPONSIBILITY “PLAN AND SECURE YOUR LOVED ONES’ FUTURE TODAY WITH LIC" A Plan for Every Age... A Scheme for Every Family... A Plan for Every Need... VARIOUS PLANS AVAILABLE LIKE:- ¥ Endowment Plans ¥ Term Plans ¥ Child Benefit Plans ¥ Single Premium Plans v Retirement Plans ¥ Pension Plans ¥ Money Back Plans AND Many More... AREA COVERED: Mumbai (Central / Western / Harbour) | Thane Dist. Karjat / Kasara | Panvel | Dahanu ard sites dar Fra LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA FOR MORE DEAILS Contact: Flora Rao (Authorised LIC Agent) Mumbai 9987434023 ee, A simple question, what is a website? In its bear form, a website is a single domain that consists of different web pages. We should all know that by now, but surprisingly what we do not all know is the benefits a website can provide for your business and it's shocking to witness how many businesses don't actually have a website or online presence. If you have a business and do not have a website you are losing out on great opportunities for your business. a website itself can be used to accomplish many different marketing strategies to help your business grow. As a business owner, you need to know where your consumers are but what if consumers know your business and what you can offer but they cannot reach you. That is one of the risks you take by not having a website for your business. What are some other benefits of having a business website? 1. Cost effective You know exactly how much your website is going to cost you and its maintenance. a brick and mortar store, on the other hand, is susceptible to many out of the ordinary occurrences which could blow out the costs such as leaving the lights on, theft damage, extra staff etc. a strategically developed online presence solution provides tremendous benefits and costing outlines to accessible around-the-clock. website and 2, 2dx7x365 Your website and social media accounts are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Imagine that you want to buy from a store. You put in all the effort required to go to the store, but when you get there it's closed. We all know how irritated we feel in that situation. You will think twice about going back, given the bad taste its left. You will just find another store that is more easily accessible. Since your website is operational around the clock for the convenience of the local coffee shop, their couch or their bed your customers and clients can easily access your website and services 3. Convenient What is more convenient? Driving outside to look for different stores that are available to shop in or sitting in the comfort of your own home and shopping for the products you are looking for. Pretty obvious answer, unless you like aimlessly driving around. Smart businesses realize this and thus have their own website housing their products and services so that potential customers can browse online for the products they want to purchase. 4. Credibility By building a website you are giving your business the opportunity to tell consumers why they should trust you, the testimonials and facts to back up those opportunities. Believe it or not, most people will search the JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 94 internet for a product or service before the purchase to check the credibility first. When you provide good service or product positive word-of-mouth about your business is likely to spread which in turn delivers more repeating new business. People tend to trust a business after they have done business with it using your website you can continuously serve consumers online and increase your credibility is a business owner. 5. Sales Without sales or selling more than you spend your business is doomed. By having an online presence you allow for the sale of your products or services around the clock to whoever, whenever with no or hardly any limitations, unless you run out of stock or overworked. But that's a good problem to have, right? Giving your business the online presence it deserves is crucial to your brand and accountants smile. In short being visible worldwide means, you are very likely to gain more customers. The more customers and visitors you have the more sales you will generate. The more sales you generate the happy you and your shareholders will be. 6. Marketing Having a website and online presence strategy allows you to market your business online. There are lots of marketing strategies you can use to advertise and market your business. All online marketing strategies have been proven to be effective. Which ones you choose depends on the type of business you are in. To sum up, big impact doesn't have to mean big budget when it comes to the web. It's all about being relevant, consistent and accessible online. It is imperative for every business to have a website. The more professional your website is the more advantages you can gain. Remember, a professional image online can be the first exposure a customer will have of you, and will absolutely separate you from your competition. According to a study, 46.1% of people judge a company’s credibility by their website. {outst ion fipdmnarguoage Wh i masa Su beseech wn Fast mimi cite Nesrtonsrunnt cg Wt i mean Sopeeonies hea gap peas utopian Ua hi mane gees Redes tiaras 4 Ul i ean eal nga atte ‘mbit arma ovat, JULY 2017 HelloBiz | 95

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