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“Family supports family.

With close reference to the text, describe how this is portrayed by one of the characters
and explain how this quality would benefit you.

Sample Answer :

Based on the novel that I have studied which is Captain Nobody by Dean
Pitchford, the main character which is Newton Newman had gone through many
obstacles and challenges to be noticed by people around him. Throughout this whole
novel, the character who was portrayed to support his family is Newt.

One of the evidences that proved this was that Newt cooked breakfast for his
family every morning. This was supposed to be his mother‟s duty but she was easily
distracted and once even put turkey with the bowl of milk. Since then, Newt had taken
over the responsibility of making breakfast for the family. This shows that he is
supportive towards his family. In my opinion, Newt is an exemplary member of a
family because for a ten year old, he knew just what it takes to help ease his
family’s burden.

Secondly, Newt helped cheer his mum up when she was down about
Chris’ condition. He tried to be funny by wearing his brother‟s clothes which were too
big for him.

But when he wanted to show it, his mum already left the house which made him a bit
disappointed because he wanted to see his mother‟s smile but didn‟t get the chance to
see it.If I were him, I would definitely do the same thing just to see my family
happy - even if it means that I do silly things like Newt.

Lastly, he took care of himself without his parents being around so that he
would add to the burden of both of his parents when Chris was in coma. This shows that
it needs understanding between the family members to keep the family together. In my
opinion, for a ten year old boy, he is really matured, which indicates that he
would be a great and supportive leader for his family in the future.

In a nutshell, it is important for us to support our family members despite whatever

challenges that may have come. Being a family means that you are guaranteed to have
people supporting you from the back and cheering you on. In order to have this kind of
family relationship, we need to start supporting our family just like what Newt did.

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